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Frugal/ Gardening/ HOME/ Homemaking

My Simple Potted Plants

Follow New Nostalgia


I kept my potted plants simple and cheap this year! My energy has been down and I really didn’t want to spend a lot of money on plants. I’d rather save it for making fun summer memories with my girls!

Here is what I did:


2 Green pots of Dalias to greet my guests at the stairs by my front porch


1 Galvanized Steel Bucket holding herbs and a Mother’s Day gift from my Mother-in-Law


1 pot of my favorite funky spiral grass named Corkscrew or Juncus effusus ‘Curly Wurly’ that I plant every year.  It is so easy to keep happy and I love how fun it looks.

1 pot of plain jane red geraniums (pictured above).  They are the cheapest way to add color and take very little care.


1 pot of snap dragons.  They were on sale and I wanted to add a pop of yellow to my backyard.

All in all, I only spent $25.00 for potted plants for both the back and front yard.  Not bad, huh?  They are nothing fancy, but they sure make me happy and make our little yard look thought of and taken care of.


What did you plant this year? Do you plant the same types of flowers every year?

DIY/Crafts/ FUN/DIY/ Gardening

11 Ways To Start Thinking Garden


Grow Food Indoors via Ebay

{microgreens, sprouts & more!}


Simple Painted Rock Plant Markers

{could not find the link to these, but they were too cute to not share! Could use a white or silver Sharpie}


The Ultimate Seed Starting Guide via Garden Therapy

{this truly is the ultimate seed starting guide.  Click through for some awesome inspiration and how-to’s!}


Using Tubs As Greenhouses via Garden Web

{use paper cups instead of styrofoam to be more eco-friendly}




Herbs You Can Grow Indoors via Empress Of Dirt

{there is nothing like having something green and edible indoors, even while it is cold outdoors}




Use Coffee Filters To Line Flowerpots via This Old House

{could even double up for extra protection. Less mess!}


Start Seedlings In Egg Cartons Via Planet Forward

{love this simple way to recycle}


Grow Sprouts  via The Thrifty Couple

{grow sprouts in a sunny windowsill indoors}


Square Foot Gardening via New Nostalgia

{I just love my square foot garden. This picture was taken of  me right before I was diagnosed with stage 3b breast cancer. Oh how life changed! So thankful to be here for another garden growing season!}



Set Up A Mailbox In The Garden To Store Tools via Home and Garden

{I think this idea is great.  It would keep tools handy and protect them from wet weather.}



How To Grow Plants In Mason Jars

{you know I had to include something with mason jars! I grow succulents in mason jars and they are wonderfully happy!}


What about you?

Are you ready to start gardening?  Is it cold where you live or are you able to work the dirt now?

DIY/Crafts/ FUN/DIY/ Kids/Family

Outdoor Chalkboard


I have had this outdoor chalkboard project pinned to my Home: Yard boards for over a year now.  Making an outdoor chalkboard has been on the back of my brain in “projects to definitely do” file and I still can’t believe we actually FINALLY got to it.  It was such an easy project– I’m not sure why we put it off for so long.


We have been busy making our teeny tiny backyard a family gathering place, and this chalkboard adds so much fun without taking up space.

This project cost us about $40.00.  It helped that I already had chalkboard paint left over from this indoor chalkboard project.  All I had to purchase was the plywood and primer.


Paint brush and roller

Kilz outdoor primer

Chalkboard paint



6 Galvanized Wood Screws

Small bucket + chalk + eraser + jute or rope to hang the bucket


My eleven year old Avery was the perfect partner for this project.  She delighted in ever detail, and I made sure each step was a fun bonding process with her.  This summer has been such a great time of slow living, and this project is the perfect example of how slow living doesn’t mean lazy & boring living.  Just purposeful & meaningful living.

We took our jeep to our local hardware store.  We asked for a 4×8 plywood sheet.  They had one for $20.00.  I grabbed a small can of Kilz primer and 6 galvanized wood screws.  We had the rest of the supplies at home.


On the way to the hardware store, we stopped for a fun little snack of bubble tea.  I am determined to learn how to make our own bubble tea, and visited the asian store next to the bubble tea cafe and picked up the supplies.  I will share how in an upcoming post!

The super nice guys from the hardware store helped me tie the plywood to the top of our jeep, and even supplied the rope.  They made it really easy on us.  We drove the few blocks home carefully and with giggles, feeling quite proud of ourselves.

We untied the wood from the jeep, and I carefully slid it down the jeep to my girl.  Teamwork!  We saved the rope, it would be perfect for hanging the chalk bucket.

~We set the plywood on some plastic storage containers in the driveway, and started sanding.  We did not go for perfectly smooth; we just got rid of potential slivers and made sure the front and edges were sanded.

~We dusted the plywood then applied a coat of Kilz to the front, back and edges.


~We let it dry for 3 hours, then applied a coat of chalkboard paint to the front and edges only.

~We let it dry overnight and applied a second coat of chalkboard paint to the front and edges the next morning, then hung it up that evening.

~I taught little one learn how to use the drill, and she pre-drilled 6 holes in the wood, 3 on each side.

~We were determined to hang the board all by ourselves, and did so with the help of some stacks of books to hold the board up.  It would have been easier to wait for Dad to get home from work, but we wanted to do it ourselves!  It was a bit humorous as one book stack fell and we had to re-stack it.


~Using the power drill with a screwdriver bit, we screwed it into the wall making sure we hit studs (it is the side of our garage, and the studs were easy to find as they are exposed in our garage), and tied a little bucket of chalk with holes drilled into the bottom for water drainage.  We are counting on the rain to be our friend and help us wash the board clean…or the hose will do just fine too! No chalk mess! We used a nail to hang the bucket and then gave each other a high-five.


The chalkboard paint we used suggest drying time of 48 hours, then directed us to cover the entire chalkboard in chalk and then erase it. This layer of chalk dust primes the board for future artistic fun.


The board has been much, much fun.  We have played many drawing games & had fun with our shadows at sunset.


It gives our family one more thing to do while we are hanging out in the yard.  While Avery and I were busy making silly shadows, Dad relaxed with a book, sister Colsie took over the hammock, and Teagan shot some hoops. Being purposeful with creating an outdoor space is working and it makes my heart so happy to see the family out there enjoying it!

Chalkboard-PinThis project came about thanks to Project Denner ‘s awesome post, who was inspired by OhDeeDoh.
