Anti-Procrastination Tuesday #25

***Please read before linking.
There are 2 areas to link up, with 2 different themes.  Read more below and please link up in the right area.  Thanks!***
To learn more of what this is all about, read this post.
To read my original “Doozy List,” read this post.
To read my “Summer Doozy List” read this post.

I cannot believe it has almost been a month since our last “AP Tuesday!”  As many of you know, I have been battling breast cancer.  I am so happy to be back to my normal self for the moment and enjoy an “AP Tuesday” with you!  Please know that I have missed them and I am going to do my best to host them every week.  On the weeks I am not able, I will direct you to another blog that will be hosting them for me.

To catch up on details of my health journey, see my sidebar.  All blog posts that have to do with cancer are filed under the pink ribbon button.  For a daily, detailed update, click on the Caring Bridge button and it will take you to my daily journal hosted there at Caring Bridge.

I have a couple things on my “Anti-Procrastination” list this week:
#1–make a haircut appointment
I did this today and will be getting my hair cut to a short bob on Wednesday, to make losing it in a week or two a bit easier of a process.

#2–make a nutritional supplement plan
 This is something that I have been working on since my diagnosis, but due to nausea and a muddled brain, it just was not feasible until now.  I am not ok just tackling this stuff from a medical standpoint only, although that is a decision that we have strongly made, due to the advanced and aggressive nature of my cancer.  I have, and will continue to use food and nutrition as a very important part of my treatment.  Today I had my lab work done and my my counts were normal, which is so very encouraging and pleased my doctor very much!

Ok, on to the fun…

New Nostalgia

By far, the most clicked on “AP Themed” post was:

This was so very inspiring.  I’m going to take advantage of my mom’s extra help and do something similar, cuz my crafts supplies have gotten out of control!
The most clicked on “Flexible Themed” post was:
DYI Fall Topiaries @ Decor Chick
She saw something similar at Micheal’s for 19.99, and decided to make her own for much cheaper.
 Very smart!

All right, let’s get to linking!
Looking forward to seeing what you all have been up to!!
Be encouraged, Be Inspired, And Get Something Done!
***Stop And Read Before Linking!***
I will have 2 different themes for you to link to.  Please choose the correct theme, or I will need to delete your link.  Thanks!
*If you are a tweeter, hitting the tweet box at the bottom will help get the word out.

***”Anti-Procrastination” Themed:***
~things you want to accomplish (lists, goals)
~things you did accomplish
~thoughts on procrastination/ways you beat procrastination

***Flexible Themed***

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  • AliLilly
    September 21, 2010 at 11:23 pm

    I’ve been keeping my eye on you! 🙂 Your in my prayers every morning!! I’m glad your feeling up to hosting again!! We’ve missed AP Tuesdays! 🙂

  • Clean Mama
    September 21, 2010 at 8:57 pm

    So glad you feel up to hosting! Hang in there – praying for you and your family.

  • Bonnie @ House of Grace
    September 21, 2010 at 1:09 pm

    Thanks so much for the feature! I hope you are doing ok. You are amazing!
    Bonnie 🙂

  • Kristi
    September 21, 2010 at 1:18 am

    Thanks for hosting!! Hope you are feeling better!

    ~ The Speckled Dog

  • Andrea @
    September 21, 2010 at 4:24 am

    So glad you are feeling up to hosting! Now go get that haircut you always wondered if you could pull off!

  • Morgan@Meet Virginia
    September 21, 2010 at 3:37 am

    Thanks so much for hosting!!


    Come check out my Fashion Link Party Weekend Wear every Wednesday!!!

  • It Feels Like Chaos
    September 21, 2010 at 3:02 am

    So glad you are feeling up to your normal self for the moment! Praying for you to continue to feel well through your treatment, for your health and your family!

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