Mothers Day

A Great Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is really a great day for me.  I get permission to take the day off.  I get to let go of laundry, dishes, and making food.  I find this permission causes me to focus more on the precious moments I have with my family and enjoy them.  
I also get time to do whatever I want to do.  When the girls were younger, this always meant getting away for some quiet.  Now that they are older, I have mixed emotions.  I still long for quiet still moments and took some this Mother’s day, but when I am away I find myself wanting to be with my family.  

Every Mother’s day for the past 4 years has started out the same.  We load up in the car and drive to Granite City for Mother’s Day brunch.  We meet my Mother-in-law, Sharon, there.  Granite City has wonderful food and gives away flowers to mothers.  I love this tradition.

We then go home and I receive gifts.  This is so much fun.  I delight at each girls personal gift.  They are really the best gift givers and know their mommy’s taste well.  Todd is a wonderful dad who takes them out shopping and gives them each some money to buy me a little something.  This year I took my oldest to the Farmer’s Market and she was sneaky and purchased a beautiful plant for me while we were there with her own money.  Be still my heart!

My middle girl chose yellow tulips.  They are so beautiful!  She also gave me a dark chocolate bar from Trader Joes.  I love that she had dad take her to Trader Joes, she knows it is a favorite place of mine.

My youngest made me an awesome Mother’s Day card.  She said it took her FOREVER so I HAVE to keep it. 🙂  She knows this mama is a trying to become more minimalist and seems to be getting rid of everything, so she had to let me know her art is a keeper.  Taped to the back of her card was a gift card to Starbucks.  Whee!

After gifts, my hubs takes over the kids for the rest of the day.  I took a nap and then laid in bed like a lazy bum and played around on my computer.  I heard some sister drama and felt a bit sorry for my Todd who was playing referee.  So glad it is not me!

I then decided it was time to get up and get out into the beautiful weather.  I tip- toed past the drama, giving my hubs a sympathetic look, and drove downtown, took out my camera, and practiced photo taking. It have to say it was really enjoyable!  I’m hoping practice makes decent…not even worried about perfect!

I got hungry, so I stopped in to Dozo for a sushi snack.  I sat and read a book on…what else…photography.

Right next to Dozo is Scooters Coffee shop, and that is where I sit writing this post with my journal, a highlighter, a coffee and my laptop.  It is the perfect place to edit photos, write, and eavesdrop on a lively debate going on behind me. 

I am picking up a pizza on my way home so I won’t have to cook dinner.  We have plans to sit and watch the Survivor finale as a family tonight.  Can you say PERFECT day?

I feel so thankful.
I know my family is feeling very thankful, too.

My girls and I were talking on the way to brunch about precious young girl we know who is spending the day driving with her grandparents to her Mothers grave, to see the newly installed headstone. We discussed how we need to send a few thoughts and prayers up for her today. I can’t type this without getting choked up.  This girl and her family have become super special to me, as her mom was super special to me, and they have been on my brain all day…all week.  We know their story could be our story, and we pray for them, for healing. For comfort. For courage as they face that beautiful headstone and the reality the writing on it brings.

I know this day is not an easy one for everyone.
I know my perfect day is a gift.
I am thankful.

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  • Laurie@BeautyDivine
    May 14, 2012 at 8:35 pm

    Love these photos! You look SO pretty in the one of you and Toddy. I also love the 815 sign and kind of want it in my house. Is that weird? lol.

  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2012 at 7:13 pm

    Do you and your family attend a local Church?

  • eggthoughts
    May 14, 2012 at 6:48 pm

    I love the pictures! Sounds like a wonderful day. 🙂 What a blessing. Lots to be thankful for! And I love brunch at Granite City, it is soo delicious! ~Frances

  • karen gerstenberger
    May 14, 2012 at 6:47 pm

    God bless you and your sweet family, Amy!

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