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pumpkin pie


Perfect Pumpkin Pie With A Secret Ingredient

perfect pumpkin pie pin

I’ve posted this Perfect Pumpkin Pie recipe before, but had to revisit it. This post has better photos and a little story about old and new neighbors, and how this is one of those recipes that have become a part of our lives, a tradition that just keeps going and giving. Funny how food can do that.

This pie was first made for us by our neighbors who recently moved away to New York. We miss them, and especially think of them this time of year. Every fall they would bring this amazing pumpkin pie over, usually warm from the oven, and it was always just the PERFECT pumpkin pie, one that I looked forward to all year.

baked perfect pumpkin pie

Yes, we miss our neighbors, but we now have new neighbors that we are just getting to know; a young couple with the cutest little toddler. I wanted to take over a baked good, and decided this Perfect Pumpkin Pie would be very appropriate to take to them. It is October when everyone is craving fall flavors, it makes 2 (so we got to keep one), and it keeps the sweet tradition that my dear neighbors started. A recipe that just keeps giving!

perfect pumpkin pie ingredients

My neighbor was kind enough to share the recipe, and when he did, there were 2 ingredients that caught my eye and I understood why this was the best pumpkin pie I’ve ever had. Those 2 ingredients?

Heavy cream and molasses.

The heavy cream is a key ingredient, it makes this pie super divine, but molasses is the SECRET ingredient that gives this pie a darker- than- normal shade, and an amazing depth of flavor, almost like someone used extra EXTRA dark brown sugar.  Let not leave out the spices — they are just perfect. I do not like an over-spiced pie!

Pumpkin pie crust

pumpkin pie crusts

I love using these organic, hearty whole wheat pie shells. They make this pie so simple to make. Don’t forget to buy two!

Maybe this can become a tradition for you and your neighbor, too?


Perfect Pumpkin Pie 

{This recipe is from Open Harvest Cookbook. Nancy Sauer’s great-aunt’s recipe, handed down via grandmother and mother.}
4 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 cup brown sugar
2 (15 ounce) can of pumpkin puree (or 3 cups homemade pumpkin puree, see below)
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
2 cup milk
1 cup heavy cream
4 tablespoons molasses

2 pie shells

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Have 2 pie crusts for 9-inch deep-dish pie ready.  Mix all ingredients together and beat until smooth.  Pour into waiting pie crust.  Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, then turn oven down to 350 degrees for 45 minutes.  It is done when you can insert a knife into the center and it comes out clean.  After cooling, store in refrigerator.


How to Bake Pumpkin
Cooked pumpkin can be used in many pumpkin foods besides pie, such as cakes, breads, muffins, puddings or even ice cream.

Select a variety of pumpkins for pies.  (I like small sugar pumpkins)  Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Cut pumpkin in half horizontally.  scoop out seeds.  Select a baking dish with sides.  Place pumpkin cut-side down in baking dish.  Pour in water to fill about an inch high.  Bake until a fork can easily be poked in the pumpkin.  A 41/2 pound pumpkin will take about 11/2 hours.  Drain.  Cool before processing.  Yields: 4 cups.


baked perfect pumpkin pie


Perfect Pumpkin Pie (a secret ingredient!)

 Perfect pumpkin pie

We have the best neighbors, for many reasons.  One being, they bring homemade goodies over occasionally.  This recipe for Perfect Pumpkin Pie IS perfect.  Our neighbors made it for us and after one bite I knew I had to have the recipe.  I like pumpkin pie, but this pie…I LOVED!  I even hid the last couple pieces and had one for breakfast.  {sneaky grin.}

I eat a high-plant, low sugar diet, so it takes a very special recipe to get me to cheat.  This recipe did just that!  It is only for special occasions, but hey, it DOES have pumpkin in it.  A plant!! 😉

The secret ingredient is molasses.  I knew there was something special in it, that made it extra good… I kept thinking brown sugar, because of the depth of almost caramel-like flavor. The spices are just perfect… I do not like an over-spiced pie.  The heavy cream is another key ingredient, it makes this pie super divine.



Ancestral Pumpkin Pie
{This recipe is from Open Harvest Cookbook. Nancy Sauer’s great-aunt’s recipe, handed down via grandmother and mother.}

2 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 (15 ounce) can of pumpkin puree (or 11/2 cups homemade pumpkin puree, see below)
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons molasses

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Have pie crust for 9-inch deep-dish pie ready.  Mix all ingredients together and beat until smooth.  Pour into waiting pie crust.  Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, then turn oven down to 350 degrees for 45 minutes.  It is done when you can insert a knife into the center and it comes out clean.  After cooling, store in the refrigerator.


How to Bake Pumpkin
Cooked pumpkin can be used in many pumpkin foods besides pie, such as cakes, breads, muffins, puddings or even ice cream.

Select a variety of pumpkins for pies.  (I like small sugar pumpkins)  Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Cut pumpkin in half horizontally.  scoop out seeds.  Select a baking dish with sides.  Place pumpkin cut-side down in baking dish.  Pour in water to fill about an inch high.  Bake until a fork can easily be poked in the pumpkin.  A 41/2 pound pumpkin will take about 11/2 hours.  Drain.  Cool before processing.  Yields: 4 cups.

{For Your Pinning Pleasure}

pumpkin pie pin

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