The Repurposed & Upcycled Life
by Michelle Rayburn
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“Through inspiration from God’s Word, a generous dose of humor, and everyday examples, discover the joy- filled, hope- rich way of viewing the past, present, and future.”
“Through inspiration from God’s Word, a generous dose of humor, and everyday examples, discover the joy-
If you have read my cancer story, you will know that something I talked about often with my 3 young girls was how we were going to search for “treasure” while I was in treatment to get better. I so wanted them to have eyes to see when God would show Himself and give us treasures in the middle of a very hard diagnosis and fight. And boy OH BOY, did He ever reveal Himself and give us many tangible treasures, so many that even my little ones could recognize them very easily.
When I saw the title of Michelle Rayburns book, The Repurposed & Upcycled Life, I knew right away that I needed to read this book, and was so grateful for the opportunity to do just that. I knew just from the language of the title that we would jive, for we were already speaking the same trash to treasure language. But OH, how I love, LOVED how she weaved in the idea of repurposing & upcycling. What clear analogies of what God does! I also knew the timing of this book was perfect for me, for it was time to be reminded of just how faithful God is in turning our “trash” into treasure.
It’s funny how being in the middle of a big whole heap of trash (cancer) that I was more clear- eyed to see the treasure, and even trust that God would bring good & beauty out of it. What I have found recently is the trash- whether mine or others or just what this life brings-has been slowing me down. I found that I was losing my focus and my trust would waiver, and my reactions to things showed that I was questioning that there would come something beautiful out of all the yuck.
As Michelle shares her own stories of the repurposing & upcycling process, she is refreshingly real and very funny. She helped me to see that just a little bit of whining & complaining is all it takes to lose my focus & be distracted from the amazing reality that God is IN this with us. That He is busy at work in us, making us beautiful, shiny and new. Restoring, remaking, upcycling. Doing the amazing redeeming work that He does when we present ourselves to Him.
Life is heavy in many areas around me right now. Being in the cancer world, I know of several people who are in their final stages of life on this earth. I watch and my heart breaks. I watch and fear of recurrence creeps in. I recently had the flu and it emotionally it created quite a bit of debris as it brought back painful memories of chemo. Just tonight I chatted with my younger sister whose heart is breaking as she walks through a dear friends last days on this earth. So. Very. Hard. Today I hugged two little girls who’s Daddy was recently taken jail for beating their Mommy, and whose world was turned upside down. LIFE IS HARD. It is dirty, ugly, and downright stinkin’ HARD.
But. As I was reminded in this beautiful book, we have hope. We have One who is nothing but Good, nothing but Love, our Creator God, who is busy restoring, repurposing, & renewing. Those 2 little girls? You should see the beautiful work God has done and is doing in their Mommy. She is being all shined up and loved on by God. She has run into His arms for refuge and strength and boy oh BOY how FAITHFUL our God is. She has so many beautiful treasures raining down upon her right now, and she is this shining, dear one who is delighting in all that He has for her. Is it hard? HECK yeah. Would she say it is worth it and that God is faithful? I know that she would.
Please take a minute and click the video below. It is only one minute, but it gave me chills. If you relate to what it says, then CLICK HERE and buy this book!Also, use the form below and sign up to win a free copy of The Repurposed & Upcycled Life.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Michelle is also having a fun Giveaway!
Michelle is also having a fun Giveaway!
One reader from each blog will be entered into a grand prize drawing held on April 14. Bloggers will draw the name of one commenter and send that info to Michelle by April 14. On April 15, she will draw a name using Random Number for the grand prize gift drawing which includes: a copy of The Repurposed and Upcycled Life, a journal made by Michelle, a repurposed and upcycled olive oil jar turned kitchen night light, a framed inspirational photo, chocolate, and all natural skin crème.
A photo of the basket is available here.
About Michelle, the Author of The Repurposed & Upcycled Life
Michelle Rayburn wants to help you connect the dots between faith, creativity, and everyday life and discover the joy of finding God in the most unexpected places. Years ago, she left her career as a registered nurse to raise her family, and along the way, she discovered her true passion for writing, speaking, and singing.
Along that path of discovery, she tried many side ventures, including: a wedding coordinator, rubber stamp demonstrator, custom painter and decorator, craft instructor, craft seller, and web designer. Pile on her hobbies as a quilter, scrapbooker, and avid reader, and that’s a lot of dots to connect! For the sake of sanity, she has exchanged most of those roles for the thrill of putting words on paper.
Michelle has written over 100 articles for publication, and this is her first book. She writes a monthly column for Wisconsin Christian News called “Simply Faith.” Her writing has also appeared in Christian Communicator, Focus on the Family, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Vista, and more. She has also written several Bible studies for
Michelle has been a speaker and worship leader at women’s events, MOPS meetings, conferences and retreats, and writing seminars. She has her MA in Ministry Leadership with a counseling emphasis from Crown College. She has been married to her husband Phil for 23 years and they have two young adult sons. Their family serves in ministry at a Bible camp in north central Wisconsin.
March 21, 2013 at 12:07 amI’d like to read this book. I love repurposing and upcycling…and I love reading!
March 18, 2013 at 8:29 pmI would lo ve to read this book
March 17, 2013 at 11:26 pmThe book sounds very interesting. I would love to read it and pass it on to a friend when I’m done.
Designed Decor
March 17, 2013 at 12:44 pmThis sounds like a great book. I also have a friend that it would be perfect for!
March 16, 2013 at 4:53 amMy family would love this, thanks for the chance to win it!
sweetmelbelle31 at yahoo dot com
Michelle Rayburn
March 15, 2013 at 3:41 amAmy,
Thank you for your kind words in the review. I’m moved by your story, and so blessed to be here on your blog. You are such an inspiration! And, hello to all of the blog readers. Thanks for the comments about the book.
Blessings to you all,
March 15, 2013 at 1:54 amsounds like a book I would love to read
March 15, 2013 at 1:37 amthis book looks awesome!
March 14, 2013 at 10:41 pmI would read this book, thanks for the chance to win.
Kathy Wallace
March 14, 2013 at 8:04 pmI would love to read this book.
LouAnn Dahlager
March 14, 2013 at 3:46 pmI would love the opportunity to read this book.
March 14, 2013 at 3:30 pmI am a huge fan of simplifying my life and this book is on my list to read now whether I win it or not!
March 14, 2013 at 1:53 pmGreat post and book sounds really good. I am just now finding this blog thanks to my sister. Look forward to reading from now on.
March 14, 2013 at 1:40 pmThank you for sharing about your life, healthy food options, personal growth stuff, I’m always challenged by your blog and items you share. This book comes at the right time too to read and grow more and be a better mom, wife, person, daughter, sister and continue my own journey!
March 14, 2013 at 12:18 pmSounds like just what I need to read in this season of my life :-).
March 14, 2013 at 12:08 pmThis is totally going onto my reading list!
March 14, 2013 at 10:39 amI have heard wonderful things about this book. I hope I win so I can have the opportunity to read it!
March 14, 2013 at 6:46 amI just found your blog and am loving it:) We share many things in common, including needing to work through health issues (incorporating natural methods), trying to be organized, gardening,healthy living, keep unnecessary chemicals at bay, our love for God, etc. Thank you for your inspiration, and your willingness to honestly share your journey. Your description of this author’s journey and how many different paths it took makes me grin, and feel as though I could benefit from her!! I’d love to figure out how God designed me, and where I am to be heading in this life:) Thanks for doing this giveaway!
March 13, 2013 at 11:48 pmAmy,
Love the post!!! I can not imagine having cancer 2 times and dealing with family! You are a blessing to me!!! Thanks for the prayers for the hub!! They have carried us for the last few days and he’s better, still not out of the woods, but better!! Rock on, sista!!!
Debra B.
March 13, 2013 at 5:38 pmEveryday I wake up and am so thankful for today. My new kidney was given to me on 6/3/98. The only thing I prayed for was to wake up and finish raising my teenagers. If it worked, wonderful, if not, please let me get my 3 girls through those teenage years. God has blessed me everyday since then. I got married right before my surgery, gained 2 step children. That is five between us and in the last 14 years we have had 11 grandchildren. It is so important to make everyday a blessing. God bless you and your family. You are very inspiring and I love to read your blog.
March 13, 2013 at 4:32 pmI have heard so many wonderful things in regards to this book. I am currently reading Because He Loves Me by Elyse Fitzpatrick. I was at a time in my life where I was really struggling with trusting God and really starting to wonder if he was there for me. Elyse’s book has been a wonderful blessing and has helped me to restore my faith in Gods word. The Repurposed & Upcycled is definitely being added to my reading list right now!
Melanie Dorsey
March 13, 2013 at 2:45 pmI am intrigued by the book cover and topic. I hope I win it!