GF, Vegan & Raw/ RECIPES/ Sweets

How To Make Sugar Free & Dairy Free Nutella

Sugar free and dairy free nutella

We are always having fun and interesting conversations over on New Nostalgia’s Facebook page–come join us!

Just yesterday I posted an article on NN’s FB page, written by Danielle Angel via Active Beat, called “10 Worst Breakfasts To Feed Your Child.”  It was an interesting and eye opening article, and one I decided to show my 13 year old who has been begging me for a certain chocolate nut spread that “every other family but ours” gets to eat!  The article said it is full of sugar and fat.  Now personally, I do not mind the fat, because it is a healthy fat from nuts, (although it does contain palm oil, too) but I DO mind the sugar.

Some of my readers commented that they have seen recipes for this certain chocolate nut spread floating around on Pinterest, and then Jen from De Jong Dream House most graciously shared her recipe with us on the comment feed.  I was so excited about it that I asked if I could share it with you all!

Jen’s husband Niels is a Dutch citizen, and she jokes that for the sake of her marriage, Nutella is a mainstay in their home.  She says the “Dutchies” also put chocolate sprinkles on their sandwiches!  Sounds like a fun bunch to me!

She also shares that her son has a milk allergy, so she came up with a sugar free, dairy free version of Nutella.

I can’t wait to show my daughter that we can make our own healthy version!

Want to know how to make it?  Click the link below.

How To Make Sugar Free & Dairy Free Nutella

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  • Amanda
    April 26, 2013 at 3:55 am

    Sorry, but you can’t really call this recipe sugar free when it has maple syrup in it. Not trying to be mean but I’m diabetic and don’t eat maple syrup because of all the sugar in it! It might have less sugar than real nutella though.

  • Jen @ de Jong Dream House
    April 21, 2013 at 3:31 am

    Thanks for posting my recipe! And I have to say, we ARE a fun bunch! 🙂

  • imcraftingmyway
    April 19, 2013 at 4:52 pm

    I’m going to have to try this! My Siblings love nutella, but it’s so expensive. Thanks!

  • Keely
    April 19, 2013 at 2:41 am

    Good for you!!! Thanks for the recipe!

  • Amy
    April 18, 2013 at 9:25 pm

    Wow! You say you are going to do something and you get to it, lol! Love the post and now I may take my own advice and make some too!

  • Erin
    April 18, 2013 at 5:07 pm

    Thanks for sharing. My 11 y.o. daughter came home from school the other day and said that her classmates always comment on how little food she brings for lunch. I asked her if she was getting enough to eat and she said yes. Then she went on to tell me that her classmates brought lots of food, but most of it was junk which was why they needed more to fill them up. The most popular sandwich at her school right now is white bread with Nutella. It was nice to hear her explaining and understanding why we eat the way we do.

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