Counting Gifts/ FAMILY

One Thousand Gifts #9

holy experience

121~chemotherapy that we think is working & that lands on Monday, the day of counting gifts
122~a husband who still takes me on dates and connects with priceless conversations
123~piano music of Ann Voskamps blog and how it calms my heart
124~a new Themos cafe’ mug that keeps healing green tea hot
125~a reminder at beginning of the week of Thanksgiving, to give thanks
126~that He is able to do “more than I can even ask or imagine!  Exceedingly!!
127~hair that has a will to start growing back even before chemo is over
128~wonderful in-laws that take my girls on trips and create lasting memories
129~a blogworld full of women who amaze me with their care
130~a masseuse who is standing by, waiting to bless me with her free gift

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  • Lana
    November 22, 2010 at 12:58 pm

    So glad to hear you are making progress with the Chemo. I’ve been crazy busy and don’t always comment, but I’m still out here checking in on you and sending prayers up for you! Keep fighting the good fight!

  • Sue
    November 22, 2010 at 7:02 am

    Wonderful news to hear that the chemotherapy treatment seems to be working.

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