Anti-Procrastination Tuesday



Weekly Update

I am up to my elbows in all things crafty! IF: Gathering (a women’s conference) is this week and I am doing the decorations on a small budget, so that means getting crafty. It is amazing how one can find inexpensive things (like coffee filters, straws, Popsicle stickshula hoops, wine bottles, tiles, & paper grocery sacks) and make beauty out of them! All of the linked ideas have come from Pinterest or YouTube. What did we do before Pinterest?

I have had to let things go around the house as I am so focused on IF right now, so next week will be catch up week! We have a bigger space to decorate this year and room for more women, so decorating feels bigger this year. I love every minute of it, and I’m trying to let go of wanting my home to be in order at the same time.

It is so easy to think one can add a project or commitment and still expect other aspects of life to keep running smoothly, but oftentimes that is not reality. It is ideal in a balanced life, but life has a way of keeping us off-balance at times, even when trying to embrace slow living. Sometimes living fully means letting go of slow, and in those moments I work extra hard in keeping my mind slow & steady, focusing in on what matters, even if life is crazy busy for a period of time.

Want to know more about IF: Gathering? I wrote a post about it here. Gatherings are happening all over the US and Internationally, so if you are interested make sure to check and see if there is one by you!


Weekly Goals

Meal Plan — grocery list +5 meals

Rescue My Home — dust, sweep, vacuum, mop, bathrooms

Dates — my Todd, my girls, one close friend

Do a PinPaper Flowers — Making these for IF: Gathering decor!


Daily To-Do

Spiritual –journal, Scripture, pray, meditate

Move Body–walk, yoga or strength training

Hydrate + Nutrients –leafy greens & berries, vitamins, water, powdered greens

One Full Load — dishwasher & laundry

Cleaning, Clutter & Computer Zones — {living room}, {IF:Decor}, & {tasks in gmail}


Ap-poster copy

{want this FREE printable? keep scrolling}

Specific Goals

Continue reading: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Finish reading: Take Me With You

Start reading:Katharina & Martin Luther

Finish making all  IF: Local Gathering decor

Decorate for IF:Local



Recipes I’m Making Week

“Best Recipe I Ever Messed Up” Bars

Spinach Salad topped with Chicken Strips

Instant Pot Whole Rotisserie Chicken

Beef Tacos

Crockpot Bone Broth –every week (made it in Instant Pot this coming soon!)

Instant Pot Yogurt –every week

Spaghetti with Grass Fed Beef

Green Smoothie For Kids (and adults)



Watch my Instagram Stories for a glimpse of the making of these recipes. I often capture my cooking process!



What are you wanting to get done this week?

What recipes are you planning on making?

Are you on Pinterest? Share a favorite pin you want to accomplish.



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