
New Nostalgia Most Popular Posts on Content 2017 – Pt. 2

Best posts of the year from New Nostalgia- a purposeful living blog

Most Popular Posts of 2017 Pt. 2

Slow Living Summer Recipes

This popular post includes summer favorites like Fruit Salad with Honey Lime Glaze, Fresh and Healthy Lime Soda, No Cook Peanut Butter Chocolate Chia Oats and Cheesy Tortelinni Crockpot Soup.

Soup in the summer? Why yes! When it is made in the slow cooker it keeps the stove and oven off and your kitchen cool. Several of these recipes are great all season long.

Click through to see to see here.

DIY Daily Sink Scrub Shaker Top

DIY Daily Sink Scrub

A two ingredient daily sink scrub makes me a very happy lady every time I use it! My sink has stayed clean and shiny with no built up gunk!

When I sprinkle this scrub into my rinsed out sink, the aroma that drifts up is great. It hits my senses and is very awakening. I used Purify by Rocky Mountain Oils in my scrub, which just smells like—clean! I love it!

Make your own scrub here.

Strawberry Chia Hemp Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

Quinoa For Breakfast – 3 Ways

Although it is a new year, quinoa is still my favorite breakfast. I just can’t get over how satisfying it is thanks to 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber in just one cup!

Quinoa is technically a seed, not a grain, and packs all nine essential amino acids your body needs. It contains iron, vitamin B, and my fav–the calming mineral, magnesium! This is just a few of the nutrients in quinoa, there are many more!

See 3 different ways to prepare quinoa for breakfast here.

Easy Steak Quesadillas. Nice and brown and crispy!

Easy Steak Quesadillas

Just placing that photo into this post made my mouth start watering, and I decided that it is what’s for dinner tonight! I want to make something quick, filling, and delicious. This recipe is perfect.

The steak is well seasoned and smells amazing while cooking. Between the scent of seasoned steak and the aroma of the bits of cheese that fall from the tortillas into the pan, your home will smell amazing and your people will come running!

We are not huge steak eaters around here, so having a few bite-sized bits of steak in a crispy tortilla was perfect for our family. We also don’t do a ton of cheese in our meals, so I love that it is easy to control the amount of cheese in this dish. Just sprinkle your preferred amount!

Get the recipe here.

Breast Cancer

7 Years Surviving Cancer

I reread this post and tears come to my eyes as I sit here typing in Starbucks. I take a sip of my grande Pike Place and swallow down the lump in my throat. Here is a tidbit:

“I feel overwhelmed when I think of all the life lived in 7 years.

So much growth. Many growing pains.

You are faithful through it all, by my side, guiding, whispering, present.

You know my thoughts… how I find it confusing to know how to feel about 7 years.”

Read the whole post here.


Simple Crepe Recipe & Toppings

Simple Go-To Crepe Recipe

You know when a recipe instantly brings back memories? This crepe recipe is like that for me. I remember my Avery getting a crepe maker for Christmas, I remember she made her Dad crepes for Father’s Day brunch, and I remember making crepes for my Teagan and the kids she nannied this summer–they ate them up! I also remember showing her boyfriend how to pour and flip the crepes. Many good memories have been made with this one recipe and I’m eager to make more!

Read how all our crepe memories started here.

Oven Roasted Sweet Potato Fries

Oven Roasted Sweet Potatoes

I have a bad habit with these oven-roasted sweet potatoes and it is called ‘straight from the oven’ snacking! If any potatoes do remain, I use them in wraps (they pair well with black beans), top my salad or lunch bowls (they are great eaten cold), will tuck them away in an omelet, or on top of my avocado toast.

See how to make them here.

Instant Pot Cincinnati Chili with Dark Chocolate

Instant Pot Cincinnati Chili With Dark Chocolate

The reason I LOVE Cincinnati chili is that the flavor is so rich and complex, thanks in part to dark chocolate. It also has cinnamon, cloves, allspice, a bay leaf, apple cider vinegar and Worcestershire sauce in the recipe. These layers of flavor make the chili dark and delicious!

Click through for the recipe and to see my teens dressed up for Halloween here.

7 Ways To Be Proactive With Your Health

7 Ways To Be Proactive With Your Health

It was good for me to reread these. I feel life tugging, making #3 feel harder to do and one that I need to be proactive and very protective of.  “Chill music, candles, a daily walk, yoga stretching, journaling, meditation…” Our cold weather is making daily walks hard and my treadmill is just not that appealing! C’mon springtime!!

Read some simple healthy living tips here.

My Everyday Health Decisions as A Cancer Survivor

Everyday Health Decisions As A Cancer Survivor

I sometimes work with brands here on the blog. This is a way to help support our family financially and cover the expenses of running this site. You all always cheer me on and I am so thankful for that! This post was sponsored by Tom’s of Maine and I had a blast working with this amazing brand. They were kind enough to send me a boatload (ok, more like a canvas bag full) of deodorant and I love and use it every day!

See why I use natural deodorant as a cancer survivor here.

Using a journal to count the gifts.

Morning Pages – A Journaling Technique Anyone Can Do

I’ve continued to do and love this simple journaling habit:

“Write 3 pages, in the morning, about anything you want.” 

I have found that pen to paper gives freedom to just breathe out my unedited thoughts which have been very therapeutic. Sometimes what I write it is deep, sometimes it is a list of to-do’s, sometimes it is an angry vent. It is always productive and a great way to get things off my brain and look inward at my heart. I finish feeling unburdened and free.

Read one of my journal entries, here.

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