HEALTH/ Spiritual

Morning Coffee Mug Scripture Habit on my Instagram InstaStory

Morning Coffee Mug Scripture Habit

I have a morning coffee mug Scripture habit that has been well received by my Instagram followers, and that makes me very happy! It is so fun to share something that is such a meaningful part of my mornings in an easy way. I put a verse or inspiration on an image of my coffee mug then simply share that image on my Instagram Story.


Coffee and Scripture God Time with the Bible App

Purposeful, slow living is important to me. One of the very first things I do each day to make #slowliving a reality is to have what I call “God Time.” I sit with a mug of coffee, a blanket, my phone and my journal. I’m usually cuddled up in a corner of our couch or in a comfy chair we have in our bedroom. Lately, I have been sitting outside in our backyard, no blanket needed!

I use my apps on my phone to spend time with God, the main apps being YouVersion Bible App & IF App. When I read anything that really sticks or speaks to me, I quickly copy and paste it into my Notes in a folder labeled “God Time” and each note separated by the date, starting a new note for each new day. I then pull anything I want to share from that Note.  Most days I end the time with prayer. If I have extra time, I will take some time to journal, too.


Habits Take Time

This quiet time is something I truly look forward to each day, but this was not always the case. I remember when my teens were young, I yearned for the desire and discipline to spend time daily time with my Creator, but I was tired and often distracted. I asked God to help me with this and over the years time with him has grown into a sweet, necessary habit.

Habits take time and purposeful, repetitive action to build. It has helped that my ‘littles’ are grown, that I have become more of a morning person, and life challenges over the years have revealed my deep need for God. These are all things that make spending time with him easier, plus he is a good Father and will always answer a prayer of his child that is asked according to his will.


What is Instagram Stories?

Instagram Stories or “InstaStory”  is a newish feature on Instagram that lets you share little snippets of your day, without worrying about overposting. As you share multiple photos and videos, they appear together in a slideshow format which becomes your story. You can get creative with it by adding text and using drawing tools. I keep mine fairly simple, but I do love the text tool! The photos and videos disappear 24 hours after bring posted, which keeps clutter to a minimum.

You can see stories from those you follow in a bar at the top of your Instagram feed. When there is something new to see, their profile photo will have a colorful ring around it. Just tap on this ringed profile photo to watch someone’s story.

It is easy to view at your own pace. Tap to go back or forward or swipe to go to the next person’s story. I love that you can hold your finger on the screen to pause someone’s story, which is very handy when reading text.



USERNAME: @amy_newnostalgia

( can only view InstaStories on the mobil app)


Morning Coffee Mug Scripture Sharing on Instastories

It is fun to start each days Instagram Story with a fresh new picture of my morning coffee mug. My followers have commented that they love seeing where each day begins on my story by the familiar mug photo, and are inspired by the words I share. I’m not surprised by that, as God’s word promises to “never return void.” {Isaiah 55:11} When I share scripture, I share his words, not mine.


How To Easily Share Regular Inspiration on Social Media

If you desire to share regular inspiration on social media, find a time where you regularly do something every day and fit it into that time. I have a mug of coffee every day, so this was the perfect fit for me.  There are so many habits we automatically do every day– eating breakfast, brushing teeth, putting on makeup, sitting in the driver’s seat of your car–any of these times could be a time where you pause a minute and build the habit of sharing inspiration on social media. We all know social media could use a bit of positive inspiration!

With Instagram, photos are live on the Instastory for 24 hours, then disappear. I have my settings to where it will automatically save the photos I share to my camera roll, so I have gathered some of my favorites Coffee Mug Scriptures to share with you today!


Another version of this verse says “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” What a cool promise, and one that has come true in my life. When I clear the time and space to come close to God and his message, he responds and his words become real to me and give me life.

When someone loves and adores you, it is not too hard to do what they desire. I pray often that God would reveal to me just how much he loves me. His love for his children is so immense and perfect that our human minds just can’t wrap around it! Yet, I’ve had many glimpses and boy is it beautifully overwhelming! When we are truly and fully loved by someone, we trust them to want the best for us. Obedience out of this knowledge is so sweet.

This is not an easy verse, especially when you are wronged and it just isn’t fair. I love the reminder of how many times Christ has forgiven me. Over and over and over. Who am I to withhold forgiveness from another? Yet, I do. Even when I think I am a forgiving person, God will show me where I am holding an offense or one will come my way and I will have a choice to make. Lord, help me to choose to forgive!

This is ultimately what I am doing each morning. Seeking his face. He tells us to, and I just know he smiles when we do!

Ya’ll. This verse can be hard for me. I have an anxiety disorder so perfect peace is something I don’t take for granted. I HAVE experienced it so often in my life. A supernatural peace from God. Having to fight my default of anxiety and choose to trust and believe has been a fight for me, but God has met me in that and shown me it is worth it. There is nothing like his peace.

Well. This one. James 1 has always been a favorite chapter of the Bible for me. I memorized it when I was young and it always stuck with me. Man it is hard to wrap my human mind around being thankful for test & trials to the point of considering them a gift. I HAVE seen how hardships cause me to lean in and show me my need for a Savior. I have seen God’s faithfulness in every single hardship. The gift is more of him. The gift is sharing in suffering, with him and with others.

This reminder that God has overcome the world, that there is the hope of Heaven, that this is not all there is, that we are made for more than this earth and it’s difficulties–yes! That we can be unshakable, assured and deeply at peace if we trust him. Yes!

Above all else is love. It holds all the things.

Another verse on trust. He is trustworthy. He is good. He knows the future. He knows our stories. He sees it all and holds it all. His timing is perfect.

Do you have any #slowliving routines?

What is something you do every day that you could fit sharing some positive inspiration on social media? Is this even something that interests you?

Want to see fresh Coffee Mug Scripture and inspiration? Follow me on Instagram @amy_newnostalgia.



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  • Dee Tracy
    June 24, 2017 at 7:24 am

    Hi Amy! Yes, this post resonates with me as I have the very.same.morning.routine! I love those first sips of steamy coffee and my time alone with God. There’s really nothing like it. There are no words to express how sweet those times are to me. You’ve done a beautiful job and I love that you’re sharing it on Instagram!

    • AmyNewNostalgia
      July 3, 2017 at 2:46 pm

      We have this in common my friend! I understand how hard it is to express how amazing this routine is. Thank you for your sweet compliment and excitement about Instagram sharing!
