
Relieved. Redeemed. Renewed.

In Christ Alone{sign for sale via Dear Lilly}

Inspired by Pastor Clark Sunday Sermon on Ephesians 1, & the hymn “In Christ Alone.”

Happy to be sharing this with ‘Hear It On Sunday,  Use It On Monday” with Michelle DeRusha.


When all else fails, it is You who remains.

My Cornerstone, firm through the fiercest drought and storm


Your opinion of me never changes.

Your grace is lavished.


You have given me every spiritual blessing needed.

You have given and will give all I need to be all you have said I am.


Precious. Princess. Bought. Chosen. Grafted. Adopted.


I chew on this truth, sitting in this place–Your house.


The elements are passed, bread broken.

I hesitate to chew, for when I do, I’m reminded of how you broke.


You know what it is to break.

You know rejection, a broken heart.


Your body splintered

Blood poured out, God’s wrath satisfied


I drink, a communion

Remembering what it took to establish this union.


Father, we are one.

Father, make us one

I cry out …make us one.


Lord! Lord! Hear my cry.


Let me feel the release

A precious blood transaction


I reject the lies

Sins grip is loose, an easy slipping through fingers

I am free to let go, grip released


Darkness goes, light comes

I enter the Light room


Yes, I am free, released but held

In Your Hand, never to be plucked out


A God-hand hammock for my heart,

Heart healed with your words, “It is Finished.”


Here I rest, help me find rest

Relieved, Redeemed. Renewed.


You wrap me up

Cacooned in light

I hear your whispers of truth


I am yours, you are mine. We are one.


I remain until released– that day you call me home.

You command my destiny, from my first cry to my last breath.


I will remain.

Lord, help me to remain.


Christina Grimmie is amazing.  Here she is singing my favorite hymn, ‘In Christ Alone’ –her voice blew me away.

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