Cancer Journey/ HEALTH

Caring Bridge Journal Update

My bro-in-law rockin’ the bald look with me:)
BZZZZ–that was so fun.  Thanks, Cory, for showing your support in such a fun way!
{the following is from my Caring Bridge journal}
It has been a good weekend.  Friday my friend, Ann, came to visit bearing gifts of 4 homemade frozen meals and a homemade peach pie. I felt so stinkin’ loved!  We had the best time chatting, I showed her my growing hat collection and my bald head.  Her visits are always therapeutic, but this one was especially so!  My girls came walking in from school as she was about to leave.  She offered to take them to the park so I could rest awhile.  That was a great gesture of love as she had an hour drive home and it would put her driving time right at rush hour if she stayed.  I accepted.  Because I got some rest, I was able to stay up later and keep my husband company on a Friday night.  We watched our favorite shows and had a great evening together.  Thank you, Ann!

Saturday I found myself in “preparing for chemo” mode.  I know I will be pretty checked out for a few days, so it is important to me to have household stuff in order.  I stuck one of Ann’s homemade meals in the oven–meatloaf–it made my home smell wonderful and it was so nice to not worry about dinner after a tiring day.  I baked her peach pie, too, and we had a great family night watching our favorite shows and piggin’ out on great food!

Today was a wonderful day.  We went to church in the morning, I was greeted with a hug by our pastors wife right when I walked in the door.  She is so genuine and caring and wonderful.

We went to my in-laws for what we call our monthly “Pizza Sunday” We have an awesome, large family and I really look forward to these every month.  I was especially excited because my bro-in-law, Cory, told me he’d let me shave his head in honor of me:)  It was super fun, we did a mo-hawk first, then buzzed his entire head.  The kids got a kick out of watching, it was a fun moment.

Tonight I ran around like a crazy women just preparing for chemo tomorrow.  It reminds  me a bit of nesting, just not as fun:)  There is a feeling of anticipation, of wanting to get everything in order for a big, coming event.  My event is nasty chemo– blech.  I just want everything as easy on my family as possible while I am sick this week, so that feeling has kept me busy this evening.  I am ready!!  Sorta..

I am not looking forward to the hard parts of the week.

Here are a few prayer requests if I may..
~I’d really like to make it through a banquet the my husband is speaking at tomorrow night.  It will be right after a day of chemo, so I’m not sure how I will do.
  ~That I would get through the “fog” moments.  Not just get through them, but I long to use them as a chance to “Be Still, and Know that He is God”  It is not a good feeling to be aware in your mind of what is going on, but so tired/weak that you are unable to keep your eyes open or talk without mumbling.  I was only like that for about a day and 1/2 last session, so instead of freaking out about it, I really want to use it as a time to experience a stillness with my Jesus, and be aware that He is with me.  
~ I’m anxious to know the measurement of the tumor, and if my Doctor thinks it has shrunk as much as I think it has.  Pray that it has!
~My white blood cell count has been very high both times I got tested the last couple weeks.  ðŸ˜›  I’m so blessed!  There is a possibility that if it is still high, they will skip the Neulasta shot that I have to get the day after chemo.  This shot stimulates the bones to produce more white blood cells.  It was very uncomfortable and at times very painful, and lasted 4-5 days.  The pain medication I took is what messed my digestive system all up, so if I could skip all of that, it would be so very awesome.  
~that my kids would be at peace with mom being sick and tired again for awhile.  That they would remember it only lasts a few days and will be over soon. They have been doing so well, I am so very proud of them.  
 ~last but not least, would you pray for my friend, Jill?  I just met her online and she is a fellow breast cancer fighter, who was recently diagnosed.  She just had some hard news that her cancer is in her hip and spine.  She has 3 children.  She is a dear and could really use your prayers right now.

Thank you all for your prayers and all your awesome comments.  They make me smile, I am so grateful. 

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  • Melanie
    October 4, 2010 at 1:39 pm

    Praying for you! Even though we have never met, you are in my thoughts and prayers each day. Blessings to you, sweet sister!

    love and hugs,

  • Aiming4Simple
    October 4, 2010 at 1:38 pm

    I will remember your requests.

    Also, you have a blog award from me. Feel free to keep and enjoy or pass it on, but I think your other concerns take priority. Grace to you…

  • Crystal
    October 4, 2010 at 4:10 pm

    what an awesome family you have!!!

  • Chef Lana
    October 4, 2010 at 12:44 pm

    Finished my morning quiet time and the verse from today that rings true. Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Rest this week in the knowledge that God is all around you.

  • gabe
    October 4, 2010 at 12:28 pm

    Thanks for adding specific prayer requests. . .you are often on my mind and I like knowing what you need us to pray for!

  • Deb
    October 4, 2010 at 10:31 am

    I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago and have been blessed by you. I will be praying for you, your family, Jill and your dr. and nurses.

  • The Mitchells Five
    October 4, 2010 at 4:02 am

    I’ll be praying for you tomorrow, Amy. I’m going to wear my red shirt again to help me remember.
    “To added affliction, He adds His mercy, to multiplied trial, His multiplied grace.” It just was in my head, so I had to share!

  • Becca
    October 4, 2010 at 3:13 am

    I’m praying for you and Jill. I turned the tv off so I could do it right now. Thanks for sharing your requests.

  • elizabeth @ twelvecrafts
    October 4, 2010 at 2:16 am

    Thanks for including us in your prayer requests! It’s wonderful to know exactly what your needs are in the coming days. Adding Jill to those prayers as well!

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