Thank you Facebook Marketplace for sponsoring this post. There’s something for everyone!
I have a fun new hobby of turning another’s used into something NEW thanks to Facebook Marketplace. I wanted to create hygge in my sunroom now that the weather is finally nice!
Just last week, my sunroom was full of broken down cardboard boxes that were needing to go to recycling and was quickly becoming overloaded with stuff. It is the first greeting for my guest when they visit, so this was not ok. It needed a little TLC, but I needed to keep it simple and inexpensive. This is where Facebook Marketplace comes in.

Facebook Marketplace has made it so fun and easy to browse and buy items from your local community, and sell any items that are in your home and need a new home. Make money while minimizing and beautifying my home? Yes, please!
It really could not be more simple. If you can take a photo with your phone and know how to send a text message, then you have the skill to use Facebook Marketplace!
Along with a posted photo, add a description of your item, name your price, and wait for messages from people who are interested. I have found some of my most favorite home items locally sourced on Facebook Marketplace.
It is a place to find amazing items to bring beauty into your home. It is a place to post the items you no longer love to make space for the NEW! Yep, I’m all about it.
Used Items to Create Hygge
Here is a secret about me…I really don’t like huge DIY projects. I’m too impatient to get out a bunch of tools and wait for layers upon layers of paint to dry. Plus, I’d have to borrow my in-law’s pickup to transfer anything large, which is simple, but not simple enough for me.
But I what I love, and am pretty good at, is seeing beauty in what someone else might see as used and would want to discard, and knowing how to place it in the right spot, or creatively use in a different way.
I’m also passionate about creating hygge in my home, and often that means getting rid of excess and being purposeful about what brings beauty and a welcoming atmosphere.
While searching Facebook Marketplace, I kept my eye out for things that would beautify my sunroom, fit in my small car, and were practical, but beautiful.
I kept in mind that anything can be updated with a quick layer of spray paint if needed.

Items I Found Recently on Facebook Marketplace:
Plant Stand
I searched Facebook Marketplace for items I can use to update the sunroom. I really wanted a place to display plants in an uncluttered way.
I found the cutest plant stand that was perfect for my needs and met the nicest farmer in a busy grocery store parking lot. He lived close, but outside of the city limits, and was so kind to drive it into town for us (the roads just outside of town had been affected due to the awful flooding here in Nebraska).
I felt safe meeting him. Facebook allows you to see some information on each seller, depending on their privacy settings. I could see that his main image was of his large extended family, and we would be meeting in a public place.
The plant stand fit perfectly in my little hatchback, we said a few cordial sentences to each other, he even lifted it from the back of his truck into the back of my car for me, and we both went on our way.
I had planned on spray painting the plant stand white, but when I saw how the wood looked in our sunroom, I changed my mind!
I love it just the way it is. Isn’t it so cute? It is very practical, too, as I needed something to hold my plants that would not create clutter.
Swivel Stool
This was my second purchase, and when I saw it on Facebook Marketplace, I knew I had to have it!
You would not believe how heavy and well made it is. There is wood on top that is so sturdy, and the bottom leg part is made of a heavy metal…and not the head banging kind. {grin}
It can be used for extra seating, as a side table to set a coaster and a drink on, or as a plant stand.
I paid $20 for it and picked it up in the most beautiful lakeside local neighborhood, which conveniently was right by my in-law’s home where I needed to be that day anyway!

My Favorite Items to Search on Facebook Marketplace
I continued with my online search. I made sure to narrow it down by putting our city in with just a 30-mile radius when searching.
Here are some of my favorite search terms:
- Mirror
- Plants
- Frames
- Side Table
- Planters
- Garden
- Lamps
- Stools
Notice that all of these searches would come up with items small enough to fit in my car. You can extend your search into whatever you are looking for…furniture, art, clothes…there are so many great things!
Facebook Marketplace lets you bookmark the items that catch your eye, and quickly ask the seller if the item is still available with the push of a button, which then starts a conversation in Messenger, if you desire.
I bookmarked some items that I loved and then noticed that 3 of these items were from the same seller! I messaged her right away and she responded stating how convenient it was that I was interested in several of her items.
I was thinking the same thing, that I could pick the items up from one spot. She was moving out of town and had a really great lamp, plants, a side table, and a really cool plant holder. She was very friendly and gave me some great deals on her items.
Here are images of her items:

Side Table
The side table is so fun. I couldn’t decide what to paint it. It would be so cute with the tray white and legs gold, or tray white and legs black, or I could leave the tray wood and just stain it. I really like the weathered look it has, too. So many good options!
This could be in a bedroom next to a bed, or in a living room with a lamp on it. I am using it unconventionally as a plant tray in my sunroom. I think it fits so great in this space.

I ended up just spray painting the legs gold and I am so happy with how it turned out. It took me minutes and transformed the look of it, giving it a bit of a modern edge.

This is another item I was going to spray paint, but then decided not to once I saw it in person. I just LOVE IT. It is much larger than it appeared in her photo, which was a nice surprise. I didn’t pay attention to the measurements she put in her description, but started to pay attention to this while I continued to shop.
This lamp might end up in my bedroom or on a desk, but it sure adds a warming glow to my sunroom in the evening!

2 Plants
I got both a snake plant and a ficus plant from this seller. I am doing my best to take good care of them, as I am sure she didn’t really want to give up such good plants, but needed to due to her move.

Plants bring such life to a space and I just love what a good deal I got on them. The seller also gave me 2 lamp shades to put around plants…how great of a hack is that? Why have I not thought of that? I just think this is a brilliant tip if you don’t have a planter to use.
My Favorite Facebook Marketplace Purchase
The last buyer I contacted was selling a large round mirror. The buyer wanted $35 dollars for this mirror, and I asked if he would take $30 and he said “why not?” 🙂
I noticed the measurements in the description showed that it was a 36-inch mirror. That is a big round mirror! It was a bargain, as round mirrors of this size and quality usually go for over $170.
It was noted in the description that there was a crack in the frame of the mirror, and it showed a close up of the crack in one of the photos. It was small, and I knew I might even be painting it, so a crack really didn’t bother me.
It already looks so high end, but it will be amazing once I decide on whether I’m going to paint it gold or a brass color. It would be great in a shiny white, too! Oh, the decisions…so fun!
This was the BEST purchase. I have yet to paint or hang it but it will go over the dresser in my room and I will use it daily. It will bring my favorite modern shape to our bedroom wall and will almost act as a window, reflecting light. I’m giddy about this purchase…it was a great deal.

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Selling Your Items On Facebook Marketplace
We had a family gathering this past Sunday and I overheard my sister-in-law ask what is the best way to sell an item online. She wanted to sell a child’s table that her youngest has outgrown. Of course, I interjected and said Facebook Marketplace! It really can’t be easier to sell your items and have a local buyer pay you for them! I told her to take a look around Facebook Marketplace as it is not only a convenient way to sell items, but to also discover and buy some, too.
My bestie from California just called me and told me what fun she is having purchasing baby items on Facebook Marketplace for her first grandchild coming soon!
It really is a great way to find treasures that someone just may have been nostalgic about at one time, and make them items that end up meaning something to YOU…you could even call it….NEW NOSTALGIA!