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The Ultimate Disney World Packing List and Finding Peace on a Family Vacation

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Disney Guide{my husband lives and breathes Disney.  Here is is favorite Disney planning guid.}


Guess who is in Florida about to visit Mickey?  ME. Me. MEEE!  Our long awaited family vacation has finally arrived.  My Todd has been busy for over a year planning this trip.  Our girls, ages 13, 11 & 9 are ALMOST too old for princesses, so we needed to get ourselves to Disney asap!

Before we hit the theme parks, we are taking a couple days to just chill out at St. Pete’s Beach.  It has been wonderful so far.  This is our girls very first time to fly and to see the ocean, so seeing them experience such fun things has really been special.

What is most special is the fact that I am here with my family.  We started talking about this trip shortly after I was diagnosed, and I so desperately wanted to make it through my cancer.  Honestly, I did not let myself get excited about this trip until just a few days before, when I was packing and was using the super handy list above.  I was afraid to let myself get excited.  So many unexpected things happened after my diagnosis, so many twists and turns of my journey, enough to show me that you never know when “the other shoe will drop.”  I am starting to get used to living life with that feeling.  All survivors have to, it is part of the fight–knowing that life can change drastically at any moment and learning to find peace within that feeling.

Well, in sunny Florida, peace is pretty easy to find.  I know I will be finding it tomorrow afternoon, as the resort we are staying at has a few hammocks hanging over white sands with the ocean as a soundtrack, waves on repeat.  Ahhh….peace.

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  • Ashley@AttemptsAtDomestication
    October 15, 2012 at 6:52 pm

    Have a blast! And no girl is too old for princesses 😉 I got 2 crowns when my husband and I went 2 years ago!

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