Weekly Update
It has been a week of slow around here, and I LOVED IT. I had a cold settle in my chest which turned into pneumonia, and honestly that was pretty miserable, but once I saw the Dr. and got on treatment I quickly turned a corner. Once the coughing slowed, I was able to enjoy the forced slowing of life as my lungs healed. It brought back memories of getting pleurisy after one of my reconstruction surgeries. Remembering brings on a deep thankfulness to God for life, and all that He has brought this ol’ body of mine through. I’m so, so thankful for continued health.
Forced slowness brought on time to journal, read, & rest. I also enjoyed bit of reality television and fun YouTube video watching, while sipping on Immunity Hot Lemonade. I tried to steer clear of Facebook and all things political, except for quick highlights as I need to be informed. I just wanted to keep the slowness of life and thought, and politics can get my head and heart spinning.
All I know? God is in control and holds it all.
Weekly Goals
Meal Plan — grocery list +5 meals — DONE!
Rescue My Home — dust, sweep, vacuum, mop, bathrooms — DONE!
Dates — my Todd, my girls, one close friend
Do a Pin —Best Energy Bar Recipe Formula
Daily To-Do
Spiritual —journal, Scripture, pray, meditate
Move Body–walk, yoga or strength training
Hydrate + Nutrients –greens & berries, vitamins, water
One Full Load — dishwasher & laundry
Cleaning, Clutter & Computer Zones — {Bathrooms}, {Study Closet}, & {Important Label in Inbox}
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Specific Goals
Continue reading: Present Over Perfect
Finish reading: Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life, & The Memory Keeper’s Daughter
Print My Caring Bridge Journal
Wash Fall/Winter Blankets
Rescue Clutter Areas
Start on Study Closet & Desk
Recipes To Make
Baked Salmon Topped With Feta
Fudge Black Bean Brownies
Creamy Kale & Chicken Alfredo
Date Paste (for my oatmeal & to sweeten smoothies)
Kale & Quinoa Salad
What are you wanting to get done this week?
What recipes are you planning on making?
Are you on Pinterest? Share a favorite pin you want to accomplish.
October 12, 2016 at 9:53 amHope you’re feeling better! ::hugs::
October 13, 2016 at 1:12 pmThanks Laurie! Getting there!!
Patti Smith
October 12, 2016 at 6:02 amMy mom has been in remission from AML for about a year. She is struggling with living life. She wakes up everyday feeling like the cancer will be back. I have tried to help her choose life instead of living in fear. I couldn’t help but wonder if The Anti-Cancer book might help her feel a little more in control of her situation. I noticed the publication date was 2009…do you think the research that’s mentioned is updated enough for 2016?
October 13, 2016 at 1:12 pmDealing with the fear is so hard and such an adjustment for any cancer survivor. It might be helpful to point your sweet Mom to some of my posts on anxiety. Here is a post I wrote about fear and anxiety. https://www.amynewnostalgia.com/14-ways-to-find-relief-from-severe-anxiety/
I am a natural learner, and the more I know the more it helps me to feel empowered, so the Anti-Cancer book is good for me. I love information. I do personally think it is updated enough, as advances for cancer come quite slowly, much slower then I would prefer!
Blessings to you and your Mom.