5 Minute Fridays/ Spiritual

Trust & A Health Update


Participating in  5 Minute Fridays. 5 minutes to write about one word. Unedited.
This week’s word: TRUST

My last health update was last May, and I was in searching for answers for an extreme nausea that I had been experiencing for weeks.

20 pounds lost, watching the scale go down brought on such fear and anxiety.

A summer full of tests & more tests, still no answers.

No sign of cancer brought some relief to my fear, but unknowns still abound–yet I will trust.

I went off cancer meds, thinking they were the culprit, but they were not.  Adjusting to going off of them & then back on was — an adjustment. Chemical menopause, then not paused, then chemical menopause once again brought more than pause, it stopped me in my tracks.  There were many days of crying out to God in despair.  I wanted answers. I wanted normal. I wanted to be able to feel well again & write well again, instead of forcing yet another recipe post.

I am feeling better and finding my normal.  Anti-anxiety medication seems to be the answer I needed to bring back normal, for cancer meds don’t just steal my hormones but what seemed to be the whole of who I am.

The nausea still lingers in the mornings, but yet another medication has taken the severity of it away and I am able to eat again and my weight has stabilized. I am so. very. thankful.  A bit of weight has been gained, & so has my trust.

God was near this past year. I have been running hard to Him in the hard moments, for hard moments turn to precious in His presence. It is in these hard life moments when desperation gives no choice but search His words for help and hope, & He is always there, saying “Trust.”



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  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2015 at 11:34 am

    Hello Amy,
    God has led me to your blog! I am also a surviving breast cancer patient. It has been three years for me now, and I have made the personal decision to go off the tamoxifen because of side effects that just became too much for me to deal with. I had such fatigue and body aches, it was almost impossible to function.
    I was searching my kindle, and happened upon your blog. A gift from God to know none of us chose this journey, but SO good to know we’re not alone!
    I will be following your blog mostly looking to eat healthy and live a clean lifestyle. Putting faith in God to keep me cancer free! SO happy to have found you 🙂

  • Karen M.
    October 12, 2015 at 1:39 pm

    Dear Amy, We don’t know each other… and how did I find you? I can’t recall and it was only a few minutes ago… mason jars? Oh no, wait… of course… it was The Lord. Ever faithful, ever present, ever loving. Beautiful Jesus. He directed me straight to your page. I watched your lovely and loving video and saw myself in a lot of it. I am a Stage 2 breast cancer survivor, having had 2 surgeries, chemo, and radiation as well. It’s all still very fresh and very familiar, but I wanted to encourage you as you have encouraged me. God is with you. This is all a part of your testimony which is still being written. My desire through my journey – and still today and every day – is to honor and glorify my Lord and Savior with every word, thought, and action. Of course there were hard days, that goes without saying. But there were some beautiful days too. Never once did I blame Him for the cancer, but I never actually thanked Him, either – that just seemed too far beyond me. BUT… He is so faithful. I have prayed for you – I laid my hand on your picture and prayed for you – it’s Biblical laying on of hands. God bless.

    • AmyNewNostalgia
      October 16, 2015 at 9:21 am

      That you would lay your hands and pray for me–made my heart soar. I’m sorry we have this cancer thing in common. It is no longer fresh with me, but the ongoing treatment meds keep it a daily part of my life. God is teaching me how to accept this and just trust Him in it fully. So many layers of trust there are to learn, but He is so sweet to keep gently showing me who He is in the midst of it. He also gives me great words of truth & encouragement from people like you! Cheers to the journey to “honor and glorify my Lord and Savior with every word, thought and action.” Love that!

  • Marianne
    October 10, 2015 at 11:30 am

    Praying for you this morning as I read this blog post! God is faithful!

    • AmyNewNostalgia
      October 16, 2015 at 9:22 am

      Thank you Marianne! He really is so faithful, and has been through the years. What would we do without Him?

  • Earlene
    October 10, 2015 at 7:22 am

    I’ve been praying for you most of the summer,just little prayers, whenever you popped into my head! Trust is good and hard to do sometimes! Blessings!!!

    • AmyNewNostalgia
      October 16, 2015 at 9:23 am

      Hi Earlene,
      Yes, trust is hard at times. But then, reminders of how faithful God has been to me in the past and how do I not submit to such a good God? Thank you for recognizing the hardship of trust. Thank you for your prayers for me!

  • kelly greer
    October 9, 2015 at 7:14 pm

    Amy you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. You have really been through it. I start the anti hormone blockers tommorrow. I am hoping the side affects are not bothersome. You are strong girl.

    • AmyNewNostalgia
      October 16, 2015 at 9:24 am

      I will be thinking and praying for you too, as you start the hormone blockers. Be encouraged that I know many women who sail right through that phase of treatment. Keep in touch Kelly!

  • Frances
    October 9, 2015 at 2:23 pm

    Wow. Glad you’ve found some relief. Hope fall is a more settled season for you!

    • AmyNewNostalgia
      October 16, 2015 at 9:25 am

      HI Frances! Thanks for your presence here and your sweet words. I am already feeling more settled this fall, so I am very hopeful. <3 to you.
