I want you to all know that I am ready to fight this thing. I have so many who love me, and I have so much to fight for. The last few days have been surreal and quite honestly, some of the hardest of my life. I’ve already learned so much about myself, life, and love. I know this cancer thing is going to be a great teacher in my life. I’ve decided to allow it to do just that, but at the same time, will be doing everything in my power to kick it the heck outta here.
The tumor is quite large, 4 centimeters. {*update…MRI showed it to be 6 centimeters} There may be lymph nodes involved, we are still in the initial testing phase. I had a CT scan and a bone scan today, the CT scan did not show any other areas. Praise God! I will get bone scan reports on Tuesday. Next week will be a busy week of MRI, PET scan and meeting with my Surgeon, then Oncologist. We will know the exact stage the cancer is in and the plan of action by next Thursday. I’ve been told by my doctor to be ready for aggressive treatment, which she guesses will include chemotherapy first, to shrink the tumor, then surgery.
I’ve had many different moments the last few days. I have felt intense fear and anxiety to the point of physical sickness, but also moments of sweet peace and thankfulness. It’s quite a roller coaster, a scary one that quite frankly I would really like to get off of.
We told my three girls tonight (ages 11, 9 & 7). They were so very sweet. We cried together, they came to us for hugs, then they held each other. They asked lots of questions. We were very honest with them and will continue to be. They took it in a much more calm manner than what I expected, which was nice. They are processing and will continue to do so. We spent the last 10 minutes of our family meeting dreaming up a Halloween costume for their bald mama!:) The best we came of with was twins…my husband is bald. 🙂
This blog has always just been about my life. If we make a craft, I share it. A new recipe, I write about it. Thoughts in my head…out they come down onto a post. I really don’t know any other way to blog other than just share my life, so this blog is about to have a new subject added to it. Cancer is life right now, it is pretty much an all consuming fight, so I ask you to bear with me as I write and fight. I won’t be able to post as often, and the subject matter will be pretty real as I really don’t know how else to be. Thank you so much for being such great readers and such an encouraging community. I will let you as much as possible how I am doing.
Before I sign off, I’d like to tell you that the ONLY way I am getting through any of this is by the help of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is my everything. He is faithful. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. I will praise His name no matter what happens. He has so clearly told me that He is with me, and will never leave me or forsake me.
September 5, 2012 at 5:58 pmGood for you! I’m coming up on my one year. Woo hoo to both of us! : )
elaine @ peace for the journey
September 2, 2012 at 10:37 pmCelebrating with you, Amy. You’ve crammed a lot of living into these past two years. You are fully living each day, and I’m so honored to call you my friend.
Keep to it.
September 2, 2012 at 3:26 amAmy –
Our blog paths did not cross until 2011 – I don’t remember the exact day, or even month – and it really does not matter. I created my blog in July 2011, and between then and now, I am continually drawn to your words and your strengths, and your belief in Jesus as Lord.
I continue to pray for you and your family, and all the future joys you will share.
Congratulations on cancer clear for two years! And what a wonderful video you created last year – beautiful!
Be Blessed, Amy
Heather A
August 31, 2012 at 9:26 pmCongratulations! I’m at about 3 years (I never know when to count from – I was diagnosed in March 2009 but first went to the doc to inquire about a lump I’d found in August 2007. He told me it was a cyst and not to worry … bastard!). At any rate, surgery, chemo, radiation, Arimidex, Tamoxifen later … I’m still here and am finally starting to feel like I’ve really truly rejoined the land of the living. I hope your recovery has been much faster than mine and I wish us both continued good health and increasing strength and energy with which to enjoy our families and friends.
August 31, 2012 at 7:40 pmCongratulations! Seven years ago today I had a Debulking surgery for my ovarian cancer tumor, it weighed 14 lbs. Two years, seven years, life is so good. I am so grateful, like you, I have not been alone in my trials. I praise Him.
I so enjoy your blog, thank you.
Lancy Rudd
Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts
August 31, 2012 at 7:24 pmI am so happy for you, Amy! What a testimony you have, not just the survivorship but the spiritual growth that you’ve shared with all of us along the way. I think of you often and I praise the Lord you are well 🙂 Erin
August 31, 2012 at 5:33 pmI began following you because I recently joined Pinterest, not knowing anything about you except I saw you were a cancer survivor but I didn’t know it was brats cancer until I saw your post. I myself am 38 and I am an identical twin. My twin sister was diagnosed at 25 with advanced breast cancer. She died at 34, but not before she blessed with the most precious baby girl at the age of 30. Her cancer returned while she was pregnant. It is difficult to understand how or why someone so young would have such a terrible disease. There were many, many miracles along the way of my sister’s battle for life. The Lord is good and Hismmercies endure forever and I shall see her again. My prayer for you is that you will remain healthy and strong and live a long happy life glorifying the Lord. My sister had a testimony that reached many and I can only imagine what yours will do. I have 3 sweet girls as well although they are younger. We are blessed! Anyway, just felt the need to share. May God bless you and your family always!
August 31, 2012 at 5:18 pmI remember exactly where I was when I read the original post, and how very shocked I was! God has been faithful on this journey and you have been faithful, too, Amy, to allow us to know Him better through your transparency along the way. Our prayer is that God will continue to heal your body and give you cancer-versaries into old age! We love you! Aunt Linda & Uncle John