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Cancer Journey/ HEALTH

Oophorectomy Surgery Next Week {Cancer Prevention Update}

oophorectomy surgery

It has been a long time since I have written a post with ‘surgery’ in the title. I’m very grateful for that. My last surgery was in 2015, and I have always brought you along for the journey, so I am writing to fill you all in.

You have been so supportive and kind in this cancer story of mine, and it does my heart good.

I also write about it to bring a sense of purpose out of all of this. I’ve always said if my posts can help someone feel less alone or help cancer fighters make decisions with ongoing cancer prevention, then I will keep writing.


Getting Used to the Idea of Surgery

I remember a settled confidence about surgeries from 2010-2015. I was in warrior mode (especially the first 2 years) and just did what needed to be done.

I feel that confidence is missing now and frankly, it is frustrating.

Shouldn’t I be more grounded as I get older? I did just have a birthday (43 years!) and I’m so thankful for the years, but yet I feel a little nervous.

Why my apprehension?


Maybe because I was younger then.

Maybe because I had 6 surgeries in 5 years and all that practice brought an almost ‘normal’ to it.

Maybe because I am a 2 on the Enneagram and it is in me to be a helper to others, less in me to be the one being helped.

Maybe because back then anxiety was not as much in the picture…I think this one is the main reason.

Maybe because I hate adding to our medical bills and feel guilt over this, even though my sweet husband says we do what is necessary and is so gentle about this.


I think it is all of the above.

Not only was I younger then, but so were my girls. Now that I am thinking about it (processing while writing) I think this is also why this surgery feels different.

When they were young I could protect and hide pain from them to an extent.  I put on a brave face when they got home from school and tried my best to keep things normal.

Now they are old and smart and there is no hiding realities of cancer from them. They have been in this cancer world, and have loved the same people I do who have experienced great loss due to cancer. They know.

My oldest is studying to be a nurse and is learning how the body works. She will probably read all about the details of my surgery and maybe even watch a YouTube video of the surgery…eek!

She definitely has a medical brain that can handle this…but as her Mom it is my instinct to protect.

Really I just don’t want them to experience worry or pain because of me, but I know that is not realistic. That would make me a perfect Mom and this life a perfect life and we all know that is not the case!

I know a good God who loves them more than I even do and who has promised to use pain in their life for good so I will choose to believe Him in this!

As far as being out of practice and my anxiety…yes, these are two very real things contributing to my apprehension of surgery.

My oncology nurse asked me about depression and anxiety a few months back and told me that it is a very real struggle and that I can blame her and the very thing she held in her hand…a Zoladex injection.

These injections have shut down ovaries chemically for almost 4 years now, which shut down hormones that can feed my type of cancer. Shutting them down enables me to take a cancer medication that can only be taken if you are in menopause.

She said they shut down happy endorphins and make anxiety and depression a struggle in her patients. Her words help me feel less alone but very sad for others who are getting them too.

I struggled with these things before the shots, but not to the extent that I have (with anxiety) the last few years.

These monthly Zoladex injections are very, very expensive, (almost $2,000 per injection!) and the grant we received to pay for them ran out, so I had to quit them. I’ve had a 3-month break from injections and cancer medications and I have so enjoyed it!

It has brought some relief from joint pain, hot flashes and several other fun side effects that I will spare you from the details of.

But, it is time to become protective again. I always knew it was only a break. I have 3 more years of treatment.

Now, instead of shutting my ovaries down chemically, we are going to remove the ovaries instead, hence surgery.


Breast Cancer patient collage{2010 & 2011}


Cancer Prevention Surgery – Oophorectomy

There are several ways this surgery helps with cancer prevention. Like I said before, my cancer is fed by estrogen, so suppressing estrogen is important. Ovaries are a key player in estrogen production, so they gotta go. 

Also, in order to continue taking the aromatase inhibitor which is a cancer prevention medication I’m on (I take it for 10 years, and I am in year 7), one must be in menopause, so this surgery (Oophorectomy) will make this happen immediately.

Lastly, my ovaries have misbehaved over the years, causing us to try on different cancer medications and switch from Tamoxifen to Aromatase Inhibitors.

I constantly grew painful cysts on my ovaries while taking Tamoxifen and had to have regular ultrasounds to make sure the cysts were not cancer. We switched up my meds after 3 years of that.

I’ve recently had pain since being on my 3-month medication break, an indicator that my ovaries are misbehaving again, or trying to switch back on, which we do not want.

Stubborn little suckers! Makes me kinda proud…not really but sorta. 🙂

After much debate with my Oncologist and time in prayer, I’ve decided to submit to her strong opinion of just getting them out for good. I’ve always done what she has suggested and trust her completely, even despite my anxiety about it all.


basket of items used while healing from surgery

{remember this ‘by the bed’ basket post I wrote? To keep things within arms reach while healing.}

The Forced Slow of Surgery

One thing I am pretty used to is having surgery during the winter months. I had my mastectomy the week between Christmas and New Years in 2010, and have vivid memories of arriving back home on New Year’s Eve.

I had one of my reconstructive surgeries on Halloween—I remember being in and out of sleep when my girls kept coming in my room to show me their costumes and candy stash. Such precious memories…they were so young!

Another reconstructive surgery was in December before Christmas…my “special” implants got stuck on a plane in Texas because they got snow there and all of Texas shuts down when snow comes! Lol. readers, made jokes about where they were stuck because everything gets “bigger” in Texas. Ha!

I used that postponed surgery to do all my Christmas shopping in one day (online shopping was not the norm back then) and have precious memories of my sweet sister-in-law Tanya helping me wrap them all so I wouldn’t have to worry about it after surgery. 

It really was a God-kiss and perfect timing to have surgery postponed and get all my Christmas stuff done before surgery!


God’s Hand in the Midst of Surgery

Here is the thing. As I look back, I see God’s hand clearly on me and he has always guided my path. I know he will do the same this time, even if it takes my emotions some time to catch up to what my brain and heart knows. God’s got this.

I will be ok and I know I will find the strength within to be brave…because He is in me! I know I will use the “forced- still” of healing (4-8 weeks of healing they say) to really lean into the meaning of the Christmas season.

I will choose to see the gifts!  I will find my thankful and list the gifts…healthcare! A doctor I trust! Sisters who create meal trains and friends/family who bring meals! No surgeries in 3 years! No cancer for 8 years! So, so many gifts.

And yes, you better believe I will use surgery as an excuse to hygge!

Prayer Requests

Are you are one who prays for others? If so may I ask you to lift these things up?

  • That surgery would go smoothly, healing would happen quickly, and God would protect my people from worry.
  • Pray specifically for the protection of my literal heart. There are studies that show an increase of heart attacks in women down the road who have had this surgery. I already have a chance of increase due to chemo and radiation, so pray protection and a strong heart….and that I would be faithful in doing my part in this — meaning regular exercise and good diet!
  • Pray specifically that I will not react to sutures, bandage adhesive or anesthetic, (I have sensitivities and history of this) and that my lungs will stay clear after surgery….I got pleurisy after my last surgery and it was not fun.
  • Pray that my IV will take right away. I have a history of my veins being stubborn and it can take a bit. I also have a history of IV being blown right as they put me to sleep and it was very painful. Not a good way to fall asleep for surgery. I remember panicking for a few seconds, but then the sweet relief of sleep came as they quickly used my port instead…

As you can see, I have so many good memories of God taking care of me, but also have these memories that create anxiety in me, which is why I ask you to pray.

Again, thank you for the prayers, and always coming along with me.

Follow my Instagram stories for updates!

UPDATE: I had the surgery and am healing well. If you want to read about my oophorectomy surgery story and learn some tips and tricks for preparing for surgery, then see this post.

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My Cancer Story

My Oophorectomy Surgery Story | How To Prepare for Oophorectomy Surgery

7 Years Surviving Cancer – A Slow, Steady, Apprehensive Dance Celebration

A Bump in the Road on this Journey of Breast Cancer


Anti-Procrastination Update {8-7-18}


Do you feel it? Summer is flying by and here comes fall! I cannot believe it.

The summer has been satisfying for me and I feel proud of what I have learned and accomplished.

I learned how to be fluid with my work schedule, releasing it to what is MOST important (my girls and their needs) but at the same time working hard when I do get the moments to buckle down and work!

Did you notice this site got a little facelift? It should look familiar but a bit more modern and user-friendly.

It was a lot of behind-the-scenes work and I am so very thankful it is pretty much done! Thank you to Laurie Cosgrove of Laurie Cosgrove Design and Dan King of Fistbump Media.

My site might look nice and tidy, but the rest of my life has not been without a little inner chaos this summer. I am breathing much more easily after learning that a biopsy was benign yesterday.

Continue Reading…

Cancer Journey/ HEALTH

Tools and Tips for Cancer Caregivers

Thank you Pfizer for sponsoring this post. Join Pfizer’s This Is Living With Cancer™ initiative by sharing your story with #InspirationLives on Facebook and Instagram to support and inspire those who have been affected by cancer, and be sure to check out the LivingWith™ mobile app available via iTunes and Google Play.

As a two-time cancer survivor, I have been the patient. I know what it is to be in deep need of others and their support. I know the importance of caregivers and how they can make a scary, horrible experience into something quite beautiful and bearable.

Being in remission for seven years has also allowed me to be the caregiver. I know what it means to show up and support a loved one while they are in the fight for their life. I know the beauty of bearing burdens and how coming alongside another in their suffering can not only help them, but also can change you and give your life moments deep meaning and beauty.

I know.

I’ve talked a lot about the brave cancer fighters I’ve met and loved. I have the unique opportunity as a survivor myself and, through this blog, to reach and meet many cancer fighters.

What I have not talked about very much is the role of caregiver.

In my fight with stage 3b breast cancer, I had the honor of watching so many precious caregivers come alongside me and show me what deep caring and giving looks like.

I have been given seven precious years to implement what I have learned to help others in their need.

I’ve learned a few things along the way, and I have also found a tool to pass on to you for when you find yourself in the role of caregiver.

LivingWith™ App

Pfizer offers This Is Living With Cancer™, a national awareness program that includes a free mobile app for anyone living with cancer called LivingWith™. It is designed to help manage some of the daily challenges faced by people living with cancer.

As a caregiver, this is a helpful tool for your loved one to utilize. It can give you both direction, clarity and a place to gather and keep all the things!

It can help your confidence that you CAN do this and do it well. It is a helpful tool that may aid you in communication both with your loved one who is fighting cancer and with those who love them because caregiving will take a team.

Keys for a Cancer Caregiver: Community, Communication & a Caring Heart

Three main things you will need when caregiving is Community, Communication & a Caring Heart

The LivingWith app can help. Let me show you.

As you can see, all three things are addressed on the dashboard of the app:

My Circle is the hub of community.

Requests and Health Notes may help with communication.

Well-Being could help you care for your loved one and may even inspire you to do some self-care, too!


The app helps your loved one “assign a Proxy who can manage your account on your behalf if desired. Champions who are the people you rely on the most for daily help, and Supporters receive updates and help where and when they can.”

You can help your loved one schedule and organize support right there in the app and keep everyone up-to-date.

As a caregiver, helping build a team is so important. It allows different people to serve in their unique and gifted ways.

It also keeps one person from being overwhelmed with the caregiving and will help surround the patient with love, which is so very healing.


Good communication is so important, and sometimes it can be hard as the caregiver to know exactly what is needed and when.

As a caregiver, it informs you in a simple way about how they are doing and gives you a heads up on how to care for them.

It gives you a way to help them communicate with your loved one’s supporters, know how to organize their thoughts and needs and share them with just a touch of a button.

Battling cancer can be overwhelming for both the patient and the caregiver. This app can be a helpful way to simplify the communication process.


The app helps you keep track of important notes and questions in between appointments. As a caregiver, you are a listener, and you can encourage your loved one to put his or her cares and concerns into list form to ask his or her doctor. This may help him or her release worry.

When you attend doctors’ appointments, keep the app open and take active notes for your loved one. This can be very helpful.

What is said during doctors’ appointments can be filled with many emotions, good and bad. Being present during these precious, life-changing moments with your loved one should not be taken lightly.

Oftentimes, your loved one is going to hear test results that can take his or her breath away . . . again, both in a good and bad way. With cancer, it can go either way.

Knowing that the important things the doctor says are being tracked and gathered in one accessible place may bring peace of mind.

A Caring Heart

Cancer can reveal just how precious life is. As a caregiver, you may find your love and care for the person with cancer almost overwhelming. You want to help your loved one fight and fight well.

The app can keep track of your loved one’s steps, sleep, pain and mood.

I encourage you, as a caregiver, to be mindful of these things for yourself. You want to be your strongest self, and that means taking care of your own basic needs, too.

Make sure you are getting the rest you need. Take walks. Hydrate. Practice self-care and take care of that caring heart of yours.

You will not regret doing your best in caregiving. It may not be a role you imagined playing or even chose to play, but look for the beauty in things that are difficult, for love is why it is so hard in the first place.

It would not be hard if you didn’t care. Take care of your dear, caring heart and keep choosing love!


For more information about Pfizer’s This Is Living With Cancer, and to download the free LivingWith mobile app, please visit Patients and their loved ones also can find the initiative on Facebook and Instagram.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Cancer Journey/ HEALTH/ Sponsored

How My Circle of Support Changed My Journey With Breast Cancer

cell phone with cancer app, plant and coffee mug

Thank you Pfizer for sponsoring this post. Join Pfizer’s #InspirationLives initiative by sharing your story with the hashtag on Facebook and Instagram to support and inspire those who have been affected by cancer, and be sure to check out the LivingWith™ mobile app available via iTunes and Google Play!


Cancer Diagnosis – A Reason for a Circle of Support

Every person who has been diagnosed with cancer knows exactly where they were when they heard the words “you have cancer.” These 3 little words are so powerful that knees get weak and the wind is knocked right out of you. You lose your breath, your heart pounds, and all of a sudden your whole world becomes a fight to keep breathing.

I’ve heard these words twice in my life.

The first time, I was a young 22-year-old cosmetologist working at a hair salon. I was blow drying my favorite client and was called away for a phone call. It was my dermatologist with biopsy results from a freckle on my stomach that had turned darker and darker. I answered the phone and he said, “I’m sorry to tell you: it tested positive for melanoma. Please make an appointment to come see me right away.”

I had read enough to know that back in 1998, melanoma was very deadly if it was advanced enough to get into the bloodstream. I went back to drying my client’s hair, hoping the dryer was loud enough to block out the sound of my pounding heart. I didn’t tell her the words I had just heard, even though she was my favorite. I needed a moment to take it all in. I needed a moment to breathe.

The second time I heard the words “you have cancer,” I was 34 years old, a wife and a mom of 3 beautiful girls. It felt different: more serious. My doctor called. This time I was at home in my bedroom, my 3 girls and their friends playing downstairs. I wrote about the call in my journal:

The doctor comes on the phone, voice low and serious.

“Amy, I’m sorry to have to tell you that you have invasive ductal carcinoma.”

Silence . . . my breath taken, but my heart beating louder and faster.

“Do you understand what I am saying? That means you have breast cancer.”

I find myself in my closet, the phone still attached to my ear. I am having to concentrate on my breath, and I say the word “OK” 3 times. It is the only thing I can think of to say. My knees feel weird. Is this what they mean by “weak in the knees”?

With the words “you have cancer,” life instantly becomes overwhelming and everything feels different. Life feels out of control. Appointments, doctors, scans, medications, surgeries and staying alive become your new normal. There is a lost sense of stability, and you are faced with your mortality. Your entire life becomes about living, and you fight to just breathe and stay alive.


Breast Cancer patient collage

The Importance of Having a Circle of Support

This is a fight that must not be done alone. Some of the most beautiful life moments can happen in this unwanted new normal, and they often involve others.

In my fight, I challenged my 3 young girls to look for treasures in the midst of the hard. We had to find ourselves thankful even when life was spiraling. I knew this would make this new journey bearable, but I don’t think I realized just how much it would change it and not just make it bearable, but beautiful.

Treasures came from above through our circle of support.

We are made for relationships. We are made to give love and receive love. People fighting cancer find themselves doing a lot of the receiving, and that is okay. The key is being willing to. It can be an adjustment if you are used to being the one giving, but, oh, the beauty of receiving love! If you are a cancer fighter, learn how to receive.

My circle of support came around me and taught me so much. I’ve had a front row seat for an extended time to see how it is done. Receiving love and support from others changed my journey and made it a precious one. I now know how to better give support and love others because of how others supported me.

There are treasures to be found even in cancer, in the giving and receiving of love the most beautiful circle is formed. A circle of support.

Living with cancer app on iphone


An Easy Way to Reach Out and Form Your Circle of Support

You can form a circle of support through the LivingWith™ app. This app is part of Pfizer’s This is Living with Cancer™ initiative designed to help people manage their lives with cancer and stay connected to their communities. The mobile app is designed to help manage some of the daily challenges faced by people living with cancer and organize certain important information in one place.

I sure wish it was around at the time of my cancer treatment and fight. It would have been helpful to have all of my information in one place.


Living with cancer app

Living with cancer app

My favorite part would be using the Circle of Support on the LivingWith™ app to inform and connect with my friends and family.

The app helps you assign a proxy who can manage your account on your behalf if desired: Champions, who are the people you rely on the most for daily help, and Supporters, who receive updates and help where and when they can. You can schedule and organize your help right there in the app, staying in touch with your people and keeping everyone up to date.

coffee mug, succulent and a cell phone with a cancer app opened up on it

How My Loved Ones Supported Me During My Breast Cancer Treatment

Despite not having the app, I still had amazing support.

If you are a cancer fighter, I hope the following stories give you ideas on how to answer your loved ones when they ask “What can I do?” If you are part of a cancer fighter’s circle of support, I hope my stories give you some great ideas of how you can support your loved one.


I had 7 surgeries in 3 years, and my recovery room at the hospital or at home was always brightened by flowers. A favorite I remember was an orchid from my sister-in-law. I also remember a simple sweet violet plant. My husband’s workplace sent a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a grocery store gift card attached to it. I loved all of them. You can never go wrong with flowers!


A teacher who taught young people at our church gathered their homemade art and get-well notes and delivered them to me. Teens from the non-profit organization that my husband worked for took the time to write letters and sent them to me. These 2 art deliveries touched my heart so much!

Another amazing piece of art I received was drawn by my teenage nephew and delivered to my hospital room. It was a sketch of a warrior, and he said it was me. That image and his love helped me find my courage. It is to this day a treasured gift.


My girls were 10-, 9- and 7-year-old. Seeing their mom fight cancer was hard on them, but they sure loved getting spoiled and were so well loved. One of their favorite memories was getting to go to an indoor water park called CoCo Keys. This was such a generous, thoughtful gift from a sweet friend.


My father-in-law would come on a Saturday, pick my girls up and take them to a movie. I tried so hard to be awake and ‘up’ while my girls were home, so having them gone for a few hours gave me permission to relax the tough girl exterior that I kept while my girls were around and take a nap. They remember those special Grandpa dates to this day.


A reader of this blog sent me a homemade lap quilt. I could not get over the sweet generosity and the time I know she took to make it. I took it everywhere and it got lots of attention in the chemo room. It was a perfect size and so very beautiful. I felt so covered in love.

Another reader crocheted hats for my cold noggin. A friend knitted 3 hats for my girls and one for me too, we were all pretty cute in our lovely handmade hats!


I have a dear friend who I knew was wired to be resolute and could keep her emotions in check even when hearing hard things. She is so loving but also tough.

She is the one I asked to come with us to our first oncology appointment. My anxiety was so strong that I had to ask for a bag while we sat in the waiting room just in case I got sick. This was before knowing if cancer had spread, and the unknown was getting the best of me.

My husband and I needed someone to focus and take notes on the hard things that were said while our minds swirled, and her strong presence was what we needed.


I remember while healing that the simple act of putting my Christmas decorations away was so overwhelming. I remember my sister and mom packing it all away for me as I sat in my jammies on our couch, so relieved when all the boxes were finally put away.

A sweet group of women offered to come and help me organize and add planters to beautify our front yard for spring. I still have those planters sitting out by our front steps, all these years later, a reminder of love every time I come home.


So many sweet packages from loved ones, but as a mom, I especially loved the packages that came for my girls. I so enjoyed seeing my worried girls delight in things. It was healing for us all. One package I vividly remember came from a loving aunt and had teddy bears and candy for my girls.

So many cards were sent and I kept all of them. One from my aunt and uncle had some money tucked inside for groceries.


Oh goodness, what a gift. My sisters often would come and fold laundry and clean while I slept. My mother-in-law arranged for ongoing house cleaning while I was in treatment. The woman who came regularly to clean my home ended up becoming a mentor to me—talk about a full circle of support and a treasure from cancer! I have such sweet memories of being in her home and soaking in her wisdom.


There are many more examples I could give, specifically in the area of FOOD and PRESENCE—both were huge for creating a circle of support around me. Notice I said presence, not presents. Both are great but the former is so, so important.

I will talk about these 2 things extensively and share more stories in an upcoming post!

So what about you?

  • Do you have stories of your own circle of support?
  • Do you have a loved one that you are surrounding with support right now? If so, send them this post and tell them about the app!
  • What are specific ways or ideas you have for showing support?


Are you a cancer fighter that needs a circle of support? If so, get the app!

For more information and to download the LivingWith™ mobile app, please visit Patients and their loved ones also can find the initiative on Facebook and Instagram.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Cancer Journey/ HEALTH/ Love

My Cancer World and Be The Match

My Cancer World & Be The Match | #Join4Kami

I am in the cancer world. I am a two-time survivor, take medication everyday to help keep cancer at bay, and question every ache and pain. I have an Oncologist who tells me this: “give each ache and pain a two-week window. If it lasts longer than two weeks, or you find a lump or bump, come see me.”

I have been in this world for 7 years. It has changed me. I have lived more fully, loved more deeply and know that loss can be right around the corner.

Have you loved someone with cancer? 

Being in this world means meeting others in this world. I am not alone. Oh how I wish my loved ones and I didn’t have this in common. I’m sure you can relate, for who has not been touched by this, with cancer so common?

What can we do with our commonality?

“Cancer is an epidemic.” These words were spoken last week by my very heart friend, the one who talks to me every day and who is texting me this very moment, my phone buzzing at me. She has survived recurrence and spends her days at a non-profit organization that helps women fight this beast. She knows. Her weary words ring true.

My Cancer World & Be The Match | #Join4Kami

How do we fight an epidemic?

My phone buzzes again, a text from another heart friend, so so dear to me. She asks if we can meet Friday morning before she leaves for Houston, gone for at least 3 weeks. This is the place she goes to fight the beast that has shown up for the second time in her delicate neck. How can something so ugly invade such beauty as my friend?

How do we fight the beast?

And then the children.

I remember my brave Lottie Mae, we lost hair together and were on the same schedule of growing it back, the schedule of fighting cancer. I couldn’t fathom her courage or the courage of her parents as she battled leukemia. Lottie’s beautiful red locks are now long, they grew as did she, now a beautiful young lady. Prayer along with the right medical treatment saved her life.

My Cancer World & Be The Match | #Join4Kami

Can I tell you of one more story? 

It is the story of 11-year old Kamryn, another beauty whose life could be saved with the right medical treatment. Watch the video and see courage, light, and life. Even the tears on the cheeks of her Momma are courageous tears, asking others to be the match for her sweet, sick girl. She needs the right medical treatment, but it is on hold, waiting for the right match, a marrow donor.

{Learn more about Kamryn’s story and sign up to join the registry at}

Can you imagine waiting for others to give?

I can’t imagine having a sick child where there is life-saving treatment but that treatment depends on the giving of others. There are many just like Kamryn who have no donors available.


A marrow transplant can be a life-saving treatment for more than 70 diseases including leukemia, lymphoma, and sickle-cell. 70% of patients are just like Kamryn and don’t have a fully matched donor in their family.

They depend on Be The Match. This is an answer! We can be available.

Be The Match Registry® is the world’s largest and diverse donor registry, but there are still thousands of patients who don’t have a match.

All it takes to join the registry is a simple cheek swab. It is mailed to you, you swab, then mail it back.

How amazing would it be to know that you helped cure someone’s cancer? Blood cancers can be cured with the help of bone marrow donation. Becoming a donor is something we can do to fight the beast of cancer and many other diseases.

My Cancer World & Be The Match | #Join4Kami

Can you commit to becoming a donor?

Donating is a lot less painful than one might think. Most donate through a Peripheral Blood Stem Cell donation where a machine draws blood from one arm, extracts the cells it needs and returns the remaining blood back to your body through your other arm. Donors are fully awake for this procedure. Lives are saved with this cell extraction.

For some people, the doctor will need to extract marrow directly from the back of the pelvic bone with a needle. In this case, one receives anesthesia, feels no pain during the procedure, and most donors feel completely recovered within a few weeks. This is a sacrificial act, but a small one for the chance to save a life.

Can you help spread the word?

I know I am not alone in watching loved ones fight cancer. I know the whole world has seen and felt the sting of this beast.

We can help others who are waiting. We can reach out our hands, hearts and arms to others who need a life line.

Visit Be The Match. Make a commitment and get on the registry. Spread the word. Every person who joins the registry gives patients like Kamryn more hope of finding the match they need.

Help beat the beast. Be The Match.

A Way to help loved ones with cancer

{Help spread the word by pinning above image}

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


Cancer Journey/ HEALTH

Cancer Journal Night Before My Mastectomy

Cancer Journal - The Night Before My Mastectomy

I recently opened my cancer journal on my Caring Bridge site for the first time in quite a while. Thankfully, I was not opening it to start another entry informing you of sickness. I am healthy.

Yes, I am healthy, yet cancer is still very much a part of my world. I have ongoing hormonal treatment which keeps it in the forefront of my mind, nightly when I swallow down cancer meds and every 3 months when I get an anti-cancer injection.

Cancer is a part of my story and the story of many that I love. I have dear friends who have found remission and who are fighting to stay there, who allow me to enter in and be a part of their fight and stories.  I also have many of you who write me and tell me of your own stories, whether it is about you or your loved ones, you share with me and I pray for you.

Yes, cancer is part of my story and always will be, and that is ok with me.  It is a part that has brought many fears and tears, but also such sweet, sweet gifts; the most precious of these gifts in the form of some of my closest friends. Without cancer, I would not know them, and I would not want to walk this life without them in it.

I visited my cancer journal with the idea of consolidating the entries (along with many cancer posts I wrote for this blog) to create an ebook. I’ve had many people who are just starting out on their own cancer journey ask where they can read my story, and sending them to my Caring Bridge site has been the only answer so far.

I cringe every time I do because I know it is not an easy platform to read my words. You have to click on every entry to read, and it is easy to get lost in it. It is not a convenient way to read my story or leave my words for my girls to read someday. I’d rather have them in book form–one that I have control of– not a platform that could go away at any point. Hence my desire to write an ebook.

Looking back on bits of my cancer journal has brought on all the feels! I thought I would share the entry that I wrote the night before my mastectomy with you.

Cancer Journal - The Night Before My Mastectomy

Cancer Journal

The Night Before My Mastectomy

Surgery time is finally here.  I’ll be honest, I’m scared and nervous.  My way of dealing with it today has been to not think about it and focus on the house and my girls.  I’m about to watch a movie with Todd to distract me, then a sleeping pill, and before I know it, it will be 5:30 a.m and I will be standing in front of admissions at the hospital. I do have to shower between now and then, so I will have some time with God in there and say goodbye to my chest.  How weird.

My girls really struggled tonight.  We ate an awesome meal that was made with love for us, and watched a show.  Right when the show ended, all three girls started crying!  They knew it was time to say goodbye and go to Grandpa and Grandma’s house for a sleepover. They seemed to have a harder time with the idea of surgery than they even had when we first told them I had cancer.  It broke my heart.  I felt almost a sense of guilt as I saw them hurt, feeling it is my fault that they are hurting because this is happening to me.  I know that is all messed up thinking..

My in-laws are great.  They had us in and took time to read the Scriptures and pray with us.  That was so very comforting to us all.  Not heavy, just a few minutes to hear the truth of God’s Word.  Don (my father-in-law) read a couple of Psalms, and it was like a salve for my heart.  While he was praying, his words “Lord, we know she is in your hands”  rang loud in my mind and was the exact, simple truth I needed to cling to in those moments.

Kathy (my mother-in-law) had beautiful cupcakes sitting on the counter, which was the perfect distraction for my girls as we left. We got a message a few minutes ago that let us know they were not upset anymore and are doing fine.

I have so many, many people who have contacted me.  Friends, family and strangers–telling me they are praying.

So neat.

I had a lady I have never met email me today to tell me she woke in the night last night and I was on her mind, which caused her to pray for me that moment!  God is taking care of me through all of you.

I love you all.  I am so grateful.
Todd will update this site tomorrow and let you all know how it goes.


I wrote that 5 years ago, and I am sitting here 5 years later with cleavage and cancer free! I’m so very thankful.

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HEALTH/ Spiritual

Enter Into Others’ Suffering


If you do this, this entering into suffering with others, you might just glimpse a joy unspeakable. This has been my experience. There is so much suffering on this earth. I ask God to help me see those who walk through suffering and love them well.

He has allowed me to enter into stories of suffering and I see what a gift this can be, not just for them but for me. I come away from these interactions changed.

I go to encourage, and walk away encouraged. 


Let me tell you about my friend Ali:

A young mom, we met at a conference for cancer survivors, the two youngest in the room.

Our eyes meet and she comes straight to the empty seat next to me, which was my hope. She is all beauty and bright-eyed. Her sense of style is effortless and spot on, her hair regrowing is a pixie cut perfect for her face shape, and her smile the best of accessories.

Our hearts connect, she invites me to her home and introduces me to her man and her two littles with cherub faces. Dare I say some of the cutest I’ve seen?

We eat greens and drink kombucha and talk all things cancer and life. We just get each other, our stories very familiar. That was in the spring.

Late summer her story takes a turn. We meet for coffee she directs my hand to her elegant neck and it looks like I am taking her pulse. It is quite a moment, as I feel her life pulse and what could cause death at the same time. It is cancer in a lymph node, the placement in her neck places her as an automatic stage four.

I write these words and tears fall for my beautiful friend.

But, here is what I see and want the world to see, too.

Her beauty overcomes and shines through and I see peace and joy and she proclaims to me with eyes bright:

“I’m keeping my eyes on Jesus”

I see love. I see Him reflected so clearly in those big beautiful brown eyes.

She is the epitome of grace, courage, hope, trust, joy and all things lovely. Despite an automatic stage 4, she shines.

Several days later her text to me:

“I spoke with my Doctor”

“She said median survival for my stage 4 cancer is 2 years.”

“I plan on much longer than that”

She meets with doctors and loved ones and forms a plan, walking in trust that the God she loves holds and directs her path.

She is choosing a path less traveled, one that will bring toxicity and hopeful healing and she walks bravely forward right into it. This road leads to Houston, months away from her littles, (3 years old and 5 years old) and all that is familiar. This is the road that we pray will provide her with the “much longer than that.”


In the meantime, God is providing all that she needs. She lives this and proclaims it.

She invites me to Houston and I go, and spend 4 precious and some of my most favorite of days there. I write a bit about that trip here, and share a beautiful breakfast recipe that my Ali lovingly made for me while I was there. This early morning act of service for me is just one tangible example of how entering into someones suffering brings blessing beyond. The recipe is amazing, but the memory of being served by her in the midst of her hardship, the morning of her chemo treatment, is the most precious of memories. Such a sweet gift, one of so many that Ali has given me by just being who she is.

Enter into others suffering. Gifts will abound, you will give, and will be astonished at all that will be given back to you.

Update: Ali is back from Houston and reunited with her littles and husband. She will have ongoing treatment here and periodic trips back to Houston. If you are a praying person, will you add her to your list?


Ali is also an accomplished artist, and the above piece is her work.

Visit Alison Rash to see more.
