Anti-Procrastination Tuesday #87

Here are my goals this week:

My Closet!!!(yes, again this week.  nope, didn’t do it last week.)

Only keep what I will wear
Hang up all clean clothes
Sort shoes
Accomplish 3 more pins from Pinterest

15 minutes a day or
1 hour & 15 minutes in one day or
35 minutes twice in the week
Last week’s goal was to accomplish 3 pins from Pinterest!  

Source: via Amy on Pinterest

I was inspired by this outfit, again, the idea of a summer piece (dress) made warm by adding leggings boots and a scarf.

We went out of town this weekend to beautiful sunny Arizona.  It was a conference for the organization my husband works for.  I needed a way to store my bobby pins and this simple solution did the trick!

I  kept this pin in my brain throughout the week.  It brings the reminder of contentment and the “why” of the wellness of my soul!

Thanks to everyone who sponsored New Nostalgia in February. The sponsorship kick off was a success and so fun to see new names and faces in my sidebar! March will be just as exciting with even more sponsors on board. If you’re interested, there are a few more spots available for $50. 

I’m currently averaging 500,000 viewers a month…wow I feel blessed! With this in mind, sponsorship (buying ad space in my sidebar) will send some of those viewers your way.


Send an email to sponsornewnostalgia@gmail.cowith “Count Me In for March” in the subject line. 


No problem, I have the hook up. Check out Kathy over at Nudge Media, her ad designs make you want to click on them and if you mention my name, Kathy will design an awesome ad for your shop or blog for only $20.


Here are a few statistics (as of January). 

• 500,000 pageviews per month
• 3,600 subscribers via RSS, Google Feed Reader, and Bloglovin’
• over 1500 followers via Google Friend Connect
• 1500 Facebook Friends
• 6800 followers on Pinterest

You can find more information (including ad sizes) here. 
Today is the last day to sign up to win this Mariposa Dress from Shabby Apple!
Click here for details.
New Nostalgia
Last Weeks Most Clicked On Links:
Delight In Your Husband @ Always Learning
Two Ingredient Cake @ Lady With The Red Locker
Reusable Water Bottle @ My Serendipitous Life

Be Inspired, Be Encouraged, and Get Something Done!

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  • Bella @ Bella before and after
    February 22, 2012 at 8:32 am

    Hey Amy,

    First off I just wanted to quickly tell you, my challenge this week is organizing my closets too, (I linked up Part 1) and will reveal the finished closets on Friday so come check it out if you want 🙂

    Secondly, I so wish I could have gotten one of the Team Ashley shirts, I missed it and now they are all gone, I so wish they would make more. I have been following along on your cancer journey for a WHILE now, and then Ashley….. what can I say. I LOVE you gals so much for being so honest, so open, so real, and for letting us in your lives. I HATE CANCER,,, and you are SO right when you wrote that it should be a grey tattered broken fragile ribbon, not a pretty pink one. I have seen through your eyes and many others blogs just how nasty it is, I am moved every time I read a new post.

    Ok, sorry just had to get that off my chest, and let you know how much you inspire me. I don’t know what to say half the time, so I don’t way anything at all, but tonight I had a lot on my heart.

    On a lighter note, I love your blog so much, and have been horrible at keeping up as much as I wanted, but I redid my blog roll again, and now I have all my FAV BLOGS updated daily on there. So I can hopefully keep up better.

    Stop by anytime to say hello, I’m currently working on getting super organized (on a dime) and of course sharing some yummy recipes too!

    Have a WONDERFUL day my friend!!
    Hugs, Bella 🙂
    Bella Before and After
    Euro Style Cakes.

  • Mrs. T
    February 22, 2012 at 3:54 am

    Thanks for hosting! Have a great week!

  • Rachel
    February 22, 2012 at 1:45 am

    Thanks for hosting – you chose some great posts to feature. This is my first time linking up!

  • Dusti
    February 21, 2012 at 9:15 pm

    Thanks for hosting. I try to link up every week. I would love for you to check out my blog and follow me.

  • Rebekah Greiman
    February 21, 2012 at 7:12 pm

    It’s another great day, another great linking party….I linked up my DIY Organic Dishwasher Detergent. It’s really easy to make and smells fantastic!
    Thanks for hosting the party once again. Have a great day!

  • Budget Design Girl
    February 21, 2012 at 6:33 pm

    Thanks for hosting, Amy! Have a great day!

  • Natural Mothers Network
    February 21, 2012 at 3:08 pm

    Hi Amy!
    Thanks for hosting this great linky- delighted to be part of it . I posted #76 # 77 and # 80
    The Seasonal Celebration Linky #4 is live-feel free to pop over with your latest post
    Hope to see you there!
    Rebecca x

  • Amy
    February 21, 2012 at 2:32 pm

    Thank you so much for hosting. I love anti-procrastination Tuesday…Now all I need to do is stop poking around your blog, get off the couch and start the day…

    Amy {aprons & ambition}

  • Karah @ thespacebetweenblog
    February 21, 2012 at 11:51 am

    Thank you so much for hosting!

    I sent you an email about a project idea I wanted to share…it might have gone into spam…just wanted to give you a heads up. 🙂
    Karah @ thespacebetweenblog

  • Delilah Love
    February 21, 2012 at 3:33 am

    Thanks so much for hosting! I always find such great ideas and things to try. Have a great week.

    ~Semi Domesticated Mama

  • Caroline
    February 21, 2012 at 3:25 am

    Hi Amy! I was so excited to find out that you featured my cookie dough dip on here tonight! Your blog is so inspiring, touching, and enjoyable to read. Keep up your amazing work.

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