FAMILY/ Leaving A Legacy

My Girls, My Lovelies

Words from a 2 time cancer survivor Mom to her 3 daughters. Sweet word of wisdom from Psalms.

Leaving a Legacy

As a 2-time cancer survivor, I’ve learned (most days) to look at life with the tangible knowledge that it could end at any given moment. None of us know how long we have here on this earth.

This legacy series is written for my 3 girls, my Lovelies, as my way of attempting to leave a legacy for them.  To speak of the important things, the things I most want them to know.

A Legacy For My 3 Lovelies

I called them my Lovelies much more often when they were young. Now that they are teens, I do not say it often, as it gets weird looks and an occasional eye roll. Ha! But never-the-less, they are SO lovely in my eyes, even when their eyes roll at me!


having a beauty that appeals to the heart or mind as well as to the eye; gracefully beautiful.

Teagan, Colsie & Avery, this is how I see you. I’m overwhelmed by your beauty inside and out. I know the One who created you will continue to do a work of beauty in you. I’m so proud of the 3 of you, and I’m so honored to be your Mom.


An Excerpt From My Journal

Inspired by Psalm 91


To My 3 Lovelies,


Sit in his presence.

So safe.



Do you feel it, tucked in His shadow? Fully Know. Fully loved.

Make this your go-to place, trust the safety of His complete love for you.


He will show you where to go, what to do.

He will rescue you and shield you from enemy plans of harm.


Look up. Do you see it?

His great outstretched arms protecting you.


You are enveloped.

Perfectly safe.


Do you feel Him?

Even when numb, He holds you.


Do not fear, you are always held.

Fear not.

Not when life is dark and loud thoughts come.


Remember where you are…completely covered in His safe shadow.

Underneath His mighty arms, in His gentle hands.


All is fought for you.

Battles won.


No sickness

No disaster

Nothing will faze or graze you.


You will be removed from the path of harm, protected

You will experience hardship in this world, but stay tucked

Watch from a distance, a margin brought on by trust.


He is your safety net

A hammock for your heart.


Your very own personalized perfect home, there in His arms.

Yes, you are safe in His arms!


Evil can’t touch you.

Surrounded, sealed tight


Warrior angels watch over you.

Guarded, you are.


If you trip up they will help you step up.

It is their job to keep your head up.


You will tread through hardship–even the scariest



Hold fast. Sit tight.

When hardship comes, reach out for His hand, hold tight.


Grip & grit.

Stay with Him.


He sees you and will get you out of trouble.

You will receive His best care.


Your job?


a restful knowing

a leaning in

a pursuit of the One who holds you.


Get to know Him!

Choose Him!


The more you know Him,

the more you will choose Him,

the more you will trust Him.


My Lovelies.

Are you troubled?

Are you in trouble?


Say His name.

Call it out or maybe just whisper it?


He will always hear.

He will answer and be at your side

A neverending presence.


You are in the best of care!


I am a Mom, heart gripped with love for you

Even then, I know I can relax and release you.


You are His and I know that He:


Celebrates you!

Dances over you!


He will give you eternal life.

Just think, a neverending Presence!


Nest in, sweet Lovelies.

Settle down and settle in.


Be still


Grip firm with grit


Stay tucked and enveloped.

Yes! Experience His neverending, overwhelming love.



Your Forever Mom

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