~tough times, they show my need for Him
~chocolate granita
~hair that keeps on growing
~a chance meeting with my father-in-law. His kind words and eyes.
~beautiful, life-giving walks with Nanc and Carm.
~sister phone calls
~sister facebook chats
~flowers from my mom
~alone time
~moments alive
~awareness of His presence
~kind doctors that “get” me
~peace while waiting for test results
~the power of His whispered name
~creamy, chewy steel cut oats with cranberries and cinnamon!
~pills that allow me to be me
~a cold that only lasted 3 days! Yay!!
~handy dandy Greens Pak
~my daughters sickness, allowed me to spend 6 full days with her
~watching my youngest fall in love with soccer & the joy it brings her soccer-loving daddy!
~deep, timely talks with my oldest
~skin incisions that heal quickly
~very little surgery pain
~another surgery crossed off the list
~a chest that looks its best:) Thank you, Dr. Hinze.
May 17, 2011 at 2:36 amI found you on Ann’s today and your blog is fabulous! I love how you say you are modern yet old fashioned on your profile – I can relate. Thanks for sharing your list! May your week be blessed 🙂
Joanne xo
May 17, 2011 at 1:08 amI discovered your sweet blog this morning, and look forward to reading – so many inspiring ideas, and will peek in often. I had breast cancer and a mastectomy almost 6 years ago. My heart and prayers are with you and so very much want to encourage you to take one-step-at-a-time. You are doing so admirably well!
SON-shiny hugs … Dori
May 16, 2011 at 5:36 pmI’m blessed by your thankful list. You were the one before me at Ann’s today, so I came by for a visit. Your list shows you are truly living out the hard eucharisteo. I thank God for you!
May 16, 2011 at 4:14 pmAmy,
I have been following your blog for a couple months now–not knowing how to respond to the challenges you face, but praying for you. Today, I just thought I’d let you know : )