~a trip to the Arizona desert, a work trip for my husband, a gift that I get to go, too.
~health. So many trips cancelled last year. A strange fear crept up that something would happen this time, too. It didn’t.
~old friends and new friends, sweet sweet fellowship!
~never ending supply of hot coffee where ever we went
~a red robin, decides to visit outside our balcony each day.
~Naps. 2 days in a row!
~our musician for the weekend, a man whose eyes do not work, but whose hands dance across piano keys and keyboard
~his sight gone, but joy radiates so clearly from him for all to see. Thank you God, for such clear, childlike joy
~his laugh, a bit gumpy, sounds just like the lion from the Wizard of Oz. I listen for it, for it brings a smile and makes me laugh gumpy, too.
~words of wisdom from a woman who is 104–“Risk more. Reflect more. Leave behind things that last.”
~dinner with Dr. Tony Campolo. What a man! He consults with God before speaking.
~my husbands dream fulfilled. Being able to thank him in person for the life changing influence he has had on his life.
~my Dee, my Jumping Tandem girl. Her morning to speak… “The message is not about ourselves” “God says “‘Come with me! Jump with me! I GOT YOU.'” “He lives for the adventure. He is risky. He is Creative. He entrusts US with His Message.”
~again my Dee, her morning greeting to me. She comes up from behind, wraps herself around my shoulders and whispers “my morning did not feel right without coming to say hello to you.” I take in her love, my heart warmed. Toasty love.
~this place of boulders. Finding such comfort within the boulders.
~lemon and mint for my water
~sunbathing by a pool in February. This Midwestern girl is not used to that!
~my husband takes the podium. He speaks, so articulate. Words important are communicated and heard. His preparations and prayers pay off.
~beauty inside reflects beauty outside.
~shapes of cacti. God’s art.
~just plain silly fun
~grandparents who take my kids for 5 days, their care is beyond. Priceless.
~video chatting with my little ones at the airport. Their longing to see us. So sweet.
March 6, 2012 at 6:24 pmWhat a beautiful conference center! A red bird in Arizona? We only have blue ones here in Colorado! Sounds like a wonderful and refreshing time alone with your sweetheart and other believers.
March 6, 2012 at 2:57 amIt was glorious, wasn’t it? Fun to revisit it here with you. You bless me big time, girlfriend. Love you!
elaine @ peace for the journey
March 5, 2012 at 6:47 pmWhat joy lives in this post, Amy! I’m so glad for your beautiful time together. You both look amazingly peaceful and in love!
March 5, 2012 at 7:34 pmthis was an AWESOME post! I could FEEL the renewal in your spirit in the words and pictures. WOW!!
karen gerstenberger
March 5, 2012 at 6:52 pmAmy, I’m so thankful that you were able to receive this gift of beautiful time away with your beloved and friends. How good God is!
julie s
March 5, 2012 at 5:48 pmWas that Ken Medema in the pics? He was big in the Christian Reformed Church in the 80’s when I was growing up. We loved to have him in chapel at school! He wrote the best songs for kids–love him! Tony Campolo too? How cool! I love your metallic nailpolish that matches your headband!! Looks like fun. I’m so ready to put away sleds and snowpants! I saw my first red winged blackbird yesterday–spring is coming 🙂
March 5, 2012 at 5:23 pmWhat a beautiful post.. I am SO happy you had such a wonderful vacation.. After all you and your husband go through you deserve it and I am so thankful God allowed it to be a good one!