Love/ Spiritual/ Valentine's Day

3 New Loves

I was not going to post tonight, but then I was looking at the different blogs I read on Google Reader, and once again found some great stuff I have to share with you, but I will be quick!

Love has been the theme of the day, as it is February 14.

 Happy Valentines Day!

3 Loves connected for me by my Ultimate Love–Father God.

Here are 3 new loves of mine:

1. Grooveshark
I was reading my friend, Kristin’s blog, the_uncomplication_project, and she wrote a fun little post about a springtime music playlist.  She listed some great songs, (go look!) then suggested  Here is what she has to say about it:

For free listens, visit Grooveshark and search for any song. You can create spur-of-the-moment playlists from just about any song. It’s free & they don’t put any ads in the middle of your music!”

I was intrigued and bookmarked the site.

2. Meteor Shower by Owl City
I finished up reading Kristin’s post, and was still on Google reader came upon my sister’s new blog, “Beauty Divine.”  She just moved to Kansas, and boy do I miss her, so to read her blog does my heart much good.  She just oozes beauty, inside and out, so check out her beautiful blog and experience some!

Today she wrote a post about some of her “loves,” and one of them was a song called Meteor Shower by Owl City.  I got excited the minute I saw a music recommendation by her, she is the queen of great music finds.   My sis posted these lyrics which intrigued me…

I can finally see that you’re right there beside me / I am not my own, for I have been made new / Please don’t let me go, I desperately need you / I am not my own, for I have been made new / Please don’t let me go, I desperately need you.

Those lyrics just hit a chord with me, as they express much of what I have been feeling lately, which I will explain more in my love number 3. I remembered Kristin’s suggestion to go to Grooveshark to listen to any song, so I headed over there to check out Meteor Shower.  Let me tell you, I played the song 3 times and the sound of it brought my girls running, and they all had it memorized by the last play.  I loved it.

3. A book called “Identity”
It is actually a study book, from the Connect series.  I am part of a Women’s Bible Study group that meets once a week.  We just started this book, and I can’t tell you how much I think we are going to grow and learn.  I am so excited!  This is from their website:


The Connect series invites you to have your whole person changed from the inside.

  • visually engaging and relationally interactive
  • relevant to real-life issues
  • deeply biblical and rooted in Scripture
  • geared for people wherever they are in their spiritual and life journeys


If I were to summarize my feelings about starting this study, the lyrics to the song above would just about do it.  The study is about who I am, because of who God is, and what it means to be made ‘new.’ The song above could be our studies theme song!

I love it when God puts things into my life that continue to show me that He is active and present and thoughtful of me- like a song that expresses my heart because of a book I am reading, that I could easily listen to thanks to Kristin’s music site recommendation

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  • Laurie
    February 15, 2010 at 4:48 pm

    Thanks for referring me:) You should make “things you love” a regular post. I love reading about things you find and reading about what you like!

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