My Anti-Procrastination List-It’s A Doozie!

As most of you know, I tend to procrastinate on things.  I’ve had some success in this area, but I want more!  I have found in the past that lists and accountability both work for me, which makes me very excited about “Anti-procrastination Tuesdays.” If you read my “Anti-procrastination Tuesdays” post, you know that I will be doing a weekly link party (starting this tuesday, March 9th) where we can all share what we tend to procrastinate on, and what we have accomplished each week.

 I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish, and have been jotting things down as they come to my mind.  I have come up with quite a list, which honestly is quite overwhelming to see how long it is!  I have to keep reminding myself that one step at a time is the way to go, and that I won’t be alone, because I am hoping you will join me on tuesdays to GET THINGS DONE!

 Below is the list I have together so far. I’m sure there is more that I am missing, but this is more than enough of a start! I thought sharing it with you would be a great way to be held accountable, and very convenient for me to have a running list of goals I want to reach on our tuesdays together.  I will cross things off as I accomplish them and also add new things, then share the highlights at “Anti-Procrastination Tuesdays” party.

chore charts for the girls, remade
make a master chore list 
print and hang a list of ideas kids can do when I hear “I’m bored!”
faith box for family prayer requests
continue ongoing birds and bees conversation with my girls:)
girls to write thank- you’s more regularly
discuss allowance with Todd
year round Joshua Tree 
new ideas for family devotions
“power of 3 chart”
routine charts made
“get in touch with regularly” list
have grandparents for brunch
have women’s Bible study group social in our home
keep up on emails, twitter, facebook, texts and phone messages-get a strategy
find lost library book
pay school $2.10 for forgotten lunch 
whiten teeth
clean out trunk
buy bolt for bike
go through family wardrobe
bring out spring/ summer clothes
pack up winter clothes
get rid of ants in basement-ew
put pics in frames and hang them up
decorate for spring
make laundry detergent
read a book a month (ongoing)
white board hung up
mirrors hung up
laundry under control
sort my clothes
take stuff to goodwill
make exercise a regular part of my week-ugh.
plan lil’ ones bday party
storage area in basement
 craft closet
boogie’ study closet

yearly physical
eye doctor
Papers and Lists:
organize paper in sorters on desk
reorganize filing cabinet
print recipes used regularly, put in binder
revamp emergency numbers/instructions binder
menu plans
print organized addresses; put in binder
make binder for magazine articles
computer safety family contract.
delete unwanted facebook emails
organize bookmarks on computer
organize stickies
add to kid sites
put addresses in mac online address book
learn how to make an imovie
birthdays into ical
groups and smart groups in address book
organize itunes
explore smart playlist, make some new ones
order guinea pig food and hay online to have delivered regularly
videos to dvds
organize reader, make “daily reads”folder
organize starred items in reader
organize my tweet deck
get more familiar with twitter
wash windows
clean grout on tile floor
clean behind stove/refrig
clean all ceiling fans
clean all light fixtures
clean mini blinds
clean shutters/windowsills
vacuum furniture
create Amazon store 
review some products
do a give-away

paint laundry room
paint bathroom
delete unwanted photos
back up photos onto cds
print photos
label photos

read up on gardening
call community gardens to reserve spot
In The Kitchen:
make homemade tortillas
try making homemade yogurt
make/freeze some make ahead meals
Circus Ponies Online Notebook: (it is an online, virtual binder)
make craft notebook
make recipe notebook
organize poetry notebook
make hairstylist notebook
make womens ministry notebook
list of books to read
make inspirational journal on notebook for blog ideas

Whew!!  Good thing there is no deadline to most of these things (ok.. maybe the ants:))

Do you plan on joining in on “Anti-procrastination” Tuesdays?  I’d love to have ya!
If so and you are a blogger, feel free to get my button from the sidebar to invite others to come.
This post is linked to:
Works For Me Wednesdays @Rocks In My Dryer

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  • New Nostalgia – Anti-Procrastination Tuesday #25
    May 12, 2014 at 2:22 am

    […] of what this is all about, read this post. To read my original “Doozy List,” read this post. To read my “Summer Doozy List” read this […]

  • giveitawhirl3
    April 27, 2010 at 5:07 am

    You are getting there! I’ve tried the make ahead and freeze meals with no luck! When you check this one off your list, let us know your knowledge so I can finally make it work for us!
    Any interest in trying to start a Bible study group through your site? just a thought!

  • se7en
    March 10, 2010 at 6:11 am

    Now that is one long to do list!!! And love circus ponies notebook!!! Have a good week!!!

  • Amy
    March 7, 2010 at 1:53 am

    Your enthusiasm and compliments are so appreciate. Welcome, glad you found me, and come back!

  • Vanessa
    March 4, 2010 at 6:09 pm

    P.S. Is that your kitchen? I LOVE!!!!!

  • Vanessa
    March 4, 2010 at 6:06 pm

    Hi there, I found you through M.writes and oh my goodness I love this blog! I love the concept of getting back to our simpler roots! I will be back for sure!

  • Amy
    March 4, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    Yes, please join me next tuesday! You are all giving me hope that I won’t have to party alone!

    Sunny-I have followed flylady for almost 6 years now, I love her!! Just think how long my list would be if I didn’t know flylady. lol. I love her motto “you can do anything in 15 minutes” I do great with her routines, horrible with her zone work. Do you use her system?

    Nope, not my kitchen…I wish. I got the photo off flickr and I’m trying to find the owner again so I can tell her how many compliments her kitchen gets!!

  • sunny
    March 4, 2010 at 6:50 pm

    I was thinking the same thing…that IS quite the list! – flylady would recommend tackling the projects 15 minutes at a time 🙂

    By the way, the photo in your banner is about THE prettiest kitchen photo I’ve ever seen online. I blogged about it when I found it. Something about the jars and the open shelving…

  • Formerly-Corn in My Coffee Pot
    March 4, 2010 at 6:16 am


    Whew! you make me tired just reading your list.

    I just posted some thoughts myself about prioritizing some things *I’d like to do* …not even mentioning all the procrastinating…
    these lists just grow don’t they?

    Well, I may join in next week and list the procrastinating nasty that plagues my days.
    Some how it makes us accountable though and then we are DESTINED to get it accomplished…SOME HOW.

  • Amy
    March 4, 2010 at 3:31 am

    Notice I didn’t give myself a deadline:)
    I have already accomplished about 4 things..not bad in one day. Its amazing what accountability will do!

  • Jenni
    March 4, 2010 at 3:20 am

    I hope you’re giving yourself until your youngest is off to college to finish all of these things!!!! =)

  • Lynn
    March 4, 2010 at 1:21 am

    Wow, that’s some list you have here! I am tired just looking at it 😉 I think I would like to concentrate on just one area to keep me from getting overwhelmed. I have noticed I have MANY crafts projects that are almost done but not quite. You have inspired me to drag some of them out and list them so I can quit procrastinating and actually finish ’em up!

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