I am on a mission this year to make our school lunches something my kids look forward to. I also want to feel good about the food I serve them. By the end of the school year last year, if I even mentioned peanut butter and jelly all 3 of my girls would moan.
I’ve been scouring the web for inspiration and guess what? I AM SUPER INSPIRED!
I’ve learned that half the battle is having the right equipment, so today I will be going shopping for thermoses, containers & ice packets. I am so tired of buying little baggies, not to mention the waste, so small containers it is. They will eventually pay for themselves with the money I save in not buying those zippy little baggies!
On to my inspiration:
This is an awesome site. This mom documented every lunch she packed for her child for a year. She said the square box she uses in each lunch is from Target. I like how she uses a muffin liner to separate foods. She also writes that she uses press and seal for any “spillable” foods like yogurt or dips.
Make smoothies, freeze them, then put them in lunch box. They will freeze just enough by lunch time, and also act as a cold pak.
This is a great post by my blog friend Cassidy at Remodelaholic. She lists 25 best school lunches, some are quite creative. I like the simplicity of the lunch pictured above. A silicone muffin liner is another way to separate food, and is reusable.
I know I will fall back on the trusty peanut butter and jelly sandwich once in awhile, but I don’t think my girls will mind if I add some interesting & healthy sides to it. That power bar looks awesome, huh? Click link under the photo for the recipe.
This site is in Spanish, but the picture speaks for itself. What a simple, cute & healthy way to express love. Kids love and notice little touches.
Aren’t these so cute. Easy and sweet. I’m gonna have my 9 year old make the clips, but I won’t tell her what I plan on doing with them!
The rest of my shares will be from this amazing site called Easy Lunch Boxes. There are so many ideas! I will share my favs:
Served with a thermos of lentil soup.
Source: easylunchboxes.smugmug.com via New on Pinterest
Served with a thermos of tomato soup.
Want to see more of my pins? I’d love you to follow me on Pinterest.
Got any more great lunch ideas for me? Please share in the comments!
August 10, 2012 at 12:11 amGREAT ideas!
August 10, 2012 at 3:10 amThanks, Amy for all the great info. Those Bento Boxes look great, but pricey.