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life update

FAMILY/ Leaving A Legacy

Let’s Talk | Life Update

Life Update

I’m sitting at a new to me table in my updated sunroom, in the mood to talk…so let’s talk!

Boy, I have missed writing on this blog. It has been a while, and this year I’ve only written a handful of posts.

The year started out with:

healing from surgery in January,

a bout with vertigo in February,

a life-changing local cancer conference that I spoke at in March

learning how to be witness and extracting story in April

and a donut-filled graduation celebration in May.


I’ve taken it slow on this blog of mine since that conference back in March, where I spoke of “pivoting’ in my talk to a room of beautiful fighters, survivors and caregivers…a talk of which I will share here on the blog soon.

I looked out in the crowd as I took in a breath before speaking and thought, “These are my people.”

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