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Brunch/ Healthy Eating/ RECIPES

My Top 5 Go-To Healthy Breakfasts

Healthy breakfasts
I’ve been asked lots of questions about what exactly it is that I eat, so I thought I would start with sharing my top 5 Go To Healthy Breakfasts.
High Nutrient graph

I have slowly been changing the way I eat over the last 3 years since my cancer diagnosis.  I have embraced what is called Nutritarianism and I have LOVED every minute of figuring out how to eat this way.  I love food and I do not feel deprived at all as a Nutritarian…it is the opposite.  I feel like I am experiencing a variety of foods and have developed a taste for wholesome, healthy food!

What is a Nutritarian?

nutritarian is a person who has a preference for foods that are high in micronutrients.
The term “nutritarian” was coined by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. In his book, Eat to Live, he offers this health equation while describing the nutritarian approach to health:
Health = Nutrients/Calories (or H= N/C for short).
In other words: the more nutrients you consume per calorie, the healthier you will be.

Breakfast is a great way to get nutrients.  Many breakfast foods are naturally high in nutrients.  It is my favorite meal of the day.

My 5 Go To Healthy Breakfasts

Steelcut oatmeal

Oatmeal Freezer Pucks
These are a staple for me.  I always have them in my freezer, whether they are homemade by me or bought from Trader Joes.  I always add some frozen berries to the top of mine, then warm it a few more seconds in the microwave.  I also add cinnamon as it is surprisingly a very nutritious spice.  I eat this breakfast at least 3 times a week.  It keeps me full, regular & gives lots of energy.

Chia oat pudding

Chia Oats
Oh how we love our chia oats around here!  They really don’t need to sit overnight, but you will need at least 15 minutes for the oats to soften and the chia to swell and soak up the milk, which thickens the pudding.  We use them as a snack almost more often than breakfast.  We have them for breakfast at least once a week.  These are incredibly healthy for you, with loads of fiber, protein & omega’s.  To read more on the benefits of chia, and 13 more ways to eat it, click here.

Qia superfood cereal

This is my new go to breakfast and the one I have been eating most often lately.  Talk about easy…2 tablespoons of cereal, top with milk and let sit a few minutes.  Stir and eat.  It is amazing how sustaining those 2 tablespoons of cereal are.  I feel as full as if I ate a huge bowl of oatmeal.  It is a bit pricey, but lasts a long time and well worth the health benefits that you get from this.  They have a few flavors…the Cranberry Vanilla Qia is my new favorite flavor.

Big bowl breakfast

Rips Big Bowl
ALL 3 of my girls LOVE this breakfast.  It is multiple healthy cereals, oats & chia plus fruit, all in one bowl.  Click through to read more about this intriguing breakfast.  I think you are going to like it!

Berry pancake bites

Berry Pancake Bites
These are a weekend go to breakfast for us, and a great afternoon snack. It uses a whole grain pancake mix.  Make mix according to directions for pancakes, sprinkle top with berries, and bake.  Couldn’t be easier, and these are so good my girls have started eating them without syrup, which is a bonus.  Saves sugar calories and the grocery budget!

Brunch/ Healthy Eating/ How-Tos/ RECIPES

13 Favorite Ways To Eat Chia – A Mega Energy Food

13 Ways To Eat Chia Seeds- A Mega Energy Food!

A little bit about the superfood Chia.  The word “Chia” is actually a Mayan word for “strength.”  The seeds were used by ancient cultures as mega-energy food.  Especially for their running messengers.  Chia has been called “Indian Running Food” and is knows in the world of super marathon runners as a staple for sustained energy.

{click here to buy on Amazon}

Chia seeds and I are like best friends. I try to enjoy them everyday.

~the are jammed packed with protein and minerals and healthy fats and fiber
~they provide more plant based Omega 3’s than any other food, even FLAX
~5 times the calcium of milk, plus boran which is a trace mineral that helps transfer calcium to bones
~8 times the omega 3’s found in salmon
~3 times more iron than spinach
~2 times the amount of potassium than bananas
~more antioxidants than found in blueberries
~they have 5 GRAMS of fiber PER TABLESPOON!
~the are a complete source of protein, providing all the essential amino acids
~can be stored for years without deterioration of flavor or color
~they are flavorless and dissolve in juice, soups, stews, shakes etc..

~they are low calorie way to get super FULL!


Here are a few of my favorite ways to eat Chia:

Chia oats

Chia Oats

This is a no cook way to eat your oats.  Many call them “overnight” oats, as you make them the night before and let them sit overnight. My daughter begs me to make these and often eats them as a super healthy afternoon snack!

Chewy no bake granola bars

Chewy, No Bake Granola Bars

These are super delicious and a great way to get fiber in!

Anytime chia oats

Anytime Chia Oats

The same as above, but they do not need to sit out overnight.  Just throw the ingredients into a blender. It makes a textured banana oat chia pudding.

chocolate peanut butter chia pudding

Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Pudding

A great and healthy way to satisfy those chocolate cravings!

Green smoothie

My Everyday Green Smoothie

Sometimes I add chia, sometimes I don’t.  This is a GREAT go-to green smoothie!

peanut butter banana chia seed roll up

Peanut Butter Banana Chia Seed Roll Up

These make a good after school snack.  It gets those Omega’s into your kids.

chocolate almond chia oats/ apple dip

Chocolate Almond Chia Oats / Apple Dip

Another favorite after school snack.  My 9 year old daughter likes to whip this up all by herself.

blueberry banana chia oat smoothie

Blueberry Banana Chia Oat Smoothie

Super filling and full of antioxidants!

strawberry banana breakfast chia oats

Strawberry Banana Breakfast Chia Oats

This is one of my favorite ways to eat Chia Oats.

ziplock smoothie freezer packs

Ziplock Smoothie Freezer Packs

I often put a spoonful of chia seeds into our smoothies made from these Ziplock Freezer Packs.

Rips big bowl for breakfast

Rips Big Bowl For Breakfast

I love to sprinkle chia seeds on our cold breakfast cereal.  This one is a fav around here.

orange almond polenta cake with strawberries

Orange Almond Polenta Cake With Strawberries

This cake is super refreshing, and uses what is called a “Chia egg.”  A chia egg is an egg substitute.  Great for vegans or if you just happen to run out of eggs!


GT's chia kombucha

GT’s Chia Kombucha

I LOVE these drinks.  Kombucha is fermented and great for your gut.  It has a bit of “fizz” which makes me feel like I am drinking a soda.  These Kombucha’s with chia are filling & make a great snack.  Buy them at your local health food store.


How To Make A Chia Egg Substitute

1 Tbls Chia to 3 Tbls water–mix and let sit until a gel like consistency, about 10 minutes.


One of the most common ways to eat chia is to first soak the seeds.  They can very rapidly absorb a large amount of liquid- between 9-12 times their value, in under 10 minutes.

Basic Chia Gel

To make a basic chia gel, simply add 1/3 cup of seeds (2oz) to 2 cups of water.  Stir the mixture well, to avoid clumping, then leave it in your fridge, in a sealed mason jar.  This will yield around 17 oz of chia gel.  You can begin to eat the gel almost immediately if you like.  Just 10 minutes is enough time for the get to be formed.  More of the nutrients will be easily accessible after a few hours however, so many people alike to make up a batch like this and leave it in the fridge.  It will stay good for about three weeks.  You will have ready-made gel whenever you need it.  You can add to smoothies, mix it with salad dressings, puddings or granola, or simply take it by the spoonful.


You can buy Chia seeds at Trader Joes, health food stores, and many grocery stores in the health food section.  You can also click here to order them from Amazon.  Amazon has a great deal, and I will get a small percentage of your purchase if you use this link!



Peanut Butter Banana Chia Seed Roll Up

I’m always looking for ways to reap the benefits of the nutritional powerhouse called chia.  Chia seed is a super easy way to boost the nutritional value of all kinds of snacks.

Navitas Naturals Chia Seeds Aztec Superfood, 16 Ounce Pouch

Chia seeds and I are fast friends.  Why?

~the are jammed packed with plant protein and minerals, healthy fats and fiber
~they provide more plant based Omega 3’s than any other food, even FLAX
~they have 5 GRAMS of fiber PER TABLESPOON!
~they are flavorless and partially dissolve in juice, soups, stews, shakes etc..
~they are FILLING!

These Peanut Butter Banana Chia Seed Roll Ups are really yummy, and are healthy and hearty enough to be considered breakfast, although we use them most often as a snack.  They are easy to make ahead of time, and are quite portable.  They could even take the place of a boring sandwich in those school lunches.
To make them extra yummy, try slathering some date paste on them as well.  Date paste is an easy to make, super delicious sweetener spread.  It reminds me of a caramel flavor, and I just love it.  I use it most often on oatmeal, and I really loved the flavor it added to these rollups.  Of course, it is optional.  These roll ups are delicious even without the date paste.
Peanut Butter Banana Chia Seed Roll Ups 
Whole wheat tortilla
Peanut butter
Chia seeds
Date paste, optional
Spread tortilla with peanut butter & date paste, if using.  Sprinkle with chia seeds.  Place banana on one side of the tortilla & roll up.

Brunch/ Featured/ GF, Vegan & Raw/ RECIPES/ Sweets

Chocolate Chia Pudding

I needed some chocolate asap, and I also knew I needed to figure out how to get a bit of protein, iron and fiber into my body. I had skipped my daily green smoothie so I knew I was missing some of these key nutrients.  Enter, the chia seed, and hello Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Pudding!

I got this craving at 7:30 in the evening just as the sun was going down. I hurried to gather my ingredients to take advantage of the fading natural light for photos. I’m not kidding when I say this takes just a minute to make. It was so easy! Milk of your choice, cocoa powder, chia seeds, peanut butter & maple syrup. Throw it all into a cup measure and stir!


The hardest part of this recipe is having the patience for the chia seed to do its thing. It takes a few minutes for the chia to swell and absorb the liquid to turn it into a pudding consistency. The top photo was take after 5 minutes of refrigeration. It still was on the runny side, but I was impatient and my light was fading. It thickened up enough to use as a dip for apples in just about 10 more minutes.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Pudding
{makes 1 serving}
1/2 cup milk ( I used almond.  Can use dairy or coconut or whatever you desire)
2 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tbsp maple syrup
Frozen berries (optional)
Throw all into a cup and stir. Refrigerate, stirring every few minutes, until desired consistency…up to 20 minutes. (I ate mine after 10 minutes)
I’ve talked about chia before.  It is a superstar superfood and I love it.  I bought the above book and devoured it in 2 days. My family had fun teasing me, as I sat and read my book while drinking a bottle of chia kombucha.
                More about chia from The Wellness Warrior:
1. Chia is gluten free
2. It is super high in dietary fibre, making it great for digestion and healing digestion issues.
3. It contains 20% Omega 3 ALA, making it a super food for the brain and heart. Chia has eight times more Omega 3 than salmon!
4. It boasts 20% protein
5. The protein is a complete protein with all 8 essential amino acids
6. It is high in antioxidants (It has a four times higher ORAC value than blueberries)
7. Chia contains five times more calcium than milk
8. Chia contains seven times more vitamin C than oranges
9. It contains three times more iron than spinach
10. It contains twice the potassium content of banana
11. It is food for healthy skin, hair and nails
12. It has a positive impact balancing blood glucose levels (making it awesome for diabetics)
13. Chia makes a great egg replacement. Just combine with water to form a gel, and add it to recipes that call for egg.


Brunch/ RECIPES/ Sides

Anytime Chia Pudding

This chia pudding is really a great little snack that is full of fiber and protein.  If you have tried my Breakfast Chia Oats, you will know what to expect with these.  This pudding uses the same ingredients, but instead of soaking overnight, you put all in the blender, which makes it ready to eat anytime! No waiting!  It is a smoother version of No Cook Breakfast Chia Oats.
We eat this blended pudding version of chia oats as an after school snack.  My youngest girl BEGS me to make this, especially if she has a soccer game.  Chia has been named the ancient “runner’s food” and I think she took this idea to heart and craves them before big games.
Simple, wholesome ingredients, and takes only minutes to throw together.
Banana, your choice of milk, oats, chia, vanilla.
{not pictured-peanut butter & maple syrup}
Chia seeds and I are becoming fast friends.  Why?
~the are jammed packed with plant protein and minerals, healthy fats and fiber
~they provide more plant based Omega 3’s than any other food, even FLAX
~they have 5 GRAMS of fiber PER TABLESPOON!
~they are flavorless and partially dissolve in juice, soups, stews, shakes etc..
~they are FILLING!


Anytime Chia Pudding
1 banana (I like to use a frozen one)
1/3 cup regular oats
2/3 cup almond milk (or regular, soy or coconut milk) 
2 Tbls Chia seeds
1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 Tbls peanut butter or almond butter
2 Tbls maple syrup, honey or agave nectar (if more sweetness is needed)
Put all in blender.  Blend until smooth.  There will be some slight texture from the chia seeds and oats.  For a smoother texture, let mixture sit for a few minutes, then blend again.



This nutritional information below includes:
 1/3 cup oats, 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, 2 tablespoons chia seeds, and 1 small banana.


If you add 2 Tbls peanut butter it brings the total to
 13 grams of fiber and 11 grams of protein!!
Not bad for a snack. 🙂
*On days I need a big protein boost, I will add a scoop of protein powder and some extra liquid.

Blueberry Banana Chia Oat Smoothie

I’m sipping on this hearty, filling, textured smoothie as I type away at this post.  It is yummy!  It is breakfast in a cup, which was perfect for me this morning.  I’ve been carrying it around, sipping as I get stuff done around here.  

I often use my Everyday Green Smoothie as a perfect base for adding whatever else to my smoothies.  Usually it is frozen berries, but today I wanted the extra heartiness of oats.  I also decided to throw some blueberries in there, which made it a pretty purple.  

The oats make this a “textured smoothie” so if that is not appealing, skip the oats.

Blueberry Banana Chia Oat Smoothie

2 large handfuls of spinach (about 2 cups)
1 cup almond milk (or milk of choice-coconut, soy, dairy)
1 banana
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I use Plant Fusion, see below)
1/3 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
1 cup ice
1/3 cup oats (optional)
2 tbls chia seeds (optional)
Place spinach, almond milk, banana, chia and protein powder in blender.  Blend until smooth.  You should see a cortex in the middle, if you don’t add a bit more milk until you do.  When smooth, add oats, then ice.  Blend a bit more.  Pour and enjoy!
This smoothie contains at least 16 grams of fiber and lots of protein from the powder and spinach.  It is also a good source of iron (spinach), potassium (banana), and antioxidants.

Navitas Naturals Chia Seeds Aztec Superfood, 16 Ounce Pouch
Love ’em.  Why?
~the are jammed packed with protein and minerals and healthy fats and fiber
~they provide more plant based Omega 3’s than any other food, even FLAX
~they have 5 GRAMS of fiber PER TABLESPOON!
~they are flavorless and dissolve in juice, soups, stews, shakes etc..
~they are FILLING!

The protein powder I use is Plant Fusion Pea Protein Powder.  It is vegan and is sweetened with stevia herb. No yucky artificial sweeteners.  Love it!


Chocolate Almond Chia Oats

This Chocolate Almond Chia Oat pudding is served cold.  It is a wonderful breakfast and makes a very healthy and filling snack.

My 8 year old lives for this stuff and has become the official ‘chia oat maker’ in our home.  She is so cute measuring, mashing and stirring.  She keeps the recipe on the refrigerator and knows that I am ok with her making them whenever she wants, due to how healthy they are!

This nutritional information below includes:

 1/3 cup oats, 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, 2 tablespoons chia seeds, and 1 small banana.


{my girls use the Chocolate Peanut Butter version as a super healthy apple dip!}


A little bit about:
Chia seeds and I are becoming fast friends.  Why?
~the are jammed packed with protein and minerals and healthy fats and fiber
~they provide more plant-based Omega 3’s than any other food, even FLAX
~they have 5 GRAMS of fiber PER TABLESPOON!
~they are flavorless and dissolve in juice, soups, stews, shakes etc..
 ~they are FILLING!



Chocolate Almond Chia Oats

1 banana, mashed

1/3 cup regular oats

3/4 cup chocolate almond milk (or chocolate regular, soy or coconut milk)

2 Tbsp chia seeds

1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract


1 spoonful almond butter (can use peanut butter)

a squirt of agave nectar (or honey or maple syrup)

Mix all but almond butter and agave in a bowl.  Cover and refrigerate for at least 15-30 minutes (up to overnight, if desired).  Uncover and stir, then top with almond butter and sweetener of choice.


For regular Chia Oat Breakfast Pudding, click here.
