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My New Favorite Kitchen Toy

Guess how much time it took me to cut all those veggies?  Looks time consuming, huh?  Well, it wasn’t. It literally took me 3 minutes with my new, handy dandy mandolin!

I have been wanting one of these forever, and found this one for a buck at a garage sale.  It is not fancy, but it is sharp and gets the job done!  It makes eating raw fruits and vegetables fast and fun.  I find that we have greatly increased our veggie and fruit consumption in this house due to this handy gadget.
My girls beg me for apples now that we can slice them so thin.  They liked apples before, but now they eat them like they are candy!  

I like this model for basic slicing, but one of these days I am going to get a mandolin that allows you to adjust the thickness of your slices, like the fancy one below.  That would be great!

{I’m asking for these for Christmas!:)}

** not let children use these.  It is very sharp and way too easy to slice a finger.  I’m currently growing back half my fingernail–yea, ick.

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  • Healthy Juicer
    November 10, 2011 at 6:11 pm

    My mandolin has been collecting dust in the cabinets. But after reading your article “At Home Salad Bar” I’m going to blow the dust off and start using it. I like your idea in that article how you cut up your vegetables and store them in mason jars for the week. 🙂

  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2011 at 2:33 pm

    I use a apple corer on the apples before I slice them so I end up with thin apple rings. The kids love them!

  • Missy
    November 9, 2011 at 5:42 pm

    Great minds must think alike! My hubby just bought me a mandolin from Bed Bath and Beyond. He thought it would help with the food prep now that we’ve gone (mostly) vegan…and it does. Mine is the OXO brand and it does adjust for thickness. Love it! Great suggestion re: gloves – I’ve never heard of them before and am def. putting them on my Christmas list! Happy Day:)

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