I’m slowly but surely making decisions everyday about attacking this cancer from a nutritional standpoint. There are so many suggestions and so many things one could choose to do in this area, and it could be overwhelming. I’VE DECIDED NOT TO LET IT BE.
This is another area that I have had to just release to God and know that He will lead me to what He wants for me. I’ve had an open mind to those I trust the most, and through them I feel like He is guiding me. It is a calm, imperfect, slow process and I LOVE IT:P
I will share with you the different things I am embracing and why, some may sound quacky, but when you have Stage 3 Invasive breast cancer, quacky is allowed!
If you think about it, putting chemicals in your body that are so harsh that they eat up your blood veins, kill good cells along with cancer cells, and make you bald, is pretty quacky, too, but that is what we are doing along with nutrition. Makes granola and green stuff sound a bit more normal, huh?
My husband walked out the door this morning saying, “Babe, get what you need to get.” His support and trust in my decisions in this area means the world and made me feel so loved and cared for.
I’ll start with what I am doing so far, it is just the beginning but its is something. I am NO EXPERT, whatever I am doing is just me stumbling along choosing to do what makes the most sense, all the while knowing it is PRAYER that heals, and whether that is healing here on this earth or my ultimate healing in heaven, only God knows what His perfect plan for me is.
I so desire to be a good steward of my body, and a good steward of information that God has sent my way. Prayers in this area would be so appreciated!
Chemo has to be one of the most dehydrating things known to man. I have drank so much water in the last week, and not much is coming out, so obviously my body needs it! TMI?
I use an Eco Vessel water bottle and it is by my side 24/7. Literally!
I love it. It holds 17 oz, fits in most cup holders, has a lid that allows ice in (very important to me), and is insulated, which keeps my ice from melting for hours. I wake up at least 2-3 times a night very thirsty, so it stays filled and cold on my headboard. There were days when I was very nauseous and it was a chore to make myself drink, but I did. I feared getting dehydrated, I know so many who have to be hospitalized during their cancer fight because of dehydration, and that can be very serious.
2. Very little sugar.
We have had amazing desserts delivered and I have had bits of each of them and enjoyed them, but for the most part I enjoy seeing my girls and Todd delight in them. Chemo has done a weird thing to my taste buds. It makes everything taste sweet. Not a very good, sweet, either. For example, a glass of juice can taste like I’m drinking a glass of sweet cough syrup. Yea, ick. It has been a great way to steer me away from the sweets, but I am ready for normal taste buds again. I am not off sugar, but I am very aware of how much sugar I eat, and when possible I use Sucanat (like on the oatmeal I am eating right now:)
3. Lots of fruit
This one has been easy for me because I am so spoiled. My Grandma and Grandpa Earl signed me up for Harry and David’s fruit of the month club. SUPER GREAT GIFT. Nectarines are the fruit of September and they have been DELISH! I have also been able to afford lots of good fruit thanks to meals that have been delivered by friends and family. It saves our grocery budget, so I buy fruit, veggies and supplements with the extra money. Every meal we have received has had some sort of fruit (or veggie) with it, so that is pretty awesome. I am trying to pick lots of different colors of fruits. My freezer is full of different types of frozen berries that I use for smoothies, to put on my oatmeal, or just eat slightly thawed. I recently found the best black, seedless grapes! I’m trying to get creative so it doesn’t get boring. Just this morning a dear friend dropped off some treats along with organic bananas and carrots–nourishing foods are such a great gift to me!! Thanks, Johanna!!
4. Veggies
This one was harder for me when my tummy was not well. Now it easier. I have lots of frozen veggies to use in soups. I keep spinach on hand and use it in my fruit smoothies or pile it high with other veggies and make a salad. I bought a butternut squash that I can’t wait to bake. I’m lucky that I like vegetables, as I know many do not. I have an aunt (Hi, Ellen!) that is sending a recipe for a cleansing soup that I’m sure will have lots of veggies in it. My chopping board and I are ready, I think it would be great to have on hand for lunch.
5. Odwalla Superfood Green Drink
This was just a simple way for me to get some greens like wheat grass, barley grass, wheat spouts in when everything was crazy and I was too tired to think. It is high in Manganese and Potassium. I know there are other, better and cheaper ways of doing it, but while I was sick this was easiest. I just drank a cup every morning. It was one of the only juices that didn’t taste too sweet for me, and I drank it through a straw so I wouldn’t have to look at the crazy dark green color. I have plans for getting my greens in other ways, I will share when I actually implement them.
6. Barlean’s Total Omega 3.6.9 Swirl
This product has fascinated me. It was another super easy way to know I am getting my Omegas without having to think too much. It was on sale at my health food store and the Orange Creme Swirl flavor sounded good. It is made with Organic Flax Oil and Pure Borage Oil. There is no crazy taste, it is delish. I take 1 Tbls a day. It is very digestible, which was great for my sensitive stomach. The lady that recommended it for me has no gall bladder and she said this product is the only one she can find that she is able to digest well.
7. Protein
All of the great meals we have been getting have made this one easy. I love chicken and one of my most favorite meals that was delivered was simple grilled chicken with an INCREDIBLE smoky bbq sauce. I am working on getting more protein from non- meat sources, like lentils, beans and nuts. In fact, today it is lentils and rice for lunch…yum!:)
There were days when all I could get down was a protein bar, they came in handy, but are high in sugar, so not my favorite method of getting protein.
Eggs, cheese and yogurt are all high in protein. I am a bit confused with what to do with these as my cancer type is estrogen fed and depending on what you believe, there are concerns with eggs and milk products and estrogen. I won’t get into that because there are many different opinions out there, and I don’t want my comment section to become a debate 🙂 but it is something that I am processing…
8. Fiber
This is pretty easy when I am eating all the fruits and vegetables that I should be. We had some incredible flax seed rolls delivered with a meal that I am sure had a good amount of fiber in them. I love dipping hearty breads in my soups. I have been eating lots of oatmeal and nuts that have fiber, too.
9. Vitamins and Supplements
The only thing I have been doing so far is a multi-vitamin and 2,000 i.u of Vitamin D. I am waiting to hear back from a blood test taken to check my Vit. D levels, I am a strong believer that Vitamin D is CRUCIAL to my healing.
I have a great plan for all my vitamins and supplements in the very near future. I am going with the Shaklee brand, and will become a representative for them so I can get them at a good cost, and offer them to any of my blog readers if they are interested. It was a process I was embracing before my cancer diagnosis, so it feels natural to continue on in that process. Here are the products from Shaklee that I have decided to take so far:
~Shaklee Vitalizer + Iron
There are a few others I would love, but we will see how the budget is doing and maybe add slowly. I will go into more detail with these products and why I am taking them sometime soon.
I will continue to let you know what I am adding and what I feel is working for me. I know this stuff is not for everyone, but it is through others sharing their journey that I have found some answers, so I will share mine.
***If you are a meal provider for our family in the future, I don’t want you an ANY way to feel like it has to be organic and crazy healthy. My breakfast, lunch and snacks are extremely healthy and I know now more than ever that LIVING and enjoying gifts is so very important, so know that I will enjoy yours. This post makes it sound like I am an”all organic, won’t- eat- anything- that- is -not- good -for me” person. Not true. I am taking a balanced approach, so please do not feel pressure to bring an out- of- this- world, healthy meal. We are so very thankful for whatever you provide, even if it is pizza or takeout (another one of my most favorite meals that was provided was a Chinese takeout feast!:))
Today’s food:
Breakfast–Oatmeal with Sucanat, cinnamon & a handful of frozen rasberries; yogurt
Lunch–Salmon burger from my health food store +lentil rice salad
Dinner–Chili, Spinach salad, and bread from the bread makerSnacks-Homemade apple pie from a friend, smoothies, fruits/veggies, crackers, etc.