Anti-Procrastination Tuesdays #11 + My First Giveaway!

***There are 2 areas to link to, please link to the appropriate area.  Thanks!!***
Welcome to Anti-Procrastination Tuesday’s and
  I am very pleased to be able to give away “Simplify” ~ an ebook by Joshua Becker.   
Do You Know What A Minimalist Is?  Well, here is your chance to meet one!
From “Simplify”
“Since choosing to simplify his life two years ago, Joshua has encouraged hundreds of thousand of others around the world to pursue minimalism in their life through his blog:  As one of today’s leading proponents of “rational minimalism,” joshua presents 7 principles that will help guide the reader into a practice of simplicity that works for their unique, individual lifestyle.  You will enjoy his unique blend of illustrative stories, theoretical principle, and practical application.  After all, if this typical family of four living in the suburbs can simplify their life, so can you!”

I absolutely loved reading this ebook!  It was an easy read full of many practical tips of how to live life more simply. I jive with his idea of “rational minimalism,” which for me, gives permission to pursue minimalism, even though I am wired to love beauty, creativity and warmth in my home.  Minimalism was something that was appealing to me, yet the typical thoughts of a stark and empty home freaked me out a bit! Joshua’s idea of “rational minimalism” struck a cord with me, it allows for one to have their own style of minimalism, which just makes sense– especially when one has a family with kids!  Yes, more people means more stuff, but as I learned in the book, it is possible and so rewarding to be intentional in the things you decide to keep or to buy. As Joshua says in the book minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value, and the removal of anything that distracts us from it.” Love that.

So on to the giveaway!

To enter this GIVEAWAY, 
Visit Becoming Minimalist then...

First entry…come back here and tell me that you did.

**If you are interested in having more chances to win, here are ways you can increase your number of entries, up to 4!**

Second entry…mention the giveaway on facebook and leave me your link as an additional comment.

Third entry…tweet about the giveaway and leave a comment and your link or Twitter username.

Fourth entry…blog about this giveaway and leave a comment telling me you did

Entries accepted through Monday May 23rd.  I will select a winner using and I will announce the winner next tuesday at “Anti-Procrastination Tuesdays!”  Good luck!

If you would like to skip the giveaway, and just purchase the ebook, then Click here to visit Becoming Minimalist.

Featured Posts From Last Week:
New Nostalgia  
A must see, I just loved how they made great use of a small space!

I’ll take one for each of my girls rooms, please!
She tackled her garage and it looks great! 
What a fun mother/daughter project..
Now even I can be an artist:) 
Here are the guidelines:

1On Tuesdays each week, I’ll host the link party here at New Nostalgia.  You can come over and enter the permalink to your Anti-Procrastination post in my MckLinky List.
2. Be sure to insert a link in your post that directs others back here.  It could be my button at the side bar, or something like “This post is linked to “Anti-Procrastination Tuesdays” at New Nostalgia. 
3. Be sure to link your posts url, not your blog url!
4. Visit as many other links as you can for ideas, inspiration and to offer encouragement.

5. Leave comments for the links you visit just to let them know you are there (and so we can know there really ARE people out there committed to getting things done together, support matters!)

6. Come back each tuesday, post more of your accomplishments, and see some of the links featured from the week before.  You could be one of them!

Be Inspired, Be Encouraged & Get Something Done!
****Stop and Read BEFORE Linking!!****

I will have 2 different themes for you to link to.  Please choose the correct theme, or I will need to delete your link.  Thanks!
Oh, and if you are a tweeter, hitting the tweet box at the bottom will help get the word out.
“Anti-Procrastination” Themed:
~things you want to accomplish (lists, goals)
~things you did accomplish (before and afters are great!)
~thoughts on procrastination/ways you beat procrastination

“Flexible Themed”

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  • Anne
    May 19, 2010 at 10:03 pm

    I found your blog through Becoming Minimalist, which I started following about a month or so ago when I started in on my attempt to make our home more comfortable by getting rid of clutter. So far so good.

  • Yoga Gal
    May 19, 2010 at 5:01 pm

    Hello! I love your blog- I am a new follower and new blog party participant. Thank you for hosting!

    The teen bedroom linked above? Faboo!

  • Belle
    May 18, 2010 at 11:44 pm

    I read the blog today actually just before finding this thread on his twitter page. Thanks for offering a FREE book! I don’t usually read digitally, but I’m willing to try! Thanks again!

  • Jan @ bobbypins boardwalk
    May 18, 2010 at 6:46 pm

    Amy — I’m just as busy as a bee (haha). I made a few presents for Amy’s graduation, so now my task is getting them posted. So — I just posted another on my blog and since it’s still Tuesday, I decided that I would link up another project! I hope you enjoy it. The party is great! I’ve seen and bookmarked lots of ideas.

  • virlba5150
    May 18, 2010 at 5:19 pm

    I just saw your giveaway from becomingminimalist site! Now I’m gonna post it on my twitter

  • elizabeth @ twelvecrafts
    May 18, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    Just found you and now following . . . I have to know is that picture in your blog banner really from your kitchen? Either way I felt instantly more peaceful just looking at it – an organized, clean, simple kitchen like that is my dream. 🙂

  • Susan at Charm of the Carolines
    May 18, 2010 at 2:52 pm

    I rode my bicycle (with basket) to the Farmer’s Market instead of driving. Got great exercise and a little attention along the way.


  • Monica
    May 18, 2010 at 2:01 pm

    ooh, looks like a great blog! the book looks like it will be excellent, as well!

  • Linda
    May 18, 2010 at 12:45 pm

    I’ve been following Josh’s blog since you mentioned it months ago. I just printed out his “Ten Reasons to Watch Less Television” and will make sure it happens to find its way into my husband’s mail pile. 🙂 Now, to quit thinking about it & feeling good about the possibilities. I need to start doing something about it on a regular basis!

  • Jan @ bobbypins boardwalk
    May 18, 2010 at 7:17 am

    One last thing — I am going to post about your giveaway on my blog. I promise — I’m done!

  • Jan @ bobbypins boardwalk
    May 18, 2010 at 7:16 am

    Also — feel free to join in my party on Wednesday — The Boardwalk Bragfest — I would love to have you visit.

    The project I’m linking to your blog this week has been chosen as one of the ten finalists in the DIY club. Please check the projects out (you can find a link to them on my memory box link) and vote for your favorite!

  • Jan @ bobbypins boardwalk
    May 18, 2010 at 7:15 am

    Oh what wonderful projects you have this week. I’m excited about the possibility of winning this book. I’ve always come back to Janis Joplin’s saying, “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.” As I have gotten older — not that I’m old or anything, I believe I understand the importance of not allowing yourself to be weighed down with garbage. Just after reading a bit of his blog, I have now decided to HAVE THAT YARDSALE, put this house up for sale and move to something much smaller. Which of course means that I have to work even harder at getting it all decorated and spruced up to sell, right…many more projects to come! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  • For the Love of Naps - Sarah
    May 18, 2010 at 11:43 am

    loved the website…am following it now. The book would be a great resource too!

  • morgan
    May 18, 2010 at 5:27 am

    Thanks so much for hosting each week Amy!! You’re awesome love your blog!!


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!

  • shorty
    May 18, 2010 at 5:03 am

    I am excited to read more of the site!!!

  • Our Lives
    May 18, 2010 at 4:54 am

    I read this blog regularly and it was the first one I found when I became interested in the minimalist life style. 🙂 I especially like the stories others shared how they became a minimalist. Lots of food for thought there.

  • brookie
    May 18, 2010 at 9:44 am

    Great post and great idea. Interesting how appealing the concept of minimalist is. I love the idea of mentally and literally cleaning out my life.

  • Laura Ingalls Gunn
    May 18, 2010 at 8:49 am

    Hi Miss Amy,

    The book sounds great!

    My project is a bit unothodox as it falls under the self improvement category and took 23 years to complete.

    But, my heartfelt wish is that anyone who needs a bit of hope or inspiration will find this post.

    Thank you for hosting a great party.

  • Lisa
    May 18, 2010 at 5:46 am

    I briefly read a bit of The Minimalist awhile ago when I first discovered your blog. It seems that every time I come here you are giving me exactly what I need, right at the moment I need it in life! I wanted to read more about becoming a minimalist and you have again given me the kick in the pants. Thanks again Amy!!

  • Rebecca@This Present Life
    May 18, 2010 at 3:00 am

    Hope I linked in the right category! Looking forward to seeing what everyone has been up to this week!

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