Remember the post: The Most Simple Way To Boost Your Mood? I talked about counting the gifts and how it can lift the mood. It seriously does wonders!
Thanks to #Last90Days challenge that I have been participating in, I have picked up the habit of counting gifts more aggressively lately, and again…I’m amazed at how it is such a mood booster!
Thanks to this challenge, I went from daily listing just 3 things I’m thankful for and upped it to 10.
Listing 10 gifts a day causes one to pause and think for a minute on what is good…there are so many things!
Despite being a harder season for our family, there are so many great amazing things to be thankful for.
If you are in a hard season too, try listing the things you are thankful for. It helps so much.
These are some of the highlights of my lists:
Things I’m Thankful For | One Thousand Gifts
#1,157 – #1,197
Change of seasons, from summer to fall.
Connecting with sisters.
60-degree mornings.
Early morning wake-up habit established.
Motivation & revelation.
8 years cancer free anniversary!