Not anymore! In less than 45 minutes, the cabinet & 3 drawers were minimalized & organized. There was not much to giveaway, but a ton to throw away! Old, empty bottles, dried up polish, broken curling irons.
As you can see in the above picture, we keep towels (more on towels later), & first aid on the upper shelf. Underneath I have a bin for beauty products on the right, a bin for manicure supplies in the middle, & a bin of natural ingredients to make some of my natural beauty products…like Homemade Natural Lip Balm.
These cabinets are deep, which I love, so behind the bins I have several different sized curling irons.
The 2nd drawer holds all things hair. I have 3 girls. Age 13, 12 & 9. With girls comes lots of girly hair “stuff.”
~The first bucket has bobby pins and hair elastics.
~The second bucket has fun little bows that my 9 year old still wears.
~The third bucket has headbands that they all wear.
~The fourth bucket holds combs and brushes.
On to the bottom drawer.
Like I said, I am a cosmetologist/hairstylist. I have not worked in a salon for over 10 years but I still have fun doing friends/sisters/daughters hair. This bottom drawer is everything I need for that.
On to the process:
It only minutes to get to this stage, because I took everything to the dining room table.
I started with getting rid of obvious trash. I then started putting “like with like” into piles.
This is about halfway through. I washed the bins out as I went. They were gross.
Let’s talk towels. If you read my bathroom makeover post, you will know that we have hooks in our bathroom for towels. Each family member has their own hook and a different color. The towels you see here on the right are for guests. The towels you see on the left are old towels that I use when coloring peoples hair. The grey washcloths are…well..grey wash clothes. The girls and I use them to wash our faces.
I love our towel system. I am no longer washing towels 24/7, and I no longer have to cringe when I hear “SOMEBODY please bring me a towel” after a child gets into the shower without a towel. They are always there, on the hook, and I wash them once a week or more if needed.
Ok, I know this does not look minimal, especially the nail polish bin…BUT WE LOVE manicures around here. It is something we do often, as I AM a professional you know. It is something my girls like to do when they have friends over. Speaking of friends over, our neighbor girl was over when I was cleaning and she is the one who went through each and every nail polish, throwing out the ones that were old and thick. What a sweetie!
As far as beauty products, this is not too bad for a house of girls, huh?
More in this series:
New Nostalgia – Minimalize and Get Organized
May 13, 2014 at 2:07 pm[…] My Sunroom My Big Fail While Organizing and Minimalizing Rescuing My Stairs and A Hot Spot Minimalizing My Hall Closet and Drawers 14 Ways To Minimalize A Bedroom Some posts on organization: Organizing Our Refrigerator […]