HEALTH/ Natural Products

How To Make Your Own Facial Toner

lavender facial toner
by Kendra Drake
Natural & Homemade Contributor

Who loves that clean taut feeling from using facial toner? Unfortunately, that tightness means all your natural protective oils have just been wiped away, leaving your skin dry. Most commercial facial toners consist of mostly alcohol and are too harsh. Check out this simple homemade facial toner recipe that is made with only two gentle, all-natural ingredients. You can stop worrying about what chemicals are lurking in your commercial toner and the high cost by making your own!

Lavender Facial Toner Recipe
5 oz. witch hazel
3 oz. lavender hydrosol (lavender water)

Mix together in a clean bottle.

Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is an astringent made from the leaves and bark of a shrub. I recommend Mountain Rose Herbs’ witch hazel. Most commercial witch hazel extracts contain more alcohol than witch hazel, but their organic witch hazel contains 86% witch hazel extract and only 14% grain alcohol.

Lavender Hydrosol
Lavender hydrosol, also known as lavender water, is produced from steam-distilling lavender flowers. Hydrosols have similar properties to essential oils, but are much less concentrated. Lavender is anti-inflammatory so this toner is gentle and reduces redness. You can find organic lavender hydrosol at Mountain Rose Herbs as well.

Cost Savings
Look how much I save!
$1.90 – 5 oz. Witch Hazel [$6.00/16 oz. at Mountain Rose Herbs]
$4.50 – 3 oz. Lavender Hydrosol [$4.50/3 oz. at Mountain Rose Herbs]
$6.40 – 8 oz. Grand Total Homemade Lavender Facial Toner
$0.80/oz. Homemade Lavender Facial Toner cost per ounce

compared to my old toner. . .
$1.94/oz. Clinique Clarifying Toner [$13/6.7 oz.]

Have you made homemade facial toner before? What ingredients did you use?


Kendra blogs at Our Homemade Happiness and writes about all things homemade, especially cleaners, skincare & healthy eating.  
Kendra Drake
Kendra Drake
Natural & Homemade Contributor

Kendra started her blog after her husband suffered from mono symptoms for over two years and his blood results showed some liver disease.  Since the liver is responsible for filtering out chemicals and toxins from the bloodstream, she started to realize how many chemicals are in everything we buy, from processed food to household cleaners, lotion, and even air freshener.  She has become inspired to rid her home of as many chemicals as she can, one product at a time, and write about it along the way.
You will love Kendra & all the great things she has to share! 
Other Posts Kendra has contributed to New Nostalgia:

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  • peggy cantrell
    September 10, 2016 at 7:43 pm

    I use lavender oil with witch hazel, I have dry sensitive skin. It works great.

  • Anonymous
    September 28, 2014 at 10:16 am

    I in to natural toner too..I always make my toner mine is rose water and witch hazel works wonder for my oily skin

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