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Minimalizing My Sunroom

Minimalizing a sunroom

The sunroom was another easy room.  I had worked on it not too long ago, so it was not too bad.  There were some things in there that were winter so it felt great to put those things away.


Organizing a sunroom


We don’t have a huge backyard, so the girls play in the front yard quite often.  Especially when using their roller blades, ripsticks, bikes & scooters.  Our garage connected to the back of the house, so we like to keep these things that they use often in the sunroom to make it easy on them to grab and play.


Getting rid of clutter


The put-away pile and give away pile were just little.  The put away was potting soil, yard tools, snow boots, and snow shovel.  Almost all of these things belong in the garage.  Just 3 little things for my giveaway pile.  Oh well.  Better than nothing, huh?


More In This Series:

Minimalizing My Living Room

Minimalizing My Dining Room

My Big Fail While Minimalizing


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  • RyannHoyer@YanceyCompany.com
    June 17, 2013 at 7:49 pm

    Your sunroom looks great. I didn’t see a lot of changes in it, but I have to say that everything is more organized now. And I like the wooden hammock, Amy! It’s very unique to see one in your sunroom because others usually just go for a comfy lounge. You had an awesome choice of design for your carpet and pillows too.

  • upnorth
    April 18, 2013 at 12:50 pm

    Do you have any extra time to come to my house and help me out???? Working full time and days off few, taking the time to make the house clutter free is nill!!How are you feeling?? I pray good!

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