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12 Best Warming Drink Recipes From New Nostalgia


Today it is cold, foggy, drizzly & the perfect day to have my hands wrapped around a warm mug! I just love fall weather; it is the time of year where I use the weather as an excuse to slow down! I especially love cool evenings where I hunker down with a fuzzy blanket, a lit candle, a book, my fuzzy socks & a nice warm drink in my hand.

Here are 12 of my favorite warming drinks:

Hot Buttered Cranberry Apple Cider

Best Ever Hot Chocolate

Masala Chai-An Indian Beverage


Chai Spice Mix

Turmeric Chai Tea

Almond Vanilla Maple Spiced Mocha


Candy Drop Hot Chocolate

3 Ingredient Best Pumpkin Spice Chai

Candy Cane Lane Green Tea


Peppermint Stick Hot Cocoa

Golden Milk

Cold Fighting Homemade Honey Lemon Ginger Tea



What is your favorite warm drink?

Do you like a creamy drink or are you a hot tea person? Please share your favorites in the comments!

Brunch/ Drinks/ GF, Vegan & Raw/ Healthy Eating

Matcha Latte & Matcha Chia & Pear Cereal


by Teniel Moore–Raw Foods Contributor

Want to try something new to drink thats full of amazing health benefits?
Have you tried a matcha latte? What is matcha?

Matcha is simply stone ground green tea leaves.

This tea is going to provide you with a powerhouse of antioxidants, vitamins & minerals. It is full of vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc & magnesium.

It can help calm & relax, burn calories, and is detoxifying. It is also rich in fiber –and that’s just naming a few of its benefits! If you are looking to add more nutrients into your day, ditch the coffee & try matcha. I buy organic matcha powder and a little goes a long way!

Matcha powder can be enjoyed in so many ways. Here are some ideas of how you can enjoy matcha:

• Creamy frothy coconut milk matcha latte (recipe below)
• Matcha milkshake over ice
• Matcha chia cereal (recipe below)
• Added to your green smoothie
• Throw some into your baked goods
If you have never tried this amazing green powder before, why not give it a try?

Here are 2 simple recipes for you to make using matcha:


Matcha Latte

1 cup of coconut milk (or any nut milk of choice)
1/2 tsp of matcha powder
Small amount of hot water to blend
~Heat your milk on the stove or use your coffee machine

~In a cup or small coffee plunger, add your matcha powder & mix a small amount of boiling water in and give it a good stir to break up all the lumps.  (A tiny whisk would be helpful, or for the matcha enthusiasts you can actually buy a bamboo matcha whisk also called a chasen. But that is totally optional. I just use a fork.)

~Once you have whisked the powder well then add your hot nut milk. I like to use a single serve coffee plunger when making matcha. I then use the plunger to plunge up and down fast to create lovely frothy milk.  If you do not have a coffee press, simply heat the milk using your coffee machine

~Serve in your favourite cup or bowl. Add sweetener of choice as matcha does have a slightly bitter taste. I use stevia but coconut nectar or raw honey would work great also.



Matcha Chia & Pear Cereal

1-2 Tbs of chia seeds
1/2 tsp of matcha
1 cup of almond milk
liquid Stevia (or sweetener of choice)
1/2 pear thinly sliced
crunchy topping for texture –I like to add dehydrated sprouted buckwheat

~Combine your chia seeds, sweetener & matcha powder with your nut milk in a serving bowl.

~Mix well and wait a few minutes for the chia seeds to swell.

~Thinly slice your pear & add half the pear to the chia mix along with cinnamon.

~Top it off with the rest of the thinly sliced pear and your crunchy topping for texture and another sprinkle of cinnamon.






Raw Foods Contributor

Drinks/ Healthy Eating/ RECIPES

Creamy Chocolate Covered Cashew Smoothie



School is back in session & I’m enjoying getting back into a fall routine!   I find myself exhaling as I settle in and get busy doing the things I feel I am most gifted at doing — blogging and being a Mom!

For me, part of being a Mom with kids who are back-to-school is making sure they have a nutritious snack to come home to.  My kids come home famished and go straight away into the kitchen looking for something to eat.

I try to have several healthy options for them, but one favorite option is a smoothie. I love whipping up a smoothie for them, as long as they are nutritious. I like having something that has both fiber and protein in it, that will fill their bellies and renew their energy until dinnertime.

This Creamy Chocolate Covered Cashew Smoothie tastes decadent and you would never guess how nutritious it is.



Check out the nutrition in this shake:

Cashew Butter = protein

Banana = fiber & potassium

Cocoa = antioxidants

Cashews = more protein!

Oats = whole grain fiber

Honey = a natural sweetener with antioxidants

Cocoa Nibs =heaps of antioxidants & considered a superfood!

Silk Chocolate Cashewmilk = a non-dairy, gluten-free, verified non-GMO, lactose free, no preservative or artificial colors or flavors, cholesterol-free milk

Pretty impressive, huh?  My blender is big enough to double the recipe to make smoothies for 4.  I like to whip them up ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator in mason jars for my girls to just grab and go!




Creamy Chocolate Covered Cashew Smoothie

{makes 2 – 15 oz smoothies}

1/4 cup cashew butter (or almond butter or peanut butter)
1 banana
1 tbsp cocoa
1/2 cup cashews
1 cup oats
1 1/2  cup Silk Chocolate Cashewmilk
2 Tbsp honey
1 cup ice

Optional: cocoa nibs

Add all ingredients to the blender.  Use a high-speed blender for best results.  If you don’t have a high-speed blender, let the oats and cashews sit in the milk for a few minutes to soften.  Blend until smooth.  Add more Silk Chocolate Cashewmilk  if needed.  Consistency is right when a vortex forms in the blender and contents move freely.



Let’s talk a bit more about Silk Cashewmilk.  It comes in 4 flavors: Original, Unsweetened, Vanilla & Chocolate.  It is a great, super creamy but calorie-conscious, alternative to dairy milk.

Visit Silk Cashewmilk website to sign up for registration, get a coupon & find lots more dreamy, creamy cashewmilk recipes!



What are your favorite nutritious, after-school snacks?

This conversation is sponsored by Silk. The opinions and text are all mine.


Drinks/ GF, Vegan & Raw/ Healthy Eating/ RECIPES

My Kids Drink Their Greens: Simple Easy Smoothies To Give Your Kids More Greens


by Teniel Moore–our Austrailian Raw Foods Contributor

Now that I have your attention……. Do your kids get enough vegetables in their day?
I know as a mum of 3, with 2 younger kids it can be a challenge. But quite simply you can get loads of greens into your little darlings even before they walk out the door for school or kindy that day. It’s as simple as throwing a few items in a blender and off you go.

I have included a few recipes that I make for my kids as an example. But like any recipe you can make it what ever you want. Just remember to include a leafy green and or a vegetable. Lets face it. Most kids get enough fruit in their diet. It’s the veggie part I’m trying to emphasise here.

If you have to start off by hiding the greens you put into your drinks, then do so. Do whatever you can to get your kids enjoying them. After they taste how delicious drinking their greens are, they might not mind you adding the mystery items.

I have come to a point now where I don’t need to hide what I put in. They see me throw in zucchini and kale and they still drink it. Some are more popular than others, so don’t give up. Just keep trying new recipes and combinations until you find what works for your child.

Green Pineapple Smoothie : Aka Tropical Slim

1 cup of good quality coconut water (look for one that has no added sugar)
1 large handful of organic baby spinach
1 Tsp of Raw honey (or your sweetener of choice)
1/2 small pineapple
1/2 zucchini (trust me, you can’t taste it)

Blend until smooth & creamy. Pour into a fun cup or mason jar with a straw. Kids love straws.


Banana Smoothie: Aka Nutty Monkey

1 Banana fresh or frozen
1 cup of Almond milk
Generous dash of cinnamon
Stevia to taste
1 Tbls of Nut butter
Dash of vanilla
1/2 peeled zucchini (I peel the zucchini in this recipe to keep the colour nice)

Blend all in a high-speed blender till smooth & creamy. Pour into fun glasses with a straw.


Green Juice : Aka Rise & Shine

1 Small aloe vera leaf (leave this out for newbies)
1 – 2 celery stalks leaves & all
1 bunch of Pak choy or Bok choy
1 green Apple
1 Lemon peeled
Handful of green grapes

Juice all your ingredients. If you do not own a juicer you can blend everything in a high-speed blender & strain through a nut milk bag then pour into a glass and serve with a cute straw.


My Tips For Getting Kids To Drink Them

1. Give them a choice of the type of smoothie flavour they want and work from there
2. Let them help you make it
3. Make up crazy silly names for the drinks
4. They gotta taste good
5. Make their smoothies attractive and fun to look at. It’s as simple as giving them a straw or a fun cup, Let them add a topping like coconut, chia seeds, fruit or crunchy nuts or seeds




Raw Foods Contributor

Drinks/ Featured/ Healthy Eating/ RECIPES

Honey Ginger Lemon Tea – A Cold Reliever


Yesterday there was a blizzard here in the Midwest.  It was super fun to be snowed in, even though it was Super Bowl Sunday. We stayed in our jammies all day, I made a big ol’ lasagna, and my Avery made some chocolate chip cookies.  It was a super slow, super chill, super fun Super Bowl Sunday!

Today my 3 girls had a snow day as the roads were still a mess and the windchill was too low to be outside and stay safe.

We decided it is the perfect day for tea, especially when my Avery girl (11 years old) came to me and said “Mom, I think I’m getting a cold.  My nose is stuffy and my throat is a little sore and has ‘stuff’ running down the back of it.”  Oh no. Not cool.  Especially when she has been home bound for 2 days already.  She will be extra bored with a 3rd day at home, especially if she is not feeling well.


Time for a cup of good, healthy tea.

I’ve been drinking this particular tea every morning, shortly after I wake up, and before I have a cup of coffee.  It is a great way to hydrate and get all those amazing good things that lemon- in -water gives you.  The addition of honey and ginger makes the tea even more nutritious. When I drink it in the mornings, I add a pinch of cayenne.  I’ve read that it is a great way to stimulate the liver to do its detoxifying magic first thing in the morning.  Read more about that here. 

I know when I have a cold, sipping on something hot is so very soothing.  I prefer something hot & light…like chamomile tea or this honey ginger lemon tea.  The steam will warm you  right up, and the ginger & lemon will help clear sinuses, and the honey will help soothe a sore throat. My sweet Avery certainly enjoyed it
and was very thankful for her cup of tea.  Later I will make her my Sweet Tart Smoothie for even more nutrition from aronia berries.  I do not want this cold going anywhere but away!



The lemon in the tea gives a nice dose of vitamin C & there is wonderful goodness to the essential oils that diffuse into the tea from the rind of the lemon.  The ginger, honey and lemon all have their own natural medicinal qualities so when you drink them combined, they create a calming and relaxing tea that can ease cold symptoms and boost immunity.

This cleansing tea will become a favorite , whether you have a cold or not.  Make it for your family.  You will love it and so will they.  It tastes like a lightly sweetened hot lemon drink, with just a hint of ginger flavor.  It is so very thirst quenching and soothing.


Before we move on to the recipe, I have a great tip for having ginger on hand and how to store it. It is to keep it in the freezer.  I like to store it in mason jars in the freezer 2 ways.  One–sliced thinly for tea.  Two–in chunks in a jar ready to be grated and used in the next recipe…like Korean Beef over Rice.  Frozen ginger is easy to peel and grate, and it lasts so much longer in the freezer.

Here are 7 of the top benefits of ginger:

1. Ginger improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body.
2. Ginger clears the “microcirculatory channels’ of the body, including the pesky sinuses that tend to flare up from time to time.
3. If you chew on ginger, it will help with nausea and airsickness.
4. Got a tummy ache?  Eat some ginger.
5. Joints giving you trouble?  Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can bring relief.
6. If it is cold outside, ginger tea has warming benefits.
7. Rid throat and nose congestion by drinking ginger tea!




Don’t you love that porcelain infuser teacup?  It was a gift and it is my fav.  Buy it here.


On to the recipe.


Honey Ginger Lemon Tea

6 oz hot water

1 teaspoon raw honey

1 teaspoon thinly sliced ginger

1/2 lemon


~Start heating up water.  I LOVE my electric tea kettle and use it everyday.  It does a great job of heating the water quickly and keeping it warm for multiple cups of tea throughout the morning.

~Take a tea cup that has an infuser in it, and using a fork, pierce the half of lemon while holding it over the infuser and twist the fork and lemon to juice it.  Squeeze as much of the juice out of the lemon half as possible.  Cut the lemon half into 2-4 pieces.  Add them to the infuser.

~Meanwhile, take 1 teaspoon of thinly sliced ginger and put into the infuser.  (Slice using a mandolin and store in the freezer in a mason jar.)

~Last, take 1 teaspoon of honey and drizzle it over the lemon and ginger.

~Put the infuser into the cup of tea, then pour hot water over.

~Let steep 3-4 minutes.

~Lift the infuser our of the cup and enjoy your amazingly light, clean, fresh & oh- so- good for you Honey Ginger Lemon Tea!

Drinks/ RECIPES/ Sponsored

Morning Cranberry- Orange Creamsicle Smoothie – A Vitamin C Monster


There is something about the new year that excites me and makes me want to just do better.  I love setting goals and figuring out how I can grow as a person.  I am so not ok with staying ‘as is.’ Oh Heaven help us all if I were ok with that! I have so much growing to do, but do you know how thankful I am to be alive to do that growing?  It is so cliché’ to say that God isn’t finished with me yet, but boy, do I rest in that truth.  He allows us a brand new day, a new morning, to get back up again and start anew.

New Mornings & Morning Routines

I am discovering a key way to stay strong and be ready for whatever life brings is to have a solid morning routine. I cannot tell you the difference this is making in my life.  I happened upon a life-changing podcast that introduced me to Hal Elrod and his book ‘The Miracle Morning.‘  I have been implementing his strategy the last 3 days and it is seriously blowing me away–yes, big change in just 3 days! Today I was up at 5:30 and how I spent my time during that extra hour and a half made the world of difference in my day.  Life even brought me a huge bump emotionally later in the morning, and because of the prep work I did early morning with getting my thoughts where they need to be, I was able to pick myself back up, realize what is in my power to change or not change, and move on with my day.  I will share my specific early morning routine in up coming posts, but for today I want to focus in on the simple routine I’ve implemented in the mornings to nourish my body.

Routine To Nourish My Body

1.before coffee.

2. Eat a nutrition-filled breakfast that includes a bit of protein.

3. Take Extra Vitamin D + Turmeric. (The rest of my supplements I take at night)

4. Early morning OR mid morning smoothie. (As breakfast or as a mid-morning snack)


Let’s talk smoothie.

It is amazing how many nutrients one can pack into a smoothie.  Fruits, veggies, leafy greens, superfood, and even oats or nuts. I have been adding yogurt to my smoothies because yogurt has amazing probiotics in it.  This makes me especially happy because I am on a big probiotic kick.  Why? Because gut health effects brain health, and gut health starts with balanced flora which is what probiotics help do.

Although I limit dairy, I don’t hesitate to add yogurt to my day due to its amazing probiotic content. By adding it to my  routine of morning smoothies, it knocks out #2 & #4 above. Another plus is it gives my body a great dose of protein!  It is amazing how much longer I feel full when I have a bit of protein for breakfast.


Hello Yulu. Goodbye Greek.

My new favorite brand of yogurt is called Yulu.

I have never been a big fan of the sour taste of yogurt.  I’m a bit picky with my yogurt, as I prefer it to be creamy, but not as thick as Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt tends to be an “acquired taste,” as it is quite tangy, so I have stayed away from it.

Yulu is an Aussie-style yogurt that is made here in the USA.  It is double-smoothed and double-creamed, so it was a whole new yogurt experience for me.  It is not too thick or not too thin. It does not have the too-sour quality that is found in Greek yogurt. I think it tastes divine.

It comes in a container that is see-thru, which I thought was pretty cool and is a clear sign of the honest company that it is.    The ingredient list made me smile as they use real fruit, fruit juice and even vegetable juices for color and flavor– so no artificial colors– and it there is 9 grams of protein in each cup.

If you want to know more about Yulu, you can check out at or follow them Facebook or Instagram.  You can also check out all their Aussie style ‘pinspiration’ at their pinterest boards.  Keep in mind that Yulu is a new product on the market, so check their site for locations & availability in your area.


Morning Vitamin C, Antioxidant, and Protein Monster

I must to tell you about this new smoothie creation that I have been crushing on.

I call it my Morning Cranberry -Orange Creamsicle Smoothie & it is a vitamin C, antioxidant & protein Monster!

I stock up on Cranberries when they are in season, because they are so good and so healthful.  I love combining them with the flavor of orange and a hint of cinnamon.  This smoothie recipe does just that and  is extra creamy thanks to Yulu yogurt and the addition of a banana.

This smoothie is really special and delicious.  Special enough to be served in fluted champagne glasses on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s or Valentine’s morning.  Or you could just do what I do and fill up these cute little bottles, pop on a lid, store in the refrigerator and have them ready to go for the morning.  I’m not sure how long they last in the refrigerator.  I have stored yogurt filled smoothies up to 3 days and they keep their deliciousness.  My kids get to them so fast that they never have been around for longer than that!


Morning Cranberry Orange Creamsicle Smoothie

1 cup fresh raw cranberries

1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice (or a whole orange if you have a high-powered blender)

1 banana

1/2 to 1 cup milk of your choice

1 container honey or vanilla flavoed Yulu brand yogurt

3-4 Medjool dates (or other sweetener of your choice. Only use dates if you have a high-powered blender)

1-2 tsp orange zest

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 cup ice

pinch salt (preferably sea salt)

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until creamy.



What about you?

Do you do smoothies for breakfast? Do you have a morning routine?  Do you wake up just in the amount of time needed to get out the door or do you give yourself extra time?  Do you like the idea of a less tart, new creamy- textured yogurt?

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Yulu. The opinions and text are all mine.

Drinks/ RECIPES/ Sponsored

AlmondMilk Tasting Challenge + Almond Vanilla Maple Spiced Mocha



My newly homeschooled Colsie girl & I had some fun recently with a taste test of 2 different brands of almond milk. We participated in the Silk Almondmilk Taste Challenge and used a brand that we are familiar with against Silk Almondmilk. These are the fun things I get to do with her during the day & I love it!



We have been drinking plant-based milk around here for over 4 years. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010, I read the book ‘The China Study.’ In it the authors link breast cancer to the long-term exposure to higher concentrations of female hormones and a high concentration of blood cholesterol. They argue that all these risk factors are linked to a diet high in animal protein, particularly casein from cow milk. The average Chinese woman is exposed to 35-40 percent of the lifetime estrogen exposure of the average British or American woman, and the rate of breast cancer among Chinese women is about one-fifth of the rate among Western women. {source}

Needless to say, because my cancer was estrogen fed, my ears perk up to findings like this. It makes me want to be more balanced when it comes to consuming animal products, and using plant-based milk in place of cow milk is a way we do that in our family.



Almond milk has been our milk of choice. It is super versatile in recipes, and has a really clean and light taste.


~It has 50% more calcium than dairy milk

~Is a great source of vitamin D & E

~It has no casein, no gluten, no lactose, no egg, no soy & no MSG–which makes it a great & healthy product for those with food sensitivities.




We don’t usually drink milk by the glass in our family. Never have. We use it over cereal, in oatmeal, in smoothies, in soups & to make warm, comforting drinks. When my girl saw that she was going to drink it straight from a jar, she was a bit unsure, as this is not the way we usually use almond milk. When she realized it was a taste test and would get to have an opinion (she is at that age where there seems to be an opinion on everything!) and that opinion was actually WANTED (grin), she was on board and eagerly gave both brands a try.

She took a sip of both brands of milk, and immediately pointed to her choice — Silk Almondmilk. I asked her why she chose Silk and she said it tasted more ‘real.’ I agreed with her. The texture was creamy but light, and had a ‘just-right-not-overly-sweet’ flavor.

I was happy she chose the Silk brand because Silk Almondmilk had a shorter ingredient list than the other brand, with no artificial colors, flavors or funny business!



INGREDIENTS: Almondmilk (Filtered Water, Almonds), Cane Sugar, Sea Salt, Natural Flavor, Locust Bean Gum, Sunflower Lecithin, Gellan Gum.

VITAMINS & MINERALS: Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin E Acetate, Zinc Gluconate, Vitamin A Palmitate, Riboflavin (B2), Vitamin B12, Vitamin D2.




You are going to really love this one. Really, REALLY! This drink took just minutes to whip up, and has the flavor of a drink that one would pay way too much for at a fancy -schmancy coffee shop.

Speaking of coffee shops, a local coffee shop is where I got the inspiration for this ALMOND VANILLA MAPLE SPICED MOCHA. They have an Aztec Mocha that is chocolatey and has a bit of a bite at the end. They use cayenne pepper, and it gives the warm drink a super interesting taste sensation. A hot drink is already warming, but add a bit of heat to warm the palette and boy…is it amazing & addicting. Perfect for a chilly, fall day.

This recipe is super similar to the one at my local coffee shop. I had my little taste tester taste this recipe, and she loved it. She asked how much coffee was in it, and seemed pretty impressed with herself that she liked a drink with coffee in it! That made me smile. She is growing up and is simply adorable.



She would not let me take her picture for the taste test…she just was “not in the mood” for a picture. Luckily we had a photo shoot with her talented Aunt Laurie the day before so I have this picture to share with you.


Isn’t she lovely?




serves 1

1 cup Silk Vanilla Almondmilk

1/2 cup double- strength brewed coffee

1 Tbsp cocoa powder

1-2 Tbsp maple syrup

pinch of cinnamon

2-3 dashes of cayenne or a pinch of red pepper flakes

pinch of salt



Brew you double strength coffee. Heat the almondmilk until quite hot. Add cocoa powder. Whisk the cocoa powder into the milk, briskly stirring until all clumps have melted away. Stir in the coffee, spices and maple syrup. Adjust the sweetness and spice according to your own taste.


{for your pinning pleasure}



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This conversation is sponsored by Silk. The opinions and text are all mine.
