101~ energy!
102~ vitamins and supplements and the ability to buy them
103~ family pizza Sundays
104~ beautiful warm, fall weather
104~ the raspberries topping my oatmeal
105~ phone texts full of love
106~ Christmas shopping fun
107~ fresh lemons
108~ God’s presence
109~ my husband and his love for me
110~ that my well-being does not depend on circumstances!
So much to be thankful for! I have been mulling over what it looks like to be thankful and content in every situation, in all circumstances. This excerpt from Jesus Calling really has hit home for me.
YOU CAN LIVE AS CLOSE TO ME as you choose. I set up no barriers between us; neither do I tear down barriers that you erect.
People tend to think their circumstances determine the quality of their lives. So they pour their energy into trying to control those situations. They feel happy when things are going well, and sad or frustrated when things don’t turn out as they’d hoped. They rarely question this correlation between their circumstances and feelings. Yet it is possible to be content in any and every situation.
Put more energy into trusting Me and enjoying My Presence. Don’t let your well-being depend on your circumstances. Instead, connect your joy to My precious promises:
Philippians 4:12
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
Genesis 28:15
I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”
Philippians 4:19
And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:39-39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
November 10, 2010 at 9:35 pmAmy, when I first heard the news about your cancer diagnosis, I had a few words with God about why He should have not allowed this in your life. I had a pretty good argument, too, I thought. Pretty quickly, though, I knew that He who know all things, knows better than I know. Few people could have stewarded this story as well as you have. You continue to be an inspiration to many as you live your life for an audience of One. We love you, we continue to pray for God to eradicate the cancer from every cell of your body, and we are awed by the woman you are. With much love, Aunt Linda & Uncle John
November 9, 2010 at 5:24 amThanks! I needed that today.
November 9, 2010 at 1:09 amYou are so inspiring. My husband is a survivor and he tries to encourage others anyway he can. Some people have that gift and you are definitely one of them. Thanx for sharing
November 9, 2010 at 1:23 ambeautiful!! Thanks for sharing. Yes it is possible to content in any and every situation. Albeit difficult it is possible thanks for the reminder.
November 8, 2010 at 6:42 pmAmy~This was a wonderful testament… thank you for sharing it. Just today as I was washing two sinks full and a counter full of dishes I was giving thanks because that meant we had homecooked meals and that my water came from a faucet… I am blessed. I hope you are feeling well today. Theresa xoxo