Frugal/ FUN/DIY/ HOME/ Seasonal

“Going Green” Packages and Toppers

I just wrote a post about using recyclable products to wrap Christmas gifts.  I am using grocery bags for most of my wrapping this year, and the little gift card holders above will fit right in with my theme! They are so simple and cute.  I have random ribbon in my craft bin and alphabet stamps, so I am set!  I drew my sisters name for Christmas, and we both agreed that I will buy her an itunes gift card.  DON’T YOU JUST LOVE THAT?  I love sisters. I ask, she tells, done deal. She tried to talk me into just doing it online and skipping the gift card to make it easier on me (isn’t she great?  aw.) but I think she deserves one of these cute little homemade packages with her itunes card tucked safely inside.
Another thing to make with my grocery bags!
I don’t know if these were made out of recyclable materials, but they are inexpensive.  I have a tradition with family to stamp these tags every year.  The ink and stamp change yearly, its fun to anticipate what its going to be each year.
Ohhhh! I like, I like!  I am a sucker for anything polka dot or round.  My kids would have a blast punching all these little dots.  I may even spray my brown paper bag wrapped packages with adhesive and sprinkle them on!  It’s a party on a package!!
How very cool is this?  It is wrapped with newspaper (or phonebook page?) and the bow is made with strips of a magazine page.  Now that is what I’m talkin’ about!  Click here for detailed instructions from “How About Orange…”

The next 3 ideas are from this book, “Simply Green Giving” by Danny Seo.  I have already talked about this awesome book in my last post.  Looky at what else is in it..

Fun, right?  I have a ton some of these ancient VHS tapes laying around.  They are gonna get re-used this Christmas!  My kids will love pulling that stuff out, at least they did when they were toddlers!

This is so very brilliant.  How cute is that bow?  Guess what?  It smells good, too!
I love a good smell, so a smelly bow really got me excited!!
This bow is made from strips of perfume samples in magazines. Cut, staple, curl.
Now that I think about it, I wonder how that will smell, mixing all of those perfumes?
It could be good, but it could also be very, very bad!  Oh well, still a very fun idea!

Cut off sleeve, wrap present.  Tie with ribbon.  Lovely.
Ok. This one is in honor of my Sushi-loving sisters.
 They have tried and tried to get me to like sushi, but…
I gave it a good shot, and still get nauseous every time I think about it.
Seaweed is so very good for you, I really do wish I liked it!  Grrr.
These little sushi guys are pretty darn cute.
How fun would this be with a gift card to a sushi restaurant inside?  Wanna make em’? Click here.

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  • Amy
    December 12, 2009 at 8:15 am

    Meghan, that is a great idea, I bet that looked very cool.
    Miriam, was it very hard? I’m wondering if my girls can do it, we have yet to try..

  • Meghan
    November 16, 2009 at 6:44 pm

    Along the lines of using VHS tape as ribbon, I have had success using old 35 mm film as ribbon on a package for a photographer friend.

  • Miriam
    November 16, 2009 at 3:51 pm

    love this! we made the magazine strip bows last year…they are really fun!

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