Helping My Daughter Grow Her Business-Part 1 – Purposeful Living

Purposeful Living at New Nostalgia


These posts written by Todd (Amy’s husband) are designed to model a system of purposeful living.  At least once a month, he spends time setting meaningful goals around one of seventeen core priorities.

Todd Bowman- New Nostalgia

If you missed it, consider reading the foundation post – Purposeful Living #1.


Correct Priority
Priority #5 – Social Health – Immediate Family–Children

Goal Setting & Reflection Date
November 2012

Help Teagan (my 13 year old) deepen her knowledge about how to effectively run a business.

  • Identify a small business book that we can read and discuss together.

Goal Status
In Progress


Dad and daughter piggy back ride
{My Teagan didn’t want to get her new shoes muddy}

Thoughts – ORIGINAL
Teagan desires to continue growing her Twisted Tape business.  Amy has done a great job helping Teagan with the mechanics of starting this business.  Teagan has asked me to help her grow in her understanding of how to run an effective business.

I am definitely not an expert in business and/or sales.  But I am a learner and know how to go about deepening my knowledge of subject matter I am interested in.

I am going to first help Teagan by finding an appropriate book for us to read and discuss.  Whether the book is related to growing a business or more specific to being an effective salesperson, I want to find something that will be of genuine help to her to support her in this project. 

Twisted Tape logo

Thoughts – UPDATED
I have identified three books to read and discuss with my daughter to help her grow her Twisted Tape business.  

The first book is The $100 Startup by Chris Buillebeau.  This is a book focused on the necessary elements to start and grow a small business.  I chose this book because we already had it in our home library and I didn’t have to spend any money to purchase it. I think it is important Teagan view this project as a business rather than just a “how can I get more sales on Etsy” endeavor.  We will read this book first.  

The second book is The Sales Bible by Jeffrey Gittomer.  I browsed through every sales book at Barnes & Noble and liked this one the most.  In addition to approaching Twisted Tape as a business, I also want Teagan to learn the art of the selling.  I believe her business will depend on her ability to effectively sell her product.  We will read this book second.    

The third book is The Handmade Marketplace by Kari Chapin.  This book outlines how to sell handmade products locally, globally, and on-line.  Exploring in more depth the various ways to sell handmade items seems appropriate.  We will read this book third.    

What I am not interested in, at least not right now, is a book specifically about how to sell products on Etsy.  I am not convinced this is the best way to sell her products.  If it becomes evident after reading the books above that Etsy is a legitimate tool to market her products, we can further explore Etsy at that time.

My plan is to read a couple chapters a month.  When I finish a chapter I will share with Teagan what I learned in the evening when we talk before bed.  When I complete a book, I will compile the information and use it to work with Teagan on a business plan.  

Fun tape crafts


Foundation Post
Build Your To-Do List Around Correct Priorities – Purposeful Living #1

Outline Of All Purposeful Living Posts
Purposeful Living Outline

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  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2013 at 9:43 am

    What a G-R-E-A-T dad you are!!!! Todd, I can’t wait to show this site to my husband. I am so impressed I can’t contain myself. You and your wife are great examples of parents. Nora from Illinois.

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