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Weekly Update
It was prom week in the Bowman household! Did you seem my beauties on Instagram? It was so fun being a part of getting them ready. I am always the hair stylist and the photographer. Did you know I went to Cosmetology school and worked in a salon before having kids? I always thought about doing my own girls hair for prom back in my hair stylist days, and now it has happened several times over.
Speaking of busy…
…Ya’ll. I’m up to my ears in Graduation plans. My Teagan is graduating and I still can’t believe it! Her open house is 2 weeks away and my to-do list has things on it like:
- Order wallet size senior pictures + 1 – 5×7 and 2 – 8×10
- Price lemonade
- Rent 40 white wooden folding chairs
- Reserve tablecloths
- Text Grandparents and fill them in on grad plans
- Update Qdoba catering order
It has been a constant battle to keep living slow and in the moment. Long to-do lists and planning can make it hard to stay in the present and in a good mood! That is one reason I started the #nnthankful challenge.
It forces me to stay present, see all the beauty in the busy, have a slow mindset and notice all there is to be thankful for. It also gives the best mood boost, which I’m noticing already, just after a week of looking for my thankful. There are so many things!
Join me? Use the #nnthankful anytime you post something you are thankful for on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. I will see your posts and it will let me know I’m in good company with finding my thankful in the busy seasons of life!
Anti-Procrastination Free Printable
A Visual Encouragement to Reach Your Goals
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Weekly Goals
MEAL PLAN — grocery list +5 meals
DATES — my Todd, my girls, one close friend
DO A PIN — I’m getting this haircut done today and a few highlights added around my face. Yay!
Daily Personal Health Goals
SPIRITUAL — journal, Scripture, pray, meditate
MOVE BODY — walk/jog; yoga or strength training; Abs, Core & Pelvic Floor
HYDRATE & NUTRIENTS — water (80 oz a day); leafy greens & berries, vitamins, powdered greens, seeds
READING — Dr. Fuhrman’s Super Immunity
HOME GOALS — everyday home chore systems to keep my home clean in minutes a day.
Favorite Things
Physicians Formula Organic 100% Natural Origin CC Cream
I have yet to change all my makeup to organic, but have been using this Physicians Formula Organic CC Cream foundation for a couple of years and like it. I decided it is a good start as it covers most of my face, and the rest of my makeup sits on top of it. This gives a dewy finish which I like as my skin is maturing.
Burt Bees Natural Tinted Lip Moisturizer
I have been having more days where I keep a full face of makeup off, and just put essential oils on my face for a healthy natural glow.
This Burt Bees Natural Tinted Lip Moisturizer is great lip balm and has just a hint of color. On bare face days, if I’m feeling a bit pale and tired I will even use a touch of this lip moisturizer on my cheeks as a quick cream blush.
Recipes Goals
Recipes I Want To Make This Week
Eat All Week Chopped Vegetable Salad
Instant Pot Chicken Noodle Soup
No Bake Peanut Butter Oat Energy Balls
4 Ingredient Homemade Protein Bars
Watch my Instagram Stories to see some of these recipes. I often capture my cooking process!
Essential Oil Recipe of The Week
Rocky Mountain Oils are my oils of choice. I just love them–their scent is so pure and I really appreciate the free shipping!
Focus Blend
This week my featured essential oils blend recipe is a bit different. It is for a roller bottle instead of a diffuser. I love rolling this on my wrists or temples when I need some extra focus while working.
5 drops Peppermint
5 drops Orange
Carrier oil of choice.
Put drops in a 10 ml roller bottle. Fill the rest of the bottle with a carrier oil of choice – jojoba oil, almond oil, fractionated coconut oil, grapeseed oil etc). I used jojoba oil. Add top of the bottle and shake to mix. Roll away (on temples, neck, wrists or behind ears) when focus is needed. Need a diffuser? This is my fav essential oils diffuser!
Weekly/Bi-Weekly Staple Recipes
What are you wanting to get done this week?
What recipes are you planning on making?
Are you on Pinterest? Share a favorite pin you want to accomplish.