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Cancer Journey/ HEALTH

A Bump in the Road on this Journey with Breast Cancer – A Health Update

My Cancer Journey a Health Update

I will start by saying it was just a bump in this journey of breast cancer. I’m ok, no worries my friends!

I get why those who have experienced breast cancer (or any cancer for that matter) often call it a journey. It is.  I can only speak as one who has had breast cancer, and even now, almost 7 years out from diagnosis, it is still a daily part of my life.

The fear of cancer is not a daily part, although it does creep up and sometimes roars when lumps or bumps are found. Even when they are not found, there is a healthy fear that drives this cancer journey and helps one stay alert.

It would be so great to think about cancer as just a bump in the road, a “blip on the screen,” just a year or two of my life story, but that is not how breast cancer works. How I wish for myself and those I love on the same road to be able to put the past behind and never have to think about it again.

But that would be ignorant. Not wise. Life-threatening.

Continue Reading…

HEALTH/ Spiritual

Morning Coffee Mug Scripture Habit on my Instagram InstaStory

Morning Coffee Mug Scripture Habit

I have a morning coffee mug Scripture habit that has been well received by my Instagram followers, and that makes me very happy! It is so fun to share something that is such a meaningful part of my mornings in an easy way. I put a verse or inspiration on an image of my coffee mug then simply share that image on my Instagram Story.


Coffee and Scripture God Time with the Bible App

Purposeful, slow living is important to me. One of the very first things I do each day to make #slowliving a reality is to have what I call “God Time.” I sit with a mug of coffee, a blanket, my phone and my journal. I’m usually cuddled up in a corner of our couch or in a comfy chair we have in our bedroom. Lately, I have been sitting outside in our backyard, no blanket needed!

I use my apps on my phone to spend time with God, the main apps being YouVersion Bible App & IF App. When I read anything that really sticks or speaks to me, I quickly copy and paste it into my Notes in a folder labeled “God Time” and each note separated by the date, starting a new note for each new day. I then pull anything I want to share from that Note.  Most days I end the time with prayer. If I have extra time, I will take some time to journal, too.


Habits Take Time

This quiet time is something I truly look forward to each day, but this was not always the case. I remember when my teens were young, I yearned for the desire and discipline to spend time daily time with my Creator, but I was tired and often distracted. I asked God to help me with this and over the years time with him has grown into a sweet, necessary habit.

Habits take time and purposeful, repetitive action to build. It has helped that my ‘littles’ are grown, that I have become more of a morning person, and life challenges over the years have revealed my deep need for God. These are all things that make spending time with him easier, plus he is a good Father and will always answer a prayer of his child that is asked according to his will.


What is Instagram Stories?

Instagram Stories or “InstaStory”  is a newish feature on Instagram that lets you share little snippets of your day, without worrying about overposting. As you share multiple photos and videos, they appear together in a slideshow format which becomes your story. You can get creative with it by adding text and using drawing tools. I keep mine fairly simple, but I do love the text tool! The photos and videos disappear 24 hours after bring posted, which keeps clutter to a minimum.

You can see stories from those you follow in a bar at the top of your Instagram feed. When there is something new to see, their profile photo will have a colorful ring around it. Just tap on this ringed profile photo to watch someone’s story.

It is easy to view at your own pace. Tap to go back or forward or swipe to go to the next person’s story. I love that you can hold your finger on the screen to pause someone’s story, which is very handy when reading text.



USERNAME: @amy_newnostalgia

( can only view InstaStories on the mobil app)


Morning Coffee Mug Scripture Sharing on Instastories

It is fun to start each days Instagram Story with a fresh new picture of my morning coffee mug. My followers have commented that they love seeing where each day begins on my story by the familiar mug photo, and are inspired by the words I share. I’m not surprised by that, as God’s word promises to “never return void.” {Isaiah 55:11} When I share scripture, I share his words, not mine.


How To Easily Share Regular Inspiration on Social Media

If you desire to share regular inspiration on social media, find a time where you regularly do something every day and fit it into that time. I have a mug of coffee every day, so this was the perfect fit for me.  There are so many habits we automatically do every day– eating breakfast, brushing teeth, putting on makeup, sitting in the driver’s seat of your car–any of these times could be a time where you pause a minute and build the habit of sharing inspiration on social media. We all know social media could use a bit of positive inspiration!

With Instagram, photos are live on the Instastory for 24 hours, then disappear. I have my settings to where it will automatically save the photos I share to my camera roll, so I have gathered some of my favorites Coffee Mug Scriptures to share with you today!


Another version of this verse says “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” What a cool promise, and one that has come true in my life. When I clear the time and space to come close to God and his message, he responds and his words become real to me and give me life.

When someone loves and adores you, it is not too hard to do what they desire. I pray often that God would reveal to me just how much he loves me. His love for his children is so immense and perfect that our human minds just can’t wrap around it! Yet, I’ve had many glimpses and boy is it beautifully overwhelming! When we are truly and fully loved by someone, we trust them to want the best for us. Obedience out of this knowledge is so sweet.

This is not an easy verse, especially when you are wronged and it just isn’t fair. I love the reminder of how many times Christ has forgiven me. Over and over and over. Who am I to withhold forgiveness from another? Yet, I do. Even when I think I am a forgiving person, God will show me where I am holding an offense or one will come my way and I will have a choice to make. Lord, help me to choose to forgive!

This is ultimately what I am doing each morning. Seeking his face. He tells us to, and I just know he smiles when we do!

Ya’ll. This verse can be hard for me. I have an anxiety disorder so perfect peace is something I don’t take for granted. I HAVE experienced it so often in my life. A supernatural peace from God. Having to fight my default of anxiety and choose to trust and believe has been a fight for me, but God has met me in that and shown me it is worth it. There is nothing like his peace.

Well. This one. James 1 has always been a favorite chapter of the Bible for me. I memorized it when I was young and it always stuck with me. Man it is hard to wrap my human mind around being thankful for test & trials to the point of considering them a gift. I HAVE seen how hardships cause me to lean in and show me my need for a Savior. I have seen God’s faithfulness in every single hardship. The gift is more of him. The gift is sharing in suffering, with him and with others.

This reminder that God has overcome the world, that there is the hope of Heaven, that this is not all there is, that we are made for more than this earth and it’s difficulties–yes! That we can be unshakable, assured and deeply at peace if we trust him. Yes!

Above all else is love. It holds all the things.

Another verse on trust. He is trustworthy. He is good. He knows the future. He knows our stories. He sees it all and holds it all. His timing is perfect.

Do you have any #slowliving routines?

What is something you do every day that you could fit sharing some positive inspiration on social media? Is this even something that interests you?

Want to see fresh Coffee Mug Scripture and inspiration? Follow me on Instagram @amy_newnostalgia.




Personalizing, Paraphrasing & Journaling Scripture To Bring About Life Change


A Beautiful Way To Pray Scripture

Personalizing, paraphrasing & journaling Scripture is changing my quiet times & making my prayer life full and meaningful. I feel it changing me as I pray from His Word. I have loved looking at passage or chapter of Scripture in the Bible, reading it in a version that most appeals to me,  paraphrasing it, and making it personal by choosing words to journal.  I write the words in my journal,  then pray the words back to God.  It ends up being a beautiful way to pray scripture, and I find so often it is exactly the encouragement my heart needs.


Praying Scripture Exposes What We Need

I have been asking God to help me in my prayer life & this is one way He has shown me that has enriched it and has given me words to pray.  What better words to pray than ones that are given to us in His Word?  Scripture is so full of rich & powerful words, and they expose just what God wants us to see and think, and also exposes that which needs to be challenged and changed in us.

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12

Praying Scripture Helps Us Apply What We Read, To Ourselves & To Others

Too often in my life, Scripture is read, but then forgotten and not applied. Journaling and praying Scripture is a way to use its power not just for my life, but also in the lives of those I love.  I will often substitute their names in place of mine.  I have especially found it a great way to pray for my kids.

How I Personalize, Paraphrase & Journal Scripture

The easiest way I have found to personalize, paraphrase and journal Scripture is to use the YouVersion Bible app, choose a version of Scripture that appeals to me (usually the New Living translation or The Message translation) journal it, read it, and then pray it.

I have my YouVersion Bible app set up to a plan that sends me one Psalm and one Proverb each day.  I have LOVED doing this process with the Psalms especially, as they so often express what my heart desires to express, but often can’t.

I usually do this process in the quiet morning with a cup of coffee and a breakfast of oatmeal & toast. I bring the app up on my phone, scroll down as I journal, choosing words that most jump out at me and paraphrase & personalize them.

Below is an example of a prayer response journal that I did recently on Psalm 18, using The Message version of Scripture:

Psalm 18–Paraphrased, Personalized & Journaled:

I love you God, you make me strong.

I live in your castle and you are my rescuing knight. I run for dear life to you, I hide in you. I am safe in your hideout. I sing to you and find myself safe & saved.

I cry to God to help me, he hears my call.  My cry brings me right into His presence, a private audience of just me and God!

You catch me, reaching all the way from sky to sea, pulling me out of enemy chaos where I was drowning, the enemy who hit me when I was down…but YOU God, stuck by me.

You take me to wide open spaces, I stand safe & saved, surprised to be so loved.

God completes my life when I place all my life pieces before Him.

I bring my act to Him and He gives me a fresh start.

Keep me alert to your ways & help me not to take you for granted.

Keep me in You everyday reviewing your ways & watching my step.

Piece by piece you put me back together.  I open my heart to you and You see me.

I taste your goodness, I am good.

I taste your health, I am whole

I taste your truth, I am true.

When I am down and out you are on my side.  Take me down a notch when I am stuck up or stuck on myself.

Floodlight my life, in the light room you reveal & show me your glory–You are blazing with glory!

Your road stretches straight and smooth.  I run in God direction, a road tested, and I make it as you promised.

You prepare me & pointed me in the right direction.

You show me how to fight.

You protect me and hold me with a firm hand.

You caress me with your gentle ways and clear the ruble so I will not stumble.

You have surrounded me well.

Rescue me from squabbling people, Oh Lord, rescue us. Be with our family, Lord, bring your revival.

I thank you God.

I praise your name with songs.

You rule and win over all and you chose me as your beloved–always.


Isn’t that beautiful? His words and my words entwined.  His words written down in my journal, an act that makes me submit with each stroke of the pen, for it changes me. My thoughts exchanged for higher thoughts, my faith restored as I pray them aloud.


How about you? Do you journal? Do you struggle with remembering Scripture or allowing it to seep into your heart and soul? What are ways you enrich your prayer life?  Does this way make sense and would you ever try it?

If so, get the Bible app, pick a passage, get your journal, write it out then pray it for yourself, your friends, your spouse or your kids.


For more about journaling at New Nostalgia:

7 Ways To Journal & Why I Write Versus Type 

A New Way To Count The Gifts–A Thankful Journal

5 Minute Fridays/ Spiritual

Trust & A Health Update


Participating in  5 Minute Fridays. 5 minutes to write about one word. Unedited.
This week’s word: TRUST

My last health update was last May, and I was in searching for answers for an extreme nausea that I had been experiencing for weeks.

20 pounds lost, watching the scale go down brought on such fear and anxiety.

A summer full of tests & more tests, still no answers.

No sign of cancer brought some relief to my fear, but unknowns still abound–yet I will trust.

I went off cancer meds, thinking they were the culprit, but they were not.  Adjusting to going off of them & then back on was — an adjustment. Chemical menopause, then not paused, then chemical menopause once again brought more than pause, it stopped me in my tracks.  There were many days of crying out to God in despair.  I wanted answers. I wanted normal. I wanted to be able to feel well again & write well again, instead of forcing yet another recipe post.

I am feeling better and finding my normal.  Anti-anxiety medication seems to be the answer I needed to bring back normal, for cancer meds don’t just steal my hormones but what seemed to be the whole of who I am.

The nausea still lingers in the mornings, but yet another medication has taken the severity of it away and I am able to eat again and my weight has stabilized. I am so. very. thankful.  A bit of weight has been gained, & so has my trust.

God was near this past year. I have been running hard to Him in the hard moments, for hard moments turn to precious in His presence. It is in these hard life moments when desperation gives no choice but search His words for help and hope, & He is always there, saying “Trust.”



FAMILY/ Kids/Family/ Marriage/ Spiritual

Using Scripture To Fight Fairly In Marriage


Marriage is something to fight for these days, and calling it quits is rarely the answer.  Learning how to fight fairly is key in fighting for your marriage.

I am about to turn 40 next month and I find myself a bit frustrated with how immature I can be in this area.  I am an emotional and sensitive being, which can be a beautiful thing, but it also has a few negatives. When fighting in marriage, emotional & sensitive can often translate into being defensive.

Despite my frustration, God has been faithful in showing me how He is the answer & my defense, so I don’t have to be defensive.  When I put down my defenses, I can finally, truly, hear my Todd instead of being preoccupied with my own feelings.

Putting down defenses takes a humility & grace.  It takes compassion for the other person.  It takes a trust in knowing that I am fully loved by the best of Defenders.

I have an app on my phone that sends daily readings in Psalms and Proverbs.  This week I was Proverbs 18 & Psalms 18.  Both gave me insight into how to fight fairly in marriage, and I am thanking God for his provision, as my Todd & I were able to talk through some issues that had been sending spinning, around and around in circles. You know what I mean, don’t you? Talking in circles and getting nowhere.

These verses caused me to rest in God’s provision, reminding me I am fully loved, quieting me so that I could truly listen.  This and my husbands’ humble response back to me got us off the crazy spinning wheel.

Proverbs 18

{some words from the Message version}

~Do not run off at the mouth v2

~Do not use many words v4

~Do not come down hard on the innocent v5

~Do not be like a fool & start fights v7

~Run to & say the name of God, for it is a place of protection v10

~Remember that pride causes you to crash v12

~With humility comes honor v12

~It is wise to listen & always seek to learn v15

~It is ok to agree to disagree v18

~Words can kill or give life, they are either poison or fruit–you choose v21

~When you find a good spouse, you find a good life & the favor of God v22

~Humbly speak in soft supplications v23

~Do not bark out answers v24

~A true friend sticks close like family v24


Ah, such good advice, huh?

And then there is this, words inspired from Psalm 18 & from God who is my Defender, so I do not have to be defensive, and a realization of who the true enemy is–who we are TRULY fighting.

Psalm 18

{Message version, paraphrased by me}

I love you God, you make me strong, I live in your castle and you are my rescuing knight.

I run for dear life to you, I hide in you, I am safe in your hideout.

I sing to you & find myself safe and saved.

I cry to God to help me, He hears my call.

My cry brings me right into His presence–a private audience of just me and God!

You catch me, reaching all the way from sky to sea, pulling me out of enemy chaos where I was drowning, the enemy who hit me when I was down.

But You God, stuck by me.

You take me to wide open spaces, I stand safe & saved, surprised to be loved.

God completes my life when I place all my life pieces before Him.

I bring my act to Him & He gives me a fresh start.

Oh God, keep me alert to your ways & help me not to take you for granted.

Keep me in you, everyday reviewing your ways, watching my step.

Piece by piece you put me back together.  I open my heart to you and you see me.

I taste your goodness–I am good.

I taste your health–I am whole.

I taste your truth–I am true.

When I am down and out you are on my side.  Take me down a notch when I am stuck up or stuck on myself.

Floodlight my life, in the lightroom you reveal and show me your glory–you are blazing with glory!

Your road stretches straight & smooth.  I run in God direction, a road tested, and I make it just as you promised.

You prepared me & pointed me in the right direction, You show me how to fight

You protect me and hold me with a firm hand.

You caress me and your gentle ways clear the ruble so I will not stumble

You have surrounded me well

Keep rescuing me from squabbles, Oh Lord, rescue us!

Bring your revival.

I thank you God. I praise your name with songs

You rule & win over all!

You chose me as your beloved, for my name means beloved.


The meaning of my name, Amy, REALLY IS beloved.  Oh to remember this at all times, that I am fully known & fully loved by Creator God. Knowing & believing this brings the spinning to an abrupt and peaceful stop. Yay God!


5 Minute Fridays/ Spiritual

Being Found + 16 Of God’s Promises



Participating in  5 Minute Fridays. 5 minutes to write about one word. Unedited.
This week’s word: FIND

Seek me and you will find:






Think this is too good to be true? It is not.

His promises reign true.

Are you in a season of hopelessness?  Seek Him & Find Him.  Allow Him to do what He does best, changing what was meant for harm to good.

Will He immediately change your circumstance? Will He immediately heal?

Sometimes. Most times, not immediately.

Most of the time healing is a process, and one that must be sought after with all that we are. Persevere my friend. Hang on.

God will be with you. He is found with promise after promise to work all things out for the good who love Him. Seek those promises, they will be a light for you in the dark, a hammock for you’re hurting heart.

Keep seeking. Keep looking for answers, for healing.

Know that our keeper sees you, knows you, and you are found.



16 of God’s Promises

{From God’s Promises For The Hungry Heart}

1. I can use evil things that happen to you to accomplish good things. Genesis 50:20

2. I will cause your life to draw others to Christ. Matthew 4:19

3. While you depend on Me, I get things done for you. Exodus 14:14

4. You can have My comfort and be satisfied. Matthew 5.4-6

5. I will never lie to you. I’ll make good what I say! Numbers 23:19

6. When you’re merciful – you’ll enjoy My mercy. Matthew 5:7

7. Trust Me. I keep my word. Forever. Deuteronomy 7:9

8. I have a reward for you in Heaven because you endured hard times here. Matthew 5:11

9. When you soak yourself in My Word, you’ll have success. Joshua 1:8

10. Put Me first – I will give you all your need. Matthew 6:33

11. You can be fearless in any situation because I’m with you. Joshua 1:9

12. I want to give you good things. Matthew 7:9-11

13. Every promise you find in My word will happen. Joshua 21:45

14. Do My will and you’ll go to heaven. Matthew 7:21

15. Share my love with others – I’ll reward you! Matthew 10:42

16. Give me your burdens and you’ll receive My rest. Matthew 11:28-30

5 Minute Fridays/ Cancer Journey/ HEALTH/ Spiritual

Health Is A Gift – 5 Minute Friday and A Health Update


Participating in  5 Minute Fridays. 5 minutes to write about one word. Unedited.
This week’s word: GIFT

Health is a gift.

On Tuesday I had a CT scan and a bone scan, as it had been 2 years and I have been having health problems.

On Wednesday I get the call that they saw no evidence of disease. Such a gift!  I rejoice.

On June 17 I will meet with a Gastroenterologist and there will be more looking on the insides for answers. Oncologist tells me they have tests that can show what scans can miss, and maybe answer questions. Why weight loss? Why the daily nausea and digestive issues? I hope to get some answers.

Appetite is a gift.

Stomach growling is a gift.

Even weight gain is a gift when one sees the scale sliding down, down, down and has no idea why.

But here is where I really want to be.

I want to be in the place where all is a gift, embracing all that God has allowed to go through His hands and onto me, His child.

Even the hard stuff.

I’m not there yet…not even close.

When cancer treatment caused the symptoms, I was closer, as symptoms were expected and let up in time.

In this unexpected and unknown, it has been harder.

I want easy and let’s get real honest, I want perfect. I fight perfectionism, a battle that has crept back up.

I am being stripped of perceived perfect and that is a gift.

I feel like I’m flailing and falling through this life of nausea, just wanting stillness.

And the I get a glimpse, on Wednesday, when girlfriends surround and make a cross on my forehead with anointing oil and pray to our great God for answers and healing and ultimately, His will– whatever that might be.

With hands laid, prayers lifted, a breeze coming through the open window and robins chirping, I find not what I want, which is health, but what I need.

The gift of stillness.



Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
