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five minute fridays

5 Minute Fridays/ Spiritual

Forced Rest


{I am participating in 5 minute Friday. We are given a word, then write 5 minutes. Today’s word is REST.}



I sit in this room where rest has been forced.

Our dear friends, a car accident, a traumatic brain injury & months of healing and rest.

In this room I’ve witnessed pain, determination, suffering, triumph, tears, celebration, testimony & rest.

I’ve watched a hero cycle. He goes from working hard therapy, back to rest. Over & over. These are days of healing and relearning. Small increments of healing that over time add up to miracles. Days have turned into weeks that turn into months & he fights. I am a witness of this hard healing & I watch in awe.

I’ve watched his wife so brave, and although at times, stressed to the max, she is still at rest. She points consistently to the One who provides this. The One who holds her heart pieces together when it breaks. She is real with pain but still testifies how faith is made strong in weakness. She knows when she is weak God is strong and leans heavy on Him and in turn is made strong. She is another fighter who cycles, acknowledging stress then choosing to rest.

This is her lived out testimony:

“Yes, my soul, finds rest in God. My hope comes from Him.” Psalms 62:5




Would you be willing to know more about our dear friends and consider giving toward a fund we set up to help lighten the load? We are getting close to the goal and I know every bit helps and so appreciated!

If you are unable to give, will you pray for them? The journey has been long and the road is hard. I know your prayers will bring continued rest.

5 Minute Fridays/ Spiritual

Trust & A Health Update


Participating in  5 Minute Fridays. 5 minutes to write about one word. Unedited.
This week’s word: TRUST

My last health update was last May, and I was in searching for answers for an extreme nausea that I had been experiencing for weeks.

20 pounds lost, watching the scale go down brought on such fear and anxiety.

A summer full of tests & more tests, still no answers.

No sign of cancer brought some relief to my fear, but unknowns still abound–yet I will trust.

I went off cancer meds, thinking they were the culprit, but they were not.  Adjusting to going off of them & then back on was — an adjustment. Chemical menopause, then not paused, then chemical menopause once again brought more than pause, it stopped me in my tracks.  There were many days of crying out to God in despair.  I wanted answers. I wanted normal. I wanted to be able to feel well again & write well again, instead of forcing yet another recipe post.

I am feeling better and finding my normal.  Anti-anxiety medication seems to be the answer I needed to bring back normal, for cancer meds don’t just steal my hormones but what seemed to be the whole of who I am.

The nausea still lingers in the mornings, but yet another medication has taken the severity of it away and I am able to eat again and my weight has stabilized. I am so. very. thankful.  A bit of weight has been gained, & so has my trust.

God was near this past year. I have been running hard to Him in the hard moments, for hard moments turn to precious in His presence. It is in these hard life moments when desperation gives no choice but search His words for help and hope, & He is always there, saying “Trust.”



5 Minute Fridays/ Spiritual

Being Found + 16 Of God’s Promises



Participating in  5 Minute Fridays. 5 minutes to write about one word. Unedited.
This week’s word: FIND

Seek me and you will find:






Think this is too good to be true? It is not.

His promises reign true.

Are you in a season of hopelessness?  Seek Him & Find Him.  Allow Him to do what He does best, changing what was meant for harm to good.

Will He immediately change your circumstance? Will He immediately heal?

Sometimes. Most times, not immediately.

Most of the time healing is a process, and one that must be sought after with all that we are. Persevere my friend. Hang on.

God will be with you. He is found with promise after promise to work all things out for the good who love Him. Seek those promises, they will be a light for you in the dark, a hammock for you’re hurting heart.

Keep seeking. Keep looking for answers, for healing.

Know that our keeper sees you, knows you, and you are found.



16 of God’s Promises

{From God’s Promises For The Hungry Heart}

1. I can use evil things that happen to you to accomplish good things. Genesis 50:20

2. I will cause your life to draw others to Christ. Matthew 4:19

3. While you depend on Me, I get things done for you. Exodus 14:14

4. You can have My comfort and be satisfied. Matthew 5.4-6

5. I will never lie to you. I’ll make good what I say! Numbers 23:19

6. When you’re merciful – you’ll enjoy My mercy. Matthew 5:7

7. Trust Me. I keep my word. Forever. Deuteronomy 7:9

8. I have a reward for you in Heaven because you endured hard times here. Matthew 5:11

9. When you soak yourself in My Word, you’ll have success. Joshua 1:8

10. Put Me first – I will give you all your need. Matthew 6:33

11. You can be fearless in any situation because I’m with you. Joshua 1:9

12. I want to give you good things. Matthew 7:9-11

13. Every promise you find in My word will happen. Joshua 21:45

14. Do My will and you’ll go to heaven. Matthew 7:21

15. Share my love with others – I’ll reward you! Matthew 10:42

16. Give me your burdens and you’ll receive My rest. Matthew 11:28-30

5 Minute Fridays/ Spiritual

Simple Steps To Meeting With God



Participating in  5 Minute Fridays. 5 minutes to write about one word. Unedited.

This week’s word: MEET



Come, meet with me, meditate on my truths

Meet with me in the morning for there you will find my mercies are new

Visualize what I can do in you, visualize how you see your future

Speak with me, pray my name

Speak to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things

Quiet your thoughts, turn down thoughts spinning, turn up my truth and use it as meditation.

Skip the morning? Then find me in the night.

Just come

Come quiet, let’s meet.


Simple Steps Of Meeting with God:

~Grab pen, journal, Bible

~Find a quiet space

~Light a candle

~Come quiet

~Meet Mercies

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22,23

~Pray my name

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,  Matthew 6:9

~Meditate on my Truth

But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. Psalm 1:2

~Visualize my promises

~Ask and receive

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. John 16:24

~Seek and find

I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. Proverbs 8:17

~Be anxious for nothing

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

~In everything give thanks

~Turn on songs

~Listen & receive




Want to see more 5 Minute Fridays?

1 Staying Open When You Want To Grip Closed

2. To Write The Mind Alive

3. So Long Last Year, Welcome This Year

4. The Whispers I Hear

5. Finish Strong

6. Oh She Glows

7. Friend

8. Wait

5 Minute Fridays/ Books/ Uncategorized

To Write The Mind Alive

 SEND- proprioceptive-method-writing

Five minutes to write on the word: SEND.
Write–don’t edit–just 5 minutes to be in the moment.



Send thoughts upward than inward.  Zero in.

Simply scribe them.Easier said than done, it takes such honesty.

Even if not meant for anyone else, what if someone stumbles upon them?

It is quite a courageous venture, this one I’m about to go on.

To write the mind alive.

I wonder if these 5 minute Fridays have given me a glimpse of what it might be like. Five minutes goes by like a blink and one has no choice but to just write their immediate thoughts.

Writing the mind alive…what’s the word? Proprioceptive Writing? Yes.

It is a whole new world of real.  I have always thought I wrote real, but here before me is another level.

I am eager to send my exact thoughts to paper. Eager to explore and see where it might lead.

It will be different to pen them onto paper, instead of typing and pushing send.

Would you like to come on this adventure with me? Yes? Grab an unlined journal, a candle, a bit of Baroque & a copy of this.




VOTIVO Red currant. My ‘by-far’ favorite candle that my Mommy always gifts to me. You will love it!

Click here to buy.


Happy to be linking up to 5 Minute Friday.

5 Minute Fridays/ Spiritual

What I Long For


Participating in 5 Minute Friday.

5 minutes to write about one word. Unedited.

Word: LONG



Lord, you and I have walked this path together for a long time.  The  longer this walk, the more I long for you.

You knit me together while still in the womb, I’ve known of your love even as a child. {Psalm 139:13}

Yes, it has been a long time, yet I still long for you.

You are ever-present, especially in trouble, yet I still long for you. {Psalm 46:1}

You give me your Word. The more I read it, the more I long for you.

You tell me to seek you as one would gold, for your are more precious than diamonds. {Psalm 119:72}

I seek, I find. I long for more of you. {Matthew 7:7}

This thing inside of me, this longing… put there by you, made by You… is for You.

Our hearts yearn for completeness; outside of  You it cannot be found.

Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. {Matthew 6:10}

Oh Lord, I ask, “How long?”



5 Minute Fridays/ Counting Gifts/ Spiritual

Does He Care?

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Participating in 5 Minute Friday.

5 minutes to write about one word. Unedited.

Word: CARE



Does He Care?

Do you find yourself asking this question of our God?

Do you find yourself just in the pit of pain and hardship, wondering when and if it will ever let up?

If you have been there or if you are there now, I shout it loud.


This fallen world that is not our ultimate home is full of disorder, pain & suffering.  This is not how it was meant to be, and someday all will be restored.  Until that day, I want to grab on to this:


God’s got your back, Beloved.  He is for you.  He sees your struggle, hurt and pain.  He sees and promises to bring good out of it all.  There will be release.  There is hope.  It will get better.

In the meantime, join me in looking for His care.  It is all around us you know.

The past month or so has been a doozy for me and honestly there were days that were pure suffering for me both physically and mentally.  I hated every minute of it, but in the midst of it, I knew God still had me.  I knew this because He has brought me through so much already. When I look back, I see it clear that He has used pain and suffering in my life to bring about what matters most.  He has used it to change me.  He has used it to show me how desperately I needed Him and the hope that the suffering of His Son brought.

So in your pain, I encourage you to hold on.  Grasp hard to what is true.


Hold on, even if it by that teeny tiny pinkie.  Raising your hand in faith, even in the midst of slipping, is obedience. Faith the size of a mustard seed can be miraculous when offered to God. You may feel weak, with only the smallest of fingers left holding on; a lonely, scary feeling of losing grip & falling, but guess what?  In your weakness He is strong. He is your strength.  His grasp, even in the slipping, is enough.  He’s got you. His grip is gentle and thorough and enough.


Do you not feel it?  Do you not see it?

I know. I’ve lost sight too.

Let me encourage you to ask for eyes to see the smallest glimpses of this God who loves us so.  Look for the beauty in the pain.  It is there.  Focus on that bright red leaf that falls, dying yet beautiful, a reminder of seasons and how all things will be made new in time.

Find your thankfulness, even in the pain…especially in the pain. Thank Him for even the smallest of things when you can’t bear to look up for anything bigger.

Count them with me?

1. The taste of coffee in the morning.

2. A smile from a stranger.

3. A soft pillow to lay your hurting head.

4. Music.

5. That shirt you are wearing.

It might seem mundane and not worth your while, but just do it.  Start listing the gifts.  There are so many.  Join me.  I’ve stopped counting blessings and I miss the way it changed me and made me see how He cares. It will also change you.  Thankfulness in the midst of pain will change you.

This change might not happen right away, but keep at it.  Let us count together, claim the promise that He cares for us, hold on with the smallest of fingers & open our eyes even to the smallest of blessings.

Let’s count, change, and see together.

In turn, we will start to feel what we know is true.  Sooner rather than later, we will feel His care.



Will you join me & list a few gifts right here and now in the comments?  I’d love to hear of the things that you see, for they, too, will change me.
