This is our one and only junk drawer in the whole house. It is tiny and needed some attention because it was getting hard to open!
{Trying to open the drawer, it kept getting stuck half way}
Here is everything, minus the trash, that was in the drawer. How did all that stuff get in there? No wonder I can never find a pen!! I emptied the drawer and separated things according to where they belong. I had a “tool” pile, a “pen/pencil” pile, a “hair accessory pile” and all kinds of small miscellaneous things.
This was the pile of trash…unbelievable!:)
Here is the drawer, finished. I have post-its and a few pens for messages, the cord for my griddle, and our lighter. Much better!
What to do with all those small miscellaneous things? Buy a drawer organizer!! This is one of my favorite things, perfect for things like keys, safety pens, super glue, tape measures, outlet adapters, plastic ties, etc. I’ve had mine for years and keep in on a shelf in our office. I love having a place to put small random things that I might need to find later.
You can get one here at,
or I have seen them at Walmart or Target.
Sarah @ Modern Country Style
October 26, 2010 at 4:28 pmUuuurrrgghhh….this reminds me of our draw that needs going through.
This should be my anti-procrastination project!!
Busy Working Mama
October 21, 2010 at 12:03 pmGood job! I did something like this win my big junk drawer the other month and I swear it took me an hour. But now I can find everything! Hope you are feeling well.
October 21, 2010 at 12:48 amI like the red shoes! 🙂
Chef Lana
October 20, 2010 at 11:26 amI wish I had only one junk drawer in my house! I think we have one in every room!
October 20, 2010 at 11:11 amAmy….you look amazing by the way! Love the junk drawer post. The picture of all the junk laid out could be in my house….first because we have all that junk….and we own all those shoes! Nice taste in foot wear! 🙂
Sew Create It - Jane
October 20, 2010 at 9:46 amWe have a draw like that…I think most people do.
Have you ever seen the Michael McIntyre skit about the junk draw? Here’s a link to the Youtube video..the part about the junk draw starts at about 1:30..but the whole think is worth watching…he is hilarious!
Andrea @ Simple Organized Living
October 20, 2010 at 2:14 amLooks great!! I love a good junk drawer transformation.
October 20, 2010 at 1:39 amGood Gravy! Don’t we ALL have at least one junk drawer!! My husband is a cabinet maker and I am ALWAYS in trouble for cramming stuff in the drawers. (But hey he can fix it if it breaks..right? coughing here and remembering gma saying the cobbler’s wife goes without shoes.) LOVE your blog and I linked up to the anti procrastination Tuesday party. I am new to blogging so I hope I did this correct.