FAMILY/ Marriage/ Sponsored/ Valentine's Day

Datevitation–The Perfect Gift For Any Occasion + Giveaway

We were recently at a family get together, and all the adults were discussing Valentines Day.  I realized in that discussion that I usually plan ahead and have lots of fun ideas for my 3 lovely girls for Valentines Day each year, but have fallen in a rut when it comes to Valentines plans with my sweet husband.  Don’t get me wrong–getting dressed up and going out for dinner and an evening focused on the two of us is pretty close to perfect, but I wanted to think outside the box and get a bit more creative this year.
Usually getting creative means getting crafty, and honestly, that is not too appealing to me right now.  I’m trying to live the simple life, with less mess and more time. After spending the last 3 months laid up while healing from surgeries,  I am in the habit of looking for ways to simplify. Using online services for creating gifts and shopping for gifts certainly is convenient, and when you can customize those gifts, it makes it so much more personal.
This is why Datevitation jumped out at me as something fun to do for my man.  It is the web’s first online platform to create a custom love coupon book. Unlike the pre-packaged coupon books on the market, you get to pick the title, the dates, and the text. Datevitation will then print it out and and ship it to you. 

That alone intrigued me, but when I saw that their library contains over 500 date ideas ranging from skydiving(um, no) to stargazing(maybe) to steamy adult-only(umm…ok!) activities, I knew this was the fun gift I was looking for for my Todd.

I loved all the different & fun date ideas they had to choose from, there is no way I would have been able to think of all of them myself!  I also thought the stick figures and graphics were really cute. The Datevitation website is really well laid out and super easy to use, and I think Todd will love the dates I chose.  Two of them were pretty traditional, but things we both love to do.  The last 3 dates I chose from the steamy adult-only section, which are also things we both love to do {blush} and I think they will make this a Valentine gift he won’t forget!

 I especially loved the new feature that allows you to add your own photos to the faces of the illustrations.  So funny!

The packaging is simple, which of course appealed to me.  I liked that it was not too fru-fru as it IS for my guy.

The thing that appeals to me about a love coupon is that it gives the recipient something to look forward to.  It also gives me, the giver, a way to stay committed to giving to my husband in a creative and purposeful way.  I need this accountability, as life can get busy.  I like that I am the one who chooses what I am committing to, and being this purposeful about a gift makes it happen.  The process of ordering Datevitation coupon love book was so fun that it sure made me look forward to fulfilling those coupons.

Especially THESE coupons!  {wink}
Datevitation is not only for a significant other.  They make great gifts for all ages and all occasions.  All 3 of my girls (age 14, 13 & 10) would love this, and I love that I could customize them according to their personalities and interests.  My middle girl would especially love coupons that includes spending quality time together, as that is her main love language.  My oldest would appreciate getting to go out and shop or get a manicure with me.  My youngest would like just about anything, and would really get a kick out of seeing her own face in a book and on a stick figure!

So how much are these super cute love coupon books?

Well, regular price starts at just $25 so it makes for a super thoughtful yet economical gift.  But, with Valentines Day is coming up, Datevitation wants to spread the love to all of my followers, so by using the code ‘NEWNOSTALGIA’ you can get $10 off you purchase plus FREE shipping. (total values of $13.50)  That means you can order your Valentines a customized gift starting at just $15!

To guarantee delivery by Valentine’s Day, the order cut-off date is February 3, so make sure you get your order in before then!


Datevitation is also sponsoring a super great giveaway, so be sure to enter via the rafflecopter form below.

Winner will receive a coupon code for a Datevitation coupon book with 5 personalized pages and free general shipping (Additional pages are $1 each.)  Books ship to U.S. only.

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  • Miss Rachel M.
    January 21, 2014 at 8:20 pm

    This is such an awesome product/resource! I recently purchased one for my boyfriend & I love being able to customize it to fit our personalities. All of our inside jokes fit right in!

    Great giveaway!

  • Cheryl @ Bingle Bears
    January 21, 2014 at 2:37 am

    What a great idea, Amy! Thanks for sharing this–I just ordered my own datevitation book for my husband!


  • upnorth
    January 20, 2014 at 5:39 pm

    Amy, You are not alone in the forgetting to celebrate with the one you love. With Valentine’s Day, then a few days later is my birthday, then our Anniversary, I tend to glob it all together! Thanks for making me rethink this!!!

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