You want to pursue simple, slow, intentional living, but life can be fast-paced and chaotic.
You find yourself a bit nostalgic and wishing for the simplistic living of the good ol’ days, but are confused about where to start, what is best for you, or how to create good habits in this ever-moving, modern-day world.
I understand and can help. I’m a modern-day woman with an old soul, and life has given me many lessons on how to pursue a health-filled, meaningful life in a purposeful way.
I’d like to say these lessons have matured me–like a fine wine–or at least taught me how to stop, sip and savor life moments, even the ‘not-so-fine’ moments that it can bring.
You don’t have to live everyday overwhelmed, unfocused, and juggling all the things.
It is possible to create space for sitting and simply breathing. Even when life is spinning and it seems impossible to slow down, you can embrace a healthy way of thinking and breathe steady, even in the spiral.
You can create habits and systems and focus in and get stuff done, with the intent of being purposeful in this one life we have the privilege of living.
I’m Amy, wife to Todd and mom of three teen girls from the Midwest. I’ve been blogging since 2009 about purposeful and healthful living in every area – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I’m also a 2-time cancer survivor, so my passion for purposeful living comes from the unique perspective and a knowing of what it takes to live while facing mortality.
In 2010, was giving a 50/50 chance of being alive in 10 years. It is no fun living with a statistic hanging over your head, but boy can the realization of how precious life is force one to try to make the most of every moment.
Learning how to live well is a journey, and I still don’t have it figured out as you will see as you read further into New Nostalgia. I strive to write authentically and will share the good and the bad with you.
What I HAVE figured out are many tips, tricks, and tools for pursuing an intentional, meaningful life; and will share what I have learned and what I am learning with you!
My heart’s desire is that you might find something to help you live well, too.
Let’s sip slowly together (whether it is coffee, honey ginger tea or a bit of wine), pursue our best health, and intentionally keep choosing that which brings purpose in this life.
Some examples of what you will find on the blog:
Avocado Pomegranate Egg Muffin
No Bake Clean Eating Peanut Butter Chocolate Crispy Bars
18 Things You Need To Throw Away
Morning Pages – A Journaling Technique Anyone Can Do
How To Declutter When Overwhelmed
Simple Tips, Tricks & Routines for Keeping Your Car Clean
6 Tried & True Beauty Treatments To Do at Home
How To Get Beachy Waves With A Curling Wand
How To Find Relief From Severe Anxiety
My Cancer World and Be The Match
Getting started with the Instant Pot
Why It’s OK To Let Your Teenager Have a Messy Room
My anti-procrastination updates are where I share practical ways I live intentionally. I do not want to procrastinate on the things that are most important to me, and these updates share all the small ways I live with purpose each day–from what I listen to and read to what I purchase and meals that I make for my family.
Basically, I share all the things with hopes that some of the things inspire YOU!
You can sign up for my list to get weekly blog posts sent right to your email as well as hearing first about any big news (like a shop launch! {::wink wink::}
I also love having easy access to tools that can provide a simple way to be purposeful in forming good habits. You can join the list to receive my 2 freebies (click on each one to opt-in and have it sent to your inbox.)
9 Simple & Healthy Breakfast Cards
Keeping a Clean Home Printable
Join almost 100,000 others and follow me on Pinterest.
On Facebook? Me too! Let’s be friends.
Instagram your jam? I love it too! See behind the scenes of my day on my Instagram Stories.
Use these hashtags and tag me to show me how YOU are living intentionally!
#NNThankful #AmyNewNostalgia #NNPurposefulLiving
Corinna Perkins
April 19, 2019 at 11:37 pmAmy, on this Good Friday i came across your “it’s finished” post. Such truths. I am hoping thst your collage is available in print. I want this in my guest bathroom, as a reminder, that we are enough.
Thank you for being you.
April 22, 2019 at 11:30 amIt was so fun to go back to that post of the past and read it again myself…thank you for pointing me toward it. I cannot remember where I got the image…so I don’t have a printable version for you! So sorry!
Diane Reiber
January 7, 2019 at 11:05 pmAmy, it was nice to meet you following the Francie and Finch book signing of “True You”. I started to read your blog, you have a beautiful outlook reflective of God’s light present in your life. What a trying journey you have been on! If you’re ever up for tea or coffee, please let me know. Thanks for writing, you’re very inspiring!
January 8, 2019 at 10:46 amThank you for visiting me here on the blog. I loved meeting you and your beautiful daughter, too! I will find you via social and yes, lets have coffee!
Diane Reiber
January 14, 2019 at 2:10 pmI look forward to it Amy!
Enjoy the snow and the warm, cozy indoors 🙂
Tracy Collier
September 13, 2016 at 4:36 pmI am facing cancer again after being diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2012. I just found out I have stage one uterine cancer – yes I took Tamoxifen, but only for about five months, because it made me so sick. Since I had all the side effects plus some and my risk of recurrence was low, I stopped taking it.
Anyway, new cancer, new location, new diagnosis, same faithful God that is carrying us through! Your posts, as I followed a few years behind you, helped me to process, grieve, struggle, and walk this one out. Now I consider you a trusted friend, one that I pray for often and look forward to meeting, even if it’s not this side of heaven. Blessings to you and your family!
September 14, 2016 at 9:24 amI emailed you sweet Tracy. Thank you for your comment…thinking of you much today.
Duane Johnston Grain bin formally
October 14, 2016 at 9:19 amHey Amy! Love your site! Looks Good! Thanks for the chat yesterday@the Starbucks! Duane
October 24, 2016 at 10:12 amVery nice to meet you Duane! Thanks for checking out the blog!
Mandy Belgium
February 24, 2017 at 5:49 amHi I just read your post on Amy’s blog and wanted to say Hi and ask how you are doing . My husband and I are travelling similar paths to you both our last daughter flies the nest this weekend if I don’t keep God close I get so overwhelmed x
March 29, 2016 at 2:20 amHi Amy. I have wanted to send you a message for the longest time…and only now finding the time. I am in South Africa. I stumbled onto your page by mistake over a year ago. I read everything I could on your fight with cancer. Your positivity and honesty were overwhelming. I find you to be such an inspiration and remind my what it really important. I have just started my journey on homeschooling my two gorgeous children. It has been so overwhelming but we will get there
Thank you for being you.
P.s How do I get regular updates from you?
March 29, 2016 at 2:22 amHaha…just saw your mailing list below lol.