Anti-Procrastination Weekly Plan


Last week was spent preparing to have our dear friends from Chicago come visit. They have 2 teen boys and a girl who are very close to the same age as my 3 girls. We have known them since our newlywed days & always have a beautiful, fun-filled time together. We laughed so much, and had a great time, as you can see on my Instagram feed, or if you follow me on Snapchat. (Username: new nostalgia). They left today and our home feels too quiet! I miss them already.

I would like to write a few posts about how to prepare and have company without getting overwhelmed, including how to cook for a group without feeling like you need to live in the kitchen the whole time. I achieved that when our company was here and it felt great!

I loved spending last week preparing for company, as there is nothing more motivating to stop procrastinating and get something done! I did a bunch of decluttering and it feels so good to have the house in order. Having clutter cleared reveals the next layer, which is deep cleaning and small home repairs and upkeep. I’m slowly working my way around this house, being purposeful not to overdo this summer, remembering to enjoy my girls as summer break is fleeting!

This coming week is going to be a hot one! Wednesday, Thursday and Friday it is supposed to be over 100 degrees, so we will be spending lots of time indoors or at the pool.

Have a great week, don’t overdo, but get something done!


Weekly Goals

Meal Plan — grocery list +5 meals

Rescue My Home — 1 hour to dust, sweep, vacuum, mop, bathrooms

Dates — my Todd, my girls, one close friend

Do a PinDIY Glass Cook Top Cleaner


Daily To-Do

Spiritual –journal, Scripture, pray, meditate

Move Body–walk, yoga or strength training

Hydrate + Nutrients –greens & berries, vitamins, water

One Full Load — dishwasher & laundry

Cleaning, Clutter & Computer Zones — master bedroom, store photos in bin, & inbox


Ap-poster copy

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Specific Goals

Finish reading: Our New Normal: A Journal of Tragedy, Hope & Inspiration

Start reading: Wild and Free

Get gutters, paint & window estimate

Get windows out of storage


Recipes To Make

Brown Sugar Baked Peaches

Cashew Cheese Nacho Dip

Crockpot Meatballs

Hearty Whole Wheat French Toast


The Best Recipe I’ve Ever Messed Up

Easy Spaghetti Sauce



What are you wanting to get done this week?

What recipes are you planning on making?

Are you on Pinterest? Share a favorite pin you want to accomplish.



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  • Mary Leigh
    July 19, 2016 at 3:25 pm

    It’s a laundry week around our house! I try to alternate laundry and deep cleaning weekly here, so we are rinsing and spinning today! This is a great list! I hope you are off to a good start!

    • AmyNewNostalgia
      July 22, 2016 at 10:59 am

      Hi Mary Leigh! That is a great alternate laundry and deep cleaning weekly. Love hearing how others conquer housework.
