FAMILY/ Marriage

Ensuring Quality Time During Long Distance

From our Monthly Contributor, Cassie at True Agape:

If Quality Time is your spouse’s or your own primary Love Language long distance can be hard to endure through. In this day and age there are many reasons why couples may have to deal with stints of long distance during their marriages including work or treatments for illnesses. Good news is there are ways to stay connected and have Quality Time even though physically you are far apart!
Ensuring Quality Time with long distance is still done the same way as if you were in person as far as having dedicated attention, focused conversation and good activities. It just takes a bit more creativity and imagination! 
If you and your spouse are long distance for any amount of time try these ideas: 
1) Phone and Internet– Extend these times longer than you would normally spend. Quality 
conversations can still take place. Make sure to stay focused on the person on the other end 
rather than multitasking.

2) Write Letters– If there is distance for extended periods of time this is an option. In the letter let the person know you were thinking of them. When writing to someone or reading words from 
someone there is a connection that is a lot like face to face time.

3) Do Something Together– Even though you are not physically together there are still ways to 
connect. Read to each other on the phone, have dinner together over Skype, send a funny video link to share, or each of you take a picture that represents your day and send it to the other. These things can help you feel like you are still close and spending time together.

4) Make Plans– Together make some plans for when they arrive back home. This could be plans of a weekend at home, a date night idea or an up and coming vacation. Spend time talking about 
being together, what it will feel like and what you will enjoy about it.
Although long distance can create a hardship on marriage if one of your Love Languages are Quality Time it can be minimized by these creative ideas. Continuing to have Quality Time in different ways is a must to make sure both of your love tanks are full during this time. 
What are some ways you ensure Quality Time during long distance?

“Marriage is Not a Destination, But Rather a Life Long Journey”

You can also find & follow Cassie & True Agape Here:

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  • Newlywed Cook
    April 3, 2014 at 7:27 am

    I travel a lot and sometimes that means a week or two away from my hubby. I always send photos every few days to make him feel he sharing the experience with me. I love the idea of sharing dinner over FaceTime!

  • True Agape
    March 30, 2014 at 12:28 am

    Thank you so much Amy for letting me share these thoughts! I know long distance can put a strain on marriages when that has to take place. But we can still make our marriages thrive with a little work!

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