“Anti-procrastination Tuesdays” Link Party!

Welcome to our first weekly “Anti-Procrastination Tuesday” link party!  I am so excited to kick my procrastination habit to the curb with your help!  You can read about the challenge here.  You can also read an ongoing list of my personal goals here.

I’d like this to be a place where we can:
 *share and encourage one another
 *get stuff done, no matter big or small
 *feel safe to “get-real” with our junk
 *share with one another something we have accomplished, past or present
 *share conquered goals or lists of goals we would like to conquer
 *share before and after pictures of our accomplishments
 *learn tips from each other

Here are the guidelines:
1. On Tuesdays each week, I’ll host the link party here at New Nostalgia.  You’ll come over and enter the permalink to your Anti-Procrastination post in my MckLinky List.

2. Be sure to insert a link in your post that directs others back here.  It could be my button at the side bar, or something like “This post is linked to “Anti-Procrastination Tuesdays” at New Nostaglia. 

3. Be sure to link your posts url, not your blog url!

4. Link as many posts as you would like, as long as they have to do with this subject

5. Visit as many other links as you can for ideas, inspiration and to offer encouragement.

6. Leave comments for the links you visit just to let them know you are there (and so we can know there really ARE people out there committed to getting things done together, support matters!)

7. Come back each tuesday, post more of your accomplishments, and see some of the links featured from the week before.  You could be one of them!

Don’t forget to grab a button to place at the top or bottom of your post to show you are participating in “Anti-Procrastination Tuesdays.”  Simply copy the code below in the box and paste where you can edit the html in your blog post.  

And now, onto today’s “Anti-Procrastination Tuesday’s” Link Party! Be inspired, be encouraged, and get something done!

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    May 12, 2014 at 2:23 am

    […] most of you know, I have “Anti-procrastination Tuesdays” here at New Nostalgia.  Why?  BECAUSE I PROCRASTINATE and I need your help to GET […]

  • Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden
    March 11, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    Hi there! Thanks for inviting me to link up to your party. I definitely will be back next week.

  • Brittany at Mommy Words
    March 10, 2010 at 2:32 am

    Oh what a great idea! Jusat found you on MBC and I am now following. I will have to link up next week when I actually get something done!

  • Liz
    March 9, 2010 at 4:35 am

    Thanks so much for hosting! This will be a fun way to get our t-do lists done!

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