5 Minute Fridays/ Spiritual

Forced Rest


{I am participating in 5 minute Friday. We are given a word, then write 5 minutes. Today’s word is REST.}



I sit in this room where rest has been forced.

Our dear friends, a car accident, a traumatic brain injury & months of healing and rest.

In this room I’ve witnessed pain, determination, suffering, triumph, tears, celebration, testimony & rest.

I’ve watched a hero cycle. He goes from working hard therapy, back to rest. Over & over. These are days of healing and relearning. Small increments of healing that over time add up to miracles. Days have turned into weeks that turn into months & he fights. I am a witness of this hard healing & I watch in awe.

I’ve watched his wife so brave, and although at times, stressed to the max, she is still at rest. She points consistently to the One who provides this. The One who holds her heart pieces together when it breaks. She is real with pain but still testifies how faith is made strong in weakness. She knows when she is weak God is strong and leans heavy on Him and in turn is made strong. She is another fighter who cycles, acknowledging stress then choosing to rest.

This is her lived out testimony:

“Yes, my soul, finds rest in God. My hope comes from Him.” Psalms 62:5




Would you be willing to know more about our dear friends and consider giving toward a fund we set up to help lighten the load? We are getting close to the goal and I know every bit helps and so appreciated!

If you are unable to give, will you pray for them? The journey has been long and the road is hard. I know your prayers will bring continued rest.

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