Anti-Procrastination Tuesdays #22

***Please read before linking.
There are 2 areas to link up, with 2 different themes.  Read more below and please link up in the right area.  Thanks!***
To learn more of what this is all about, read this post.
To read my original “Doozy List,” read this post.
To read my “Summer Doozy List” read this post.
Well, summer break is drawing to a close.  My girls start school next Wednesday, which means it is time to check in on my Summer Doozy List.  Here it is with added comments from yours truly:
Summer Doozy List

Swim, Swim, Swim, Swim, Swim, Swim, Swim
Grow new transplants for fall harvest (gotta get the lettuce going after this heat lets up!)
Make Homemade Puffy Paint
Make Homemade Scratch & Sniff Paint
Make Homemade Tortillas (hmm, not sure this is going to get done, doesn’t sound fun anymore!)
Make Yogurt Pops Using Homemade Yogurt And Strawberry Puree
Visit Ivanna Cone Ice Cream And Walk Haymarket With My Girls
Sign Girls Up For Summer Reading Program At Library
Sign Girls Up For Summer Reading Program At Indigo Bridge 
Hike @ Pioneers Park (It’s been soooo very hot, and frankly, I don’t like to hike unless it is fall and leaves are crunching under my feet, not gonna get done…)
Explore The Sunken Gardens, Take A Frisbee (Planned to on Sunday, but there was a heat advisory)
Work In Home “Zone” For 15 Minutes Every Day With The Girls
3 Chores A Day Per Girl, Everyday
Love On Neighbor Kids
Get To Know Neighbors
Drag One Of The Girls Into The Kitchen With Me Every Time I Cook Or Bake:)
Create Time For Reading Everyday
Continue To Establish Morning And Evening Routines
Rewrite Master Chore List
Start My Day With God Time (this should have been “end my day with God time”, then it would be crossed off!  Although I have been making an effort at acknowledging Him in the morning and inviting Him into my day.)
Take My Middle Girl “Early Riser” On An Early Morning Walk To The Park With A Breakfast Picnic (tomorrow might be the day, if this is crossed off in the morning you will know that I got my bum out of bed and did it!)
Visit Farmer’s Market At Least Every Other Week
Clean Out Desk Drawers (did it, but it needs done again…lol)
Deep Clean Basement Before Late June Company
Make Homemade Iced Chai Latte, Drink While Reading A Magazine On Swing In The Sunroom
Write Posts On What I Am Grateful For On A Regular Basis
Cousin Sleepovers (one nephew left)
Get My Bible Study Ladies To The Poolhouse
Keep Calender As Balanced As Possible (tried, but it sure has been a busy summer!)
Go To Bed By Midnight Most Nights (ahahahahahaaa!  yeah, right…)
Take Advantage Of Our Summer Blockbuster Movie Pass, Rent Chick Flicks:) ( a couple more would be good)
Make Behavior Cards
Call Mick About Water Leakage (this one HAS to get done ASAP!  Fall/Winter is a- coming!!)
Read At Least 3 Novels This Summer
Clean Out Bookmarks Menu Bar (ongoing)
Go Bowling For Free (this week is perfect due to hot days!)
Visit Children’s Museum (got free passes thanks to summer reading program!!)

Not bad, huh?  I have you all to thank.  I loved knowing I would be answering to you, and it really kept me on track to refer back to it every Tuesday.  Thank you for participating on Tuesdays!!

Let me know in the comments how you have been doing.  Do you feel like you accomplished what you wanted to this summer?  I don’t know about you, but even with this list I question myself..”did I teach character enough?  did I lose my patience too often?  were we too busy?  were we busy enough? am I sending my kids back to school stronger because of my influence this summer?”  I know I can get wrapped up in these types of questions, so this week I decided to stop worrying and just be at peace with what this summer brought and how we handled it all.  I do my best and God will fill in the rest, right?

New Nostalgia

Broken Relationship @ Pieces Of My Mind
I’ve been featuring the posts that got the most clicks each week.  This week, Marianne from Pieces Of My Mind wrote a very brave post about her marriage, seeking encouragement and advice.  It was the most clicked on link winner, thank you for caring for her.  She wrote a post this Monday on thankfulness for a “blogging community who cares” and also “a husband who understands and cares about my concerns for our family and wants changes too.”  That was so encouraging to me to read, as she has been on my heart this week. If you would like to read her post, here is the link.  Feel free to offer her some words of encouragement and let her know you are coming from “AP Tuesdays!” She is on of the most faithful participators here at “AP Tuesdays,” and I know she visits many, many of the links each week, as I see her comments when I come visit each of you.  She makes “AP Tuesdays” have such meaning with her encouraging words, and I am so thankful for her!
Done! @ Clean Mama
Runner up under the “Anti-Procrastination” Theme
Clean Mama has such great ideas, I love this woman and her blog!!  She is all about getting things done during the month of August, and encourages us all to do the same.  If you click through to her post, she offers a free, super cute to- do list that is printable.  She is doing a great job of getting stuff done, I’m hoping she will link up her August 5th post because it is AWESOME! 

Noah’s Room @ The Pennington Point
Winner of the most clicked on link under the “Flexible” Theme–  I can see why!
I would really, really love to go sit and have a coffee with Lisa on that amazing bench on her porch.  She is such a special lady, with a natural talent of turning everything around her, beautiful.

Playroom Art @ Picadilly Peddlers
Runner up most clicked on links under the flexible theme.
This is so simple, yet looks so professional.  Gotta love vinyl letters!

All right, let’s get to linking!
Looking forward to seeing what you all have been up to!!
Be encouraged, Be Inspired, And Get Something Done!
***Stop And Read Before Linking!***
I will have 2 different themes for you to link to.  Please choose the correct theme, or I will need to delete your link.  Thanks!
*If you are a tweeter, hitting the tweet box at the bottom will help get the word out.

***”Anti-Procrastination” Themed:***
~things you want to accomplish (lists, goals)
~things you did accomplish
~thoughts on procrastination/ways you beat procrastination

***Flexible Themed***

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  • AliLilly
    August 12, 2010 at 8:00 pm

    YAY!! I’m so glad this is still open! I’m a bit late but WEEEEE I got to add my tacos! 🙂
    OH and I saw your reply too btw. 🙂

  • Marianne
    August 11, 2010 at 4:42 am

    I am so amazed at your list and how much you have accomplished. It together with many others that I have found through A-P Tuesday is really inspiring me to make my own list like this. A list that does not create more stress to my life, but instead encourages me to take it easier and do more fun stuff with my kids.
    Amy your words are so encouraging and reading all the comments this morning brought tears in my eyes and a smile on my face. On a day where I was stressed from the beginning about the doctorsvisit today and after reading everyones encouraging words I knew I could do it fine.
    It all went good, both girls has to have tubes in their ears, Isabels hearing will be fine then and she will also get her tonsils out to cure her sleapapnea. All in all a good day, but I am tired now and will finish up here and go to bed. Thank you for helping the big guy getting me through the day.

  • Mom's Review for you
    August 10, 2010 at 5:33 pm

    Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I am following you!!! I would love it if you could follow me back!


  • Hootiebee
    August 10, 2010 at 4:38 pm

    Newest follower from Tuesday Tag-Along. I hope you can stop in and see me at

  • Kelle
    August 10, 2010 at 6:32 pm

    Stopping by and following via Tuesday Tag-Along.
    I really enjoyed your blog and am looking forward to following your posts! =)
    Have a fantastic day!

  • malia
    August 10, 2010 at 1:38 pm

    I like the bloggers you chose this week… Clean Mama is awesome. I’ve ordered from her and she’s a joy to work with!

  • Marie @ Chocolate-Covered Chaos
    August 10, 2010 at 1:19 pm

    You’ve really gotten a lot accomplished! Tortillas are on my list, too. I agree…it doesn’t sound fun anymore:) Maybe the mood will strike me one day soon. Meanwhile, I’m coming into major canning season with peaches, tomatoes, red beats, and then apples…all while starting to homeschool! At this point, my goal is to enjoy these last weeks of summer without stressing…:)

  • The Pennington Point
    August 10, 2010 at 12:22 pm

    Look at you checking things off your list. You go girl! I am impressed and amazed.

    I’d LOVE for you to come sit on my porch, but you might want to wait until the temp is UNDER 100°. Lisa~

  • Aiming4Simple
    August 10, 2010 at 4:01 am

    I found your list quite revealing. After following and being inspired by your blog for several months, I realize we must share a city in common. =) One of these days I should link up here. I am the WORST procrastinator ever.

  • Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden
    August 10, 2010 at 3:54 am

    Hey there! Hope you’re having a great week. Your list is very impressive! I definitely wasn’t as ambitious this summer!

  • Clean Mama
    August 10, 2010 at 8:42 am

    Great job on your list, Amy and thank you so much for featuring me 🙂

  • Kimberly
    August 10, 2010 at 7:12 am

    Great blog! Came across your blog from one of the blog hops, and looking forward to reading more of your stuff. I am now following… feel free to follow back if you like!!!!
    All the best,

  • decdiva1
    August 10, 2010 at 5:01 am

    i have a summer to do list and i think i’ve done just about everything BUT what’s on the list! i’m going to have to give myself an extension! ur doing alot better on ur list! my hat’s off to you!

  • Lori@ Paisley Passions
    August 10, 2010 at 4:52 am

    Wow! That is quite the list!!! Thanks for hosting 🙂 I am now following your lovely blog.

  • Megan {Honey We're Home}
    August 10, 2010 at 4:05 am

    Wow! Your summer list is bananas! And you’ve accomplished so much of it. The making time for God hits home with me as I know and want to do the same here. p.s. I just realized I wasn’t a follower, so now I am:) Have a great week.

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