That sweet little face is my middle girl back when she was 9. Last week she turned 11! Where or where has the time gone?
We usually budget in birthday parties for our 3 girls. I love a good party and an excuse to have one. We usually do not buy our kids birthday gifts, as grandparents are amazingly generous so our kids get plenty of gifts, and we consider a birthday party their gift. This year, my little 11-year-old-to-be asked “Mom, if I save my money for a new Kindle Fire will you pay for half of it?” I told her that we would, but we would have to use the money we usually set aside for a party. She like this idea, she thought it was totally worth it. She saved her money, and is LOVING her new Kindle Fire,
Her birthday was last week, and I wanted to do something to make her feel special on her day, despite not having a big birthday party. At the end of the day, she said “Mom, this was one of the best birthdays ever.” Success!
Here is what her day entailed:
She woke up to a sea of pink balloons on her floor. I was sneaky the night before and when I peaked in her room in the morning, she was laying in bed, hitting one pink balloon in the air with the biggest, best birthday girl smile on her face. She loved it and just giggled at me. That was so worth the 2.00 dollars I spent on balloons and the fact that I almost passed out blowing them up! I got this great idea from my Pinterest Parties Board.
Once my birthday girl was up, she was greeted by her favorite breakfast. We call it “Toad In A Hole”–so appetizing, huh? It really is good. I wanted to make it extra special so I made it pretty with a flower cookie cutter and sliced fruit.
{our usual “toad in a hole”}
{flower cookie cutter}
{special birthday breakkie!}
She loved her special breakfast. She also loved that I had to pick her up early from school to take her to a quick doctor checkup for a knee injury that is now healed. He gave her a GREAT birthday gift, telling her she could participate in P.E. After sitting out since October, this was awesome news.
I had some returns to make at the mall, so she came with, and as we walked by the soft pretzel stand at the mall we both took a whiff and of course had to get one! Getting out of school early and a couple buck pretzel made her feel very special.
In the meantime, little sister got home from school and I left her instructions to frost some cupcakes that I had baked earlier. I used the same mix cake mix and frosting mix that I use in my Gooey Caramel Chocolate Cupcakes. I knew little sister would LOVE getting to help, and I also knew I would come home to cupcakes that would be drenched in decorating sugar. I was right!
Little sister also took time to make super cute and creative homemade party hats. Loved!
{my youngest, laughing at me wearing her hat creation while doing a birthday jig}
I sent a quick text to the neighbor girls mom, and she agreed to let her 2 girls come over for some birthday cupcakes and…
..a hot chocolate bar! Another idea from Pinterest, but we kept ours very simple. The girls had caramel candy sticks to stir their hot chocolate. They melted quickly into the hot chocolate and gave it a caramel-ly flavor. Fun!
{my oldest, enjoying her caramel stick}
I took a few balloons from the sea of pink in her bedroom and taped them on the wall. I wanted to copy the below idea also found on Pinterest, but kept it simple instead.
{great idea from Martha Stewart. Could put a dollar bill in each balloon!}
{my oldest, enjoying her cupcake}
It was great fun, and actually felt like a party even though it really was not, (not like our usual birthday parties) and my sweet girl felt very loved on her birthday. It goes to show that simple, cheap touches are enough!
September 15, 2012 at 2:44 pmWhat a great day! I did something similar for my kids’ birthdays last year (two days apart!). I filled the floor of their rooms with balloons AND taped streamers across the doorway – they loved that! Put a candle in whatever your serve for breakfast and it’s festive. 🙂
Budget Design Girl
February 3, 2012 at 5:57 pmThe little things truly are the big things! Such sweet ideas, and she will carry the memories of your special time together with her forever!
Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl!
February 3, 2012 at 11:58 amFun! I love simple birthdays. As I’ve gotten older, I try not to look forward to birthdays as much because I always seem to be “disappointed”, but it’s always the little things that make it so special! I remember being in middle school and my mom picking me up early to take me to a game park! It was awesome!
February 2, 2012 at 7:32 pmSimple obviously also means, lovely :0)
What a great day.
February 2, 2012 at 7:06 pmGreat ideas. Thanks so much for sharing a little peek into your lives. It was fun to see a few pictures of your sweet kids. 🙂 Happy birthday to the middlest! 🙂
the Mrs.
February 2, 2012 at 6:54 pmThanks for sharing this! My son will be 11 on superbowl sunday. We are having a party the following weekend due to the “bowl” but want to make his day special. I love the balloon idea and this gives me more ideas to add to the day.
Great stuff and cute pictures! 🙂